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He’s having the best year a Packer punter has ever had. Damn Ewe Gute!! 😀😀

"Bojorquez ranks fourth in the NFL with a 43.8-yard net average. In the past 45 years, the Packers never had a punter finish in the NFL’s top five in net punting. Only seven times has a Packers punter finished in the top 10." Good stuff from
Last edited by packerboi

There’s so many, it’s kind of hard to pick which Packers’ win over the Bears was my favorite.

From a pure elation standpoint, #1 for me personally was that β€œInstant Replay” game in 1989.  The Bears had absolutely owned the Packers from β€˜85 - β€˜88.  I watched that β€˜89 game in my college dorm lounge with a fun combo of likable Bears fans and Packers’ fans.  That TD pass by Majkowski that was at first ruled a penalty but then ruled a TD was just a fantastic couple of moments.  When he threw that TD, I think I jumped almost as high as Pat Connaughton I was so happy.

Certainly the most important win was the NFC title win over the Bears in January 2011.  I felt almost more relieved than elated, as I just feared the Pack would blow it.  I think I was too emotionally spent from the awesomeness of the Falcons game the week before which was the most enjoyable Packers win I have ever seen.

@fightphoe93 posted:

From a pure elation standpoint, #1 for me personally was that β€œInstant Replay” game in 1989.  The Bears had absolutely owned the Packers from β€˜85 - β€˜88.  I watched that β€˜89 game in my college dorm lounge with a fun combo of likable Bears fans and Packers’ fans.  That TD pass by Majkowski that was at first ruled a penalty but then ruled a TD was just a fantastic couple of moments.  When he threw that TD, I think I jumped almost as high as Pat Connaughton I was so happy.

I think the Frig phenomenon was the culmination of 2 decades worth of embarrassing Packer teams. The way Ditka and media in tandem rubbed salt in that wound will forever be a reminder how bad it got for this organization. I'm partial to the MNF game where Bert ran one in from 40-50 yards. But the way the Pack have dominated in the overall series to not only catch CHI but now add to the lead is the most gratifying to me. The 4/12 eras will be special always for that feat alone.

@fightphoe93 posted:

There’s so many, it’s kind of hard to pick which Packers’ win over the Bears was my favorite.

From a pure elation standpoint, #1 for me personally was that β€œInstant Replay” game in 1989.  The Bears had absolutely owned the Packers from β€˜85 - β€˜88.  I watched that β€˜89 game in my college dorm lounge with a fun combo of likable Bears fans and Packers’ fans.  That TD pass by Majkowski that was at first ruled a penalty but then ruled a TD was just a fantastic couple of moments.  When he threw that TD, I think I jumped almost as high as Pat Connaughton I was so happy.

Certainly the most important win was the NFC title win over the Bears in January 2011.  I felt almost more relieved than elated, as I just feared the Pack would blow it.  I think I was too emotionally spent from the awesomeness of the Falcons game the week before which was the most enjoyable Packers win I have ever seen.

Any win over the Bores is a great memory.

My favorites are in no particular order

The Chester Marcol game

The 89 game

The MNF game at Chicago in the monsoon when the Pack spoiled the Butkus ceremony

NFC Championship.  It was so sweet beating them there and spoiling the FIBS hopes and dreams

@michiganjoe posted:

Wood's really good piece on Bojo is here and it's not behind a paywall. Difficult to make a SB run with Scott as your punter and credit to Gutey for acknowledging and fixing his mistake.

Most pay walls are auto-generated by the number of impressions a link/website receives to maximize revenue. Which is why this is now paywalled.


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Not good.

@ByRyanWood:  Matt LaFleur says Randall Cobb "is going to be out for awhile. He had a pretty significant injury." A tough break for #Packers as Cobb was coming off his best half all season.

@TomSilverstein:  Sounds like WR Randall Cobb will be out for a number of weeks after suffering "a pretty significant injury." LaFleur didn't say it, but it could be one of those core muscle injuries that some of other WRs such as Allen Lazard had. Generally requires surgery if that's the case.

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MLF already tempering expectations for Amari Rodgers.


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@michiganjoe posted:

MLF already tempering expectations for Amari Rodgers.


The NFL game is way too much for him right now.

@michiganjoe posted:

MLF already tempering expectations for Amari Rodgers.

You have to think he's either in 12's dog house (less likely) or MLF/Hackett's (more likely).

You just sense they don't trust him. And that could be him not studying the tape enough or just not knowing the offense. That was apparently MVS' issue as well his early years. Then he buckled down and got it together. Hoping #8 does the same.   

@packerboi posted:

You have to think he's either in 12's dog house (less likely) or MLF/Hackett's (more likely).

You just sense they don't trust him. And that could be him not studying the tape enough or just not knowing the offense. That was apparently MVS' issue as well his early years. Then he buckled down and got it together. Hoping #8 does the same.   

Green Bay social scene has that effect on young players. Lots of temptations out there . Tons of distractions.

@Henry posted:

I think I'd put ESB ahead of Lazard unfortunately.  Not sure what what lit the fire but ESB is playing fast and confident all of sudden.  I think he's going to be more and more of a legit target in the home stretch.

Personally I think he was gunshy after his injuries (first the elbow then the knee).  He was playing scared.  Then getting cut and signed to the practice squad probably caused him to re-evaluate his priorities. 

Got his chance, went for it, took some hits, didn't die. Problem solved.  Like you said, fast and confident.

@packerboi posted:

You have to think he's either in 12's dog house (less likely) or MLF/Hackett's (more likely).

You just sense they don't trust him. And that could be him not studying the tape enough or just not knowing the offense. That was apparently MVS' issue as well his early years. Then he buckled down and got it together. Hoping #8 does the same.   

A few weeks back, the Packers called a screen play to Amari Rodgers on the left side of the formation. AR12 threw what looked like an inaccurate pass and the color analyst (I believe it was Aikman) went into a long discussion about how Amari Rodgers ran the route incorrectly and AR12 had thrown the ball where the offensive scheme was designed for it to be. Aikman said that Amari Rodgers was  a young player who hadn't gotten used to doing things as rigorously as they needed to be done in the offense. While I'm sure Aikman was right, there was no way he could have known that unless he'd have been tipped off to it in the pre-game meetings with either AR12 or MLF. When you are at Clemson and blowing everyone out in 11 of your 14 games, you don't have to be too worried about running a sharp route. When you are in the NFL and the play call requires you to run parallel 3 yards behind the LOS so Rodgers can slightly lead you to the LOS and you can immediately see the blocking on a WR screen, that means you can't run the route 3 yards different from that even if it is still open.

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