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Hey anti-worst, you took one of mine (Deion Sanders one).

C'mon Sandy baby, relax.
- John Riggins, highly intoxicated, at a black tie affair, to Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor.

He might be president, but I'm king for the day
- John Riggins speaking of President Reagan after his SB MVP performance.

my ma goes about three bills.
- Craig Ironhead Hayward when asked if his propensity for weight gain is familial.
Originally posted by RatPack:
DON MEREDITH "Turn out the lights... the party's over".

Back when football wasn't flag or touch.

In the booth during the game, Gifford, Scotch and Rocks, Cosell, Manhattan, Dandy Don, whiskey neat. No question it was taking place.

What would today's equivalent booth look like?

Gifford - Steve Largent. He's a hunter, can toss around a vulgarity with the best of them, Polititian, Football smart. Timeline between playing is about right.

Dandy Don - Tough one. Hate to say it but Brett Favre might be the guy.

Cosell - The toughest. Has to be an opinionated divisionalist that no one loves but sort of appreciates becasue it invokes intelligent discussion and the other two guy's in the booth can't really tolerate but know he's helping them out at the same time while realizing he know's very little about playing the game but has covered sports for years. Isn't that Skip Bayless?

So we have a booth of Largent, Favre, and Bayless. Who's not waiting for that each week? Relax, it's 2012. It will never happen. Which is why Gifford, Dandy Don, and Cosell will never happen again. And that sucks.
"Chicago is a tough guy town" copyright Mike Tice

"That's what I call ******* journalism" copyright Denny Green

“There is a package where if (the Buccaneers) were in a certain personnel group Ahmad Carroll could start. There is a package where if they're in another personnel group that Joey Thomas would start.” copyright Mike Sherman

"Anybody got the autopsy back? I expected to see the coroner instead of you guys (reporters)" copyright Lindy Infante

"We've got to get a third light on the scoreboard in case they hit 100" copyright Jerry Glanville
I always like Lou Holtz quotes (ok so it is college):

"If you burn your neighbors house down, it doesn't make your house look any better."

"If you're bored with life - you don't get up every morning with a burning desire to do things - you don't have enough goals."

"If what you did yesterday seems big, you haven't done anything today."

"Motivation is simple. You eliminate those who are not motivated."

"I can't believe that God put us on this earth to be ordinary."

"When all is said and done, more is said than done."

"Don't tell your problems to people: eighty percent don't care; and the other twenty percent are glad you have them."

"On this team, we're all united in a common goal: to keep my job."

"Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it."

"The problem with having a sense of humor is often that people you use it on aren't in a very good mood."

I could find one on his WIN philospohy - WIN stands for What's Important Now. He explained one time how he expects his assitances to use that principle to prioritize their to-do list.
Not sure how many of these are accurate, but from the immortal and always eloquent Bill Peterson (former Oilers Coach):

you guys line up alphabetically by height.

Men, I want you just thinking of one word all season. One word and one word only: Super Bowl.

“You guys have to run a little more than full speed out there.”

Lead us in a few words of silent prayer.”

I want you guys to pair up in groups of three and then line up in a circle.”

"I'm the football coach around here and don't you remember it."

"I used to have this slight speech implement and couldn't remember things before I took the Sam Carnegie course."

Just remember the words of Patrick Henry - 'Kill me or let me live.'

"The greatest thing just happened to me. I just got indicted into the Florida Sports Hall of Fame. They had a standing observation for me."

Bill Peterson also famously refered to Auburn running back Tucker Fredrickson as that F@*ker Tedrickson on the radio....

"stand on your helmet and put the sidelines under your left arm."

"I'm not surprised that Dallas is starting five nonregulars against us. I know I'd do it if I were in Tom Landry's position. In fact, I'd like to be playing Houston myself."

When asked if he thought it would rain the day of the game; "How would I know, I am not a geologist".

When an announcer stated that the other team game us several turnovers on their own part of field; "Yes sir, I have never been one to look a sawhorse in the mouth".

Once when they were losing big at halftime, he addressed the team to try to get them pumped up; "Men, I know you'r down and discouraged, but you have to stay strong and fight. Go back to your days of the Bible. How do you think Jonah felt after he ate that darn whale".

When after runing a little slant pass in practice, over and over again, one of the players said "Coach we have it down". He replied, "you don't just do something a few times and think you have it down. You have to work at it and do it until you can do it in your sleep. Go back to you days in the bible, do you think David just picked up that rock and got lucky and hit Goliath? No sir, he came home after work every day and set old beer bottles and tomato cans on the fence and practiced".
Bill Peterson was a classic. "If you think I'm gonna take a damn loss standing down, you've got another thought coming."

Also, "We're going out there this first half and we're gonna explode like a bomb. Then, the second quarter we're just gonna get higher. Third quarter, we're gonna get higher. And the fourth quarter we're just gonna catch on fire. Now that's our game plan, and we're just gonna go out and do it like that."

Finally: "You can't play like that here. Hell, you're in your home state!"
Yoop, great stuff!

How the heck did you remember this guy?
Is he related to Yogi?

Maynard, great post as well! That video would be timely in any number of threads, whether it be penalties, how the game has changed/is changing, or player safety/concussion.
I had intended to just watch the first few minutes, but wound up watching the entirety, noting the differences in tackling between those eras and now and what wasn't a penalty then would get a player fined, if not suspended, nowadays.
There's a great quote from Deacon Jones (beginning at 8:19) talking about how he walked away from 14+ years of football without a scratch. I can't help but wonder if he still feels the same today?

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