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Thought those of you who remember Jim Carter from the '70s Packers might appreciate this:

From: Steven Schumer
Sent: Wednesday, June 12, 2024 8:04 PM
To: Jim Carter Celebration of Life Distribution List

This email is primarily for those who asked me for a copy of the speech I gave this past Monday, as well as those who expressed interest to review my scrapbook but didn’t get the opportunity.  So I’ve included the following:

  • Jim Carter Celebration of Life Agenda:  For those who weren’t in attendance
  • Jim Carter Celebration of Life - Steve Schumer Speech:  Softcopy of what I presented.  The video can be viewed here:
  • Jim Carter Scrapbook by Steve Schumer:  Softcopy of the scrapbook I cobbled together for this celebration
  • Photos:  Me with Jim Brunzell (organizer), Scott Hunter (former Packers QB and teammate of Jim Carter), and my son Adam
  • Green Bay Press-Gazette 2022 article celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Packers 1972 team and season:  As I mentioned in my speech, Jim Carter shared with his Packer teammates that he always looked back on that ’72 season as his very best pro football experience.  Thus I thought you might appreciate the insights this article provides as to why he felt that way.  Jim is quoted several times and is in the first video within the article:
  • Email exchange between Jim Brunzell and Cliff Christl, Packers official historian (below):  The unique way I came to learn of this event!

I want to express my sincere appreciation to Jim Brunzell for inviting me to join you all for this wonderful celebration, and for the tremendous opportunity to be on the agenda.  I was incredibly honored.  It was a truly special day, one I will never forget.  Jim did just an amazing job pulling it all together.  I was overwhelmed by the love and admiration expressed for Jim Carter, as well as the obviously deep and binding ties shared between his ex-teammates and friends.  My thanks to all of you, and my best wishes, now and always.    

Steven M. Schumer

From: MbxHistory
Sent: Tuesday, April 9, 2024 7:24 PM
To: Jim Brunzell Jr.
Cc: Steven Schumer
Subject: Re: Celebration of Life for Packer MLB Jim Carter


I'm going to copy Steve Schumer here. He's a rabid Packers fan who lives out east and often writes about his fond memories of the 1972 Packers. I believe Steve has an email string of Jim's teammates from that period.  Steve: Would you be willing to send out an email about Jim Carter's celebration of life to your string of 1970s Packers? The info is on Jim Brunzell's previous emails here.


Cliff Christl

From: Jim Brunzell
Sent: Friday, April 5, 2024 1:05 PM
To: MbxHistory
Subject: Celebration of Life for Packer MLB Jim Carter

Cliff, This is Jim Brunzell, former Gopher team-mate and long time friend of Jimmy Carter. I also was a Pro Wrestler for 27 years as Jumping Jim Brunzell of the High Flyers & Killer Bees!

Cliff, I’m emailing you as a heads up on a “Celebration of the life” for Packer’s MLB #50 Jim Carter! I don’t know many if any of Jimmy’s Packer team-mates, and thought you might be able to help me spread the word on the event.

The venue will be at the “7 Vines Vineyard”, on Monday, June 10th, from 1:00PM – 5:00PM. 7 Vines is located on MN. Hwy 96 just north of White Bear Lake, Minnesota.  Admission of $40.00/attendee will include rent of the venue, catering of 2 sandwiches (marinated Chicken & Pulled pork- Salad & Chips) and a $3.00 charge for our MC, Dick “the Polish Eagle” Jonchowski. There will be a cash bar.  Spouses and dates are welcomed and encouraged.

I’d sure appreciate any help you can offer in spreading this invitation.

Cliff, I want to compliment you on your detailed obituary of Jimmy you sent out.  It was wonderful.

Cliff, I appreciate your time and any help you offer will add to the extraordinary life, of my dear friend, Jim Carter!

Peace & Blessings Cliff

Jumpin’ Jimmy Brunzell

PS- In 1971, I played tight-end for the Manitowoc Chiefs, of the Central States Football League.  I believe Hal Hoberman was our coach!


Last edited by sschumer - Packer Fan HoF'r
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Well done, sschumer!
Despite my attempts, I can't recall Carter. I would think the Nitschke stuff would've created a lasting memory by itself, but I'm lost.
Nonetheless, he was a good Packer and achieved a remarkable turnaround for his like after football.
RIP, sir.

the thing I remember most about Jim Carter was Ray sitting on his helmet at the end of a Monday night game in 1972 with Don Meredith, Frank Gifford, and Howard Cosell talking about Nitsches career ending while Jim Carter was the new kid taking over.

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