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On the surface it seems like a good deal because they protected themselves, but because they have left this keep/release window open yearly then they are going to be facing controversy EVERY year. They made this deal because they don't believe in Colin Kaepernick, plain and simple. They either don't believe he's a franchise QB or they only believe he's a franchise QB because of Jim Fartbaugh/Greg Roman and it's possible/likely either/both will be gone soon. Either way if he doesn't do anything short of put up elite numbers every year there will be fans/players/media/etc. clamoring for the 49ers to dump Kaep before they owe a lot of money and to sign/draft whoever the hot QB is at that time. It seems like Baalke just made a tough call, but really he couldn't make the tough call and found a way to never have to make the tough call. This "year to year" payment plan will also keep other players contract negotiations in limbo. 


Good GM's either strap themselves to a player they believe in or they let things play out and move on from a player they don't believe in. Baalke is not a good GM. I'm not complaining though, I assumed this would be the beginning of the end for this really good 49er team, but I think Navarro Bowman mutilating his leg was the beginning followed by all their DBs leaving. Their OLine will get dismantled because of money, Crabtree will probably be traded, Roman will take another job as a HC, etc. Meanwhile arguably the best ILB of his generation (Pat Willis) will slowly fade into history without a SB ring, much like Adrian Peterson and Calvin Johnson. It's a shame when such talented players, who actually seem like good guys, have their talent squandered by useless franchises. 

Last edited by Grave Digger

I agree with Grave Digger that the take away from this contract is the 49er's are not sold on Kaepernick.

The question for me is Kaepernick sold on himself. Injuries are part of the game why would he give SF so many outs in case he did get hurt? If I was him I would want everything as locked down as I could get, this contract lets him take all the risk.

Originally Posted by Boris:


Yes, blow it out of proportion.


Last second FG.....with our best defenders on the bench.....really kicked the crap out of us

Doesn't matter if you lose by 1 or 100.  SF eats our lunch every year.  Time to fight back. 

And fight back we will!!!  A more potent offense now that Lacy has a year under his belt,  even better faster more correct route running WRs, OL  will be better with a year of them all, except at center,  playing together with no position changes. 


And a revamped hungry defense.  Yes, fight back we will!!!!

Last edited by ammo
Originally Posted by Fedya:
We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender!


Originally Posted by Fedya:
We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender!

Will we be fighting in the streets?  with our children at our feet?


On the surface the deal looks totally ridiculous but as a few others have pointed out it's basically a one year deal times 5 or 6.   The team basically has an opt out clause every year so they aren't really on the hook for $61MM.


Still, it makes you wonder what a guy like Brees or Manning or Rodgers is worth if guys like Ryan and Flacco and Cutler and Kaepernick are getting paid like this?   Amazing.



I would imagine if the Niners win a championship, in part, because of Kap's play, they'll gladly re-do his deal. It's most likely structured the way it is because of his inconsistency? So if he exceeds expectations, would it be wrong to renegotiate?

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