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Did it occur to anyone that perhaps the NFL did in fact look at the forecast and made a conscious decision to play the game on Sunday instead of Saturday BECAUSE of the frigid temps?  


Think about it.  Lambeau Field... Frozen Tundra... Ice Bowl II...  It's a great matchup at a historic venue in conditions that Packer football is notorious for.  

Originally Posted by Pakrz:
Think about it.  Lambeau Field... Frozen Tundra... Ice Bowl II...  It's a great matchup at a historic venue in conditions that Packer football is notorious for.  

um...Ice Bowl III?


I flew back for the Carolina NFCC game in January 1997....that was brutal....and from what I'm hearing, the Wild Card game today is suppose to be worse....maybe worse than Ice Bowl I.  


But...I bought a certified NFL hat at Lambeau the day of the that game and it says on the hat: Ice Bowl II. 


So, today's game against the Whiners must be Ice Bowl III.


so there!


I believe it was 0 to -1 at gametime with a -23 windchill. This game looks like it will be similar to that one, though I don't know how the NFL calculates these cold games. Is it the temperature at the time the game starts or do they calculate the coldest point of the game? 3rd...especially 4th quarter will be looking at definitely something in the sub zero range with windchills easily surpassing -20+. At least this time we won't see Coughlin's frightening face in that weather


gonna be extremely cold either way, but we've had colder games before and players were fine. No reason for this game to be moved. Nonsense talk

Obviously a little money is involved....and the sport renders it's participants senseless and crippled after a couple of years, so what''s a little cold...but as I'm sure many on this board can attest, frostbite effects a person forever.  You can help everyone out by shortening the TV timeouts and extending the half time---As pointed out earlier by Oshbaul--there is no reason that a 60 minute game can't be played in 90 minutes or  120 minutes...This crap of scoring a touchdown...3 minutes of commercials, kicking off ...three minutes of commercials--is the reason I record games and watch them an hour or two after the fact..Stop that nonsense when the temps fall below 5 degrees and it wouldn't be as bad.

that high temperature of 8 degrees is probably right now.    I was just out and about and my temp gauge said 6 degrees and I'll bet by halftime it's probably going to be close to 0.  The other factor is that the wind is supposed to pick up to around 20-23mph whereas now it's more like 15-16mph.    Still, tomorrow is going to be downright awful so if there is a silver lining that might be it (they are playing today).

Originally Posted by Esox:

Packers' Nation = WE!!!!!

I have been to 4 final games of the season at lambeau since 1995 so I have been to some cold games. 2001 vs the Browns being the coldest out of them (95 vs Steelers, 03 vs Broncos and 09 vs hags). I know where I would like to be if I was there today, club seats. I'd go if I could but then I would not be here enjoying the winter wonderland that is central Illinois.


things have changed because in 95 we brought in sleeping bags and blank sets filled with Uf-das from New glarus. It made the game seem much warmer.

Last edited by CHEEZE

time to put a roof on lambeau. frigid playoffs are not conducive to this team any more and the cold gives the Packers no advantage. Plus the economical advantage to the team would be beneficial with potential Super Bowls or other championship events.  Love tradition and hate change but teams going to Green Bay during playoff time are not awed or scared by the cold anymore. Make the stadium a home field advantage for the home team. It is a shame the Packers are better off to go on the road during playoff times to play their best while the home field affects their game plan.  

FloridaRob, a roof won't help when you are talent and fundamentally poor on defense.  This defense sucked in Detroit, it sucked in Lambeau, it would suck on Mars if they played games there.


Even if the Pack got past this game, I figured Cam Newton would have looked like a hall of famer next week in pristine conditions.  I agree the defense wasn't the only problem vs. Frisco, but when the Pack needed the D to step up with 5 minutes to go, they folded. Until that unit is vastly improved, this team will not win another title no matter what type of stadium or surface they play on.


Originally Posted by EC Pack:

Even with a dome, no Super Bowl, ever.  Not enough lodging.


Not currently. But I believe the Packers have been slowly buying up land around the stadium with the intent of building a multi-purpose complex, including hotels. Other NFL teams have owners who have businesses generating revenue that they can use for their team if they chose. Think about the Packers having a hotel and entertainment complex around Lambeau with 365 day use? All their revenue can go back into the team... no owner lining his pockets or caring for his drunkard brother -in-law, and no shareholders expecting dividends or ROI. Only one thing matters for the Packer's fans/owners - WIN.

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