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But on McGinn's football acumen:  there is a significant difference between writing about what you see and teaching what you know FROM COACHING AND/OR PLAYING EXPERIENCE.  Please name me all the journalists who have never played nor coached, who have been hired to advise or coach in any professional sport.  I'll leave plenty of space for you.












Probably a reason why the list is that long.

Originally Posted by DH13:

Please name me all the journalists who have never played nor coached, who have been hired to advise or coach in any professional sport.

David Kahn off of the top of my bald head.

Of course David Kahn had been a lawyer (for a law firm that represented all 4 major professional sports leagues) for 6 years before being hired by the Pacers.   And, really, he was mainly working the biz side of the Pacers (key guy in their arena deal) and wasn't actually hired as a decision maker on the team/player side of the house until he got hired by the T-Wolves in 2009, a full 20 years after he was last a sportswriter.


But, yes, at one point of his life, he was a sportswriter.  For the Oregonian actually.

I've researched it well, and I have irrefutable proof that Packer fans who live in WI or a state that borders WI are as stupid as they are fat.


There are exceptions, of course, but it currently tracks @ 84%. 

Brak merely equated their fatness and their  stupidness, he wasn't calling anybody names


Also, its entirely possible that 16% of them are neither fat nor stupid.


(But those people don't post at X4)





Hey gang, I enjoy some good ribbing and joking as much as the next person, but some of these posts are getting into the territory where people's feelings might get hurt. Just remember:



Being Nice is Cool from Matt Chamberlin on Vimeo.

Pete Rozell started out as a sports writer for his high school and college newspaper. From there he moved on to sports info director before eventually becoming GM of the L A Rams and finally NFL Commish.

Have I ever told you people the story about how I was Tom Silverstein's editor at the Riverside Rocket high school newsper (Milwaukee) in 1977-1978. He was my cub sports reporter.  Hi Tom!


True story.

Yeah, boy how-dee.  That's a long confirming list of pro team execs who wrote for 20 years of their lives.  I stand corrected.  Should've left more space.  McGinn should clearly be telling the Packes how to stop players getting injured playing pro ball.

Originally Posted by chickenboy:

How much of an average day do you spend reading, thinking about and writing about X4's favorite blogger?

Is there some amount I need to reach?  What level alaholic are you?  I'm not interested in joining your little cult, but I am fascinated by it. 

Some of Bob's stuff isn't bad, but he works in a state where their fans rank in the top 4 in social media and there are blogs all over providing at least breaking news at the same rate McGinn does if not faster and arguably condense Packer news/info better than JSO does. Not to mention you can get it for free vs JSO.


He also puffed out his chest and wrote that Finley would be cut. That didn't happen.


He wrote that Rodgers sensitivity in personality would likely factor in his contract negotiations and spun the story that there would be drama at 1265 in getting him locked up. Rodgers contract went off quite smoothly. No such Drama.


I get these writers need clicks in keeping their jobs. And writing stories with drama and negative nelly spin gets way more clicks vs positive ones.






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