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Originally Posted by Cheezers:
Originally Posted by Music City:
Weeks really has no business getting any playing time at this point.  3 pitches, sit down. Pathetic...

Says a lot that Weeks doesn't even go to 2nd base after his PH.  Go Go Jr moves over and finishes the game at 2nd.

I think GoGo jr was in at 3rd base, for a few innings after he PRan for LuCroy and Herrera for Aram in the 9th.

Last edited by trump

One more loss and the Brewers might as well kiss it all good-bye since the other guys are getting wins.  10 games left and no margins for mistakes anymore.  But you never know until you know.  A big win tomorrow might do a lot to make things work out.


It was a historic season both the first half and then the second half.  Unfortunately, one half was good and the other half bad.

Another crap loss.  This team just does not have "it".  Instead of finding a way to win games, they find ways to lose.  And tonight it all started with Reynolds having his head up his ass.  All the opportunities in the 9th, 10th, and 11th to push across a run, pissed away.

Jimmy Nelson has gone from promising young starter, to doesn't belong in the bigs.


Man I hate the Cardinals.  Go Pirates!  Maybe Milwaukee can roll over and help Pittsburgh win the division.

BTW, nice articles out there how the classy Cardinals organization and classy players(namely Holliday) PooPoo the schit out of Players using PEDs and then conveniently signed Jhonny Peralta to big contract on the heels of his 50 gamer last year. The Cardinal way seems to be "talking out of both sides of their mouths" IMO.
Crew have had their chances to stick it back to the Cardinals with some Fiers type inside pitching over the last few years and chose not to. F??? Crew coaching/mgmt right now .... IMO Attanasio might be in some trouble if there is not a quasi shakeup in Crewland.
The level of frustration from all above makes me want to punch some dolls. IMO, we are damn close to starting over yet again, damn close.

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