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Originally Posted by MEl-Ka-Bong:



Mary Ann.


Didn't see that coming, didja?

Now that you mention it, Dom does have that certain understated coy midwestern slutty vibe thingy going for him.


Must be the plugs.

Thought this was the case while watching live. Oy.

@Michael_Cohen13: Jared Abbrederis played 1 snap on offense against the Rams — the kneel down to end the game. Jeff Janis played 0 snaps on offense.

Last edited by ilcuqui

I gotta think Abby the Concussed has to see the field in the next few weeks.  He's got one year of exposure to the play book and we know he's not a drooler like The Professor*.  Granted he needs to acclimate but some spot duty seems likely.  



Originally Posted by Boris:

They're saving him for the playoffs / Super Bowl.


I think Janis can run a go route up the seam, from what I've seen in the pre-season.


Problem is, the defense will know exactly what's coming as soon as he comes into the game. Unless it isn't on tape.


Boot = Genius

You are assuming we will make the Super Bowl workout Janis' performance as a deep threat. No way,  brother. 

Originally Posted by FreeSafety:

Unless Adam's injury gets worse, TT is gonna draft another WR next year and Janis and Abby are both gonna get cut without ever doing anything meaningful for the team.


Mark it down.....and lets all stfu about Janis and Abby already.


Have a nice day!

Future Vikings???? Nooooooo!

I get the harsh talk on Janis, who has been slow to catch on, and Abby who is a former Badger who happened to get a couple injuries, but the Packers probably like these two players way more than some fans.

Granted, I don't hold out a lot of hope for either, but they are both in their 2nd years. A lot can change in a short period of time. All it takes is a couple significant connections to get it going. Both were drafted for some uncanny abilities and athleticism.

I believe one or both will make some plays at WR v. SD.
Last edited by Trophies


When Nelson was asked if he thought Janis could give the offense what it lacks without him, he said Janis must show greater consistency in order to earn such an opportunity.


“It’s the fact of someone taking pride in their work and being consistent. That’s what it comes down to,” Nelson said. “The main thing I ever focused on was being the same guy every day. Whether it was the coaches or it was Aaron, whenever I go out there, whether it’s practice or a game, you know what to expect [from me]. And I think that’s where it comes from.


“[Janis] made some big plays in preseason and in practice, but it’s the consistency level, day-in and day-out. In the classroom, when you get asked a question, you have to be able to sit there and answer it – and it’s not just Jeff, it’s everybody – and answer it the way [Rodgers] wants it answered. So he knows you know what you’re doing. And it goes from there.”

Thanks michiganjoe!


Yeah, sounding like he is struggling with the mental aspect of the game. Not knowing all the cues at the line, reading the same things Rodgers is for his assignment against different alignments. Year 2 in a very complex offense.


Maybe Abbrederis does something this week. Really too bad Janis is struggling to pick it up. We could use his speed right now. 


Prior to last week, Rodgers was probably saying to Janis, "Dude, have you seen my consecutive games streak without an INT here?!!"  It didn't bode well a couple weeks ago when Rodgers was heard yelling at Janis, "Get set!!! Get ****ing set!!!!"

Last edited by Trophies

sounds more like dumb white boy. Maybe there was a reason he did not go to a big school with all his talent. Maybe he could not pass the test or if he did go to one it required him to study too much and he wasn't interested. 

The O is super complex, and Aaron asks a lot from his WRs. Perfection. The dude is only in his 2nd season.


What they should do is work with him more so he gets a better understanding, kind of like Lombardi teaching at the most elementary level so that everybody gets it. I kind of wish Rodgers wasn't taking such a hard stance on the kid, but rather helping him a bit more in learning all that he, as the QB, wants to see. Both would benefit.

Difficult to have sympathy for Janis when you have a rookie in Montgomery, who missed some of the OTAs, and has learned multiple positions. Nelson insinuated that while Janis has had some moments, he has others where he does not give the correct answer when given a scenario in the classroom. If he can't read the situation in the classroom, there is little chance that he could read it in a split second on the field.

"Consistency" appears to be mental focus. As discussed earlier, a misread by a receiver in this offense can increase chances for an INT. Just as MM would not play a RB who fumbled, he is not going to play a receiver that increases chances for an INT., knowing that turnovers are the number one variable in deciding the outcome of any individual game.

Reminds me a bit of another offensive player with intriguing physical skills who struggled with the mental part of the game- Brandon Bostick. Packers invested three years in him before they finally gave up so Janis probably has a bit more time. Just hope the light eventually does come on for him.

Originally Posted by Herschel:

Rodgers' "job" is to work with the guys who "get it" and win games, not coddle some schmuck wideout. 

Funny how perceptions change.


Brent got roasted for saying..."it aint my job man".

I'm thinking maybe its more of a maturity issue with Janis. Perhaps he's partying to hearty into the wee hours. Then tired and hungover impacts his ability to concentrate and focus during practice/meetings? I know other Packers in the past said their first couple years they did not take it seriously enough and partied to hard at first until finally maturing. Just a bit of a hunch.

Originally Posted by DurangoDoug:

I'm thinking maybe its more of a maturity issue with Janis. Perhaps he's partying to hearty into the wee hours. Then tired and hungover impacts his ability to concentrate and focus during practice/meetings?

It's possible but he married his HS sweetheart a couple of weeks before camp opened this August.

Early in camp...

"How has it been going so far?" he was asked.


"They gave me a playbook the first day I got here and I took it up to my room and studied it for a long time," he said. "It's a big book."


"There's a lot of things you have to do to play at this level. In college, formations were easy for me. You have to memorize so many things here."

 Asked about playing with a future HOF QB?

"It's hard to believe I'm on the same field with these guys," he said. "It's very exciting.”



Last edited by H5
Originally Posted by cuqui:
Originally Posted by DurangoDoug:

I'm thinking maybe its more of a maturity issue with Janis. Perhaps he's partying to hearty into the wee hours. Then tired and hungover impacts his ability to concentrate and focus during practice/meetings?

It's possible but he married his HS sweetheart a couple of weeks before camp opened this August.

Well its certainly not the first time I was rong, nor will it be the last. BTW he has a hot wife, wowza. Thanks for correcting me.

Brent certainly didn't do any partying after marrying his HS/college sweetheart


Congrats to Janis for getting himself a bow hunting spinner, could have done a lot worse.

Last edited by BartManDude
Why am I reminiscing about Holmgren grabbing Bill Schroeder's facemask on the sideline screaming f-bombs into the ether?

Hoping Janis works out. Or Abby. Or both. We could use another deep threat.
Last edited by Trophies

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