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Yeah, yeah. Great win and all. But this is the game that matters.

Game is moved to 3:30 with Seattle and NO playing at the same time.

No matter though. Don't care about those games. Just beat these punks.


Bless where his hear is tonight.

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Get the 1 seed, make all the warm weather/dome boys come to Lambeau in January. BYE would be nice to get everyone healthy and rested. I expect we will get a nice revenge game against Tompa the snow...with Rodgers feeling pissed about how poorly he played against them last time. Then it means either the Saints or Russell Wilson comes to Lambeau for the NFCC. Drew Brees noodle arm in the cold would be funny and Lambeau has been a nightmare for Russ (0-4).

Last edited by Grave Digger
@DH13 posted:

Bears are rolling with a ton of mo.  This won't be a blowout.

Let’s, umm, slow the whole “rolling” schtick. They have played better, sure. But let’s not act like they’ve put up huge numbers against any defense worth a damn.

They’ve beaten:

4-11 Houston (26th in D)

6-9 Minnesota (28th)

1-14 Jacksonville (31st)

All understood.  They took a JAX D that gave GB fits to the woodshed. Division games are almost always competitive.  GB should win but this won't be as easy as we thought it would be a month ago.  If y'all want to clutch your pearls over that, feel free.

@Boris posted:

In this League, I've learned to never count on another team to help you along. So, let's just beat the Bears and then, kick butt in the play-offs! GO PACK, GO!!!

Last edited by mrtundra

I am posting below the all time greatest video ever posted on YouTube. I must have watched it 100 times. I have fond memories of watching this game live in a sports bar in Santa Barbara as the only Packer fan in a place filled with Bear fans. And to watch them silently, angrily stalk out after the Cobb touchdown is a sight I will never forget.

They knew Jay didn't have it in him to change the outcome.

@FLPACKER posted:

Anyone see anything on Wagner injury? Prospect of Patrick & Turner blocking Hicks & Mack does not exactly infuse me with confidence

Patrick played RG in the 1st meeting vs the Bears.   Nicks didn't play, but the Packers absolutely dominated between the tackles in the ground game.   Jones had 90 and Williams had 70 with nearly all of it coming between the tackles.

@DH13 posted:

Bears are rolling with a ton of mo.  This won't be a blowout.

Bears have slayed some Bums, but the warts remain. Packers are the better team but the Bears will keep this game closer than the last.

Bears by 1.

In the WK 12 game, the Packers 1st offensive play was an 11 yarder to Big Dog. That was the first scripted play. MiLF must be working overtime thinking up all the options he has with this offense.


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@H5 posted:

Perfect scenario for Packers fan. Beat the Bears to take #1 seed. Bears get in playoffs after LAR beat ARI. Trubisky gets new contract.

Jared Goff is probably out for Sunday. Their backup QB is John Walford, who has never thrown a pass in the NFL. Arizona should be heavily favored

@Henry posted:

Hang 62 on 'em.

Hell yes!  Even though its been 40 years since the 61-7 beatdown I still want to return the favor in a big big way. 

I will be in a room full of FIB inlaws during that game and nothing would give me greater joy than the Packers curb stomping the Bores.

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