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I'm back...

From the creators of "Packer Draft-Day Freakout" comes a look at what the Green Bay locals think about the Brett Favre situation, Aaron Rodgers, and several other topics not really related to football. Players seen in this video include Donald Driver, Mason Crosby, Aaron Rouse, Justin Harrell, Aaron Rodgers, and Ryan Pickett.

There are two days of footage (8/8 and 8/9) where my friend and I attended camp and interviewed people on their thoughts... I find it humorous, hopefully you do too, give it a look. Thanks everyone.
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Originally posted by Henry:
Go spam somewhere else. The only reason you got hits in the first place is because you and your friends are f'in morons. Nazi JOOO! Simpleton.

PSA for the board: The link will get you "Rick Roll'd".

Just relax. Smiler

The link is not a Rick Roll's link

Let me check out this video and I'll report back.
The video is a report on their trip to Lambeau to check out practice. They interview people on both sides of the Favre saga as well as catch some of the players riding their bikes. Driver is hilarious telling the kid running with him "Slow down! I don't want you to pass out!"

Another funny part is when they film Justin Harrell for about a :30 segment. So far I have to say he's right about Harrell since the guy cannot get on the football field. It's a little unfair to judge him though since we haven't seen the guy play.

The video is nearly 10 minutes long if you're interested.
Originally posted by Boris:
The video is a report on their trip to Lambeau to check out practice. They interview people on both sides of the Favre saga as well as catch some of the players riding their bikes. Driver is hilarious telling the kid running with him "Slow down! I don't want you to pass out!"

Another funny part is when they film Justin Harrell for about a :30 segment. So far I have to say he's right about Harrell since the guy cannot get on the football field. It's a little unfair to judge him though since we haven't seen the guy play.

The video is nearly 10 minutes long if you're interested.

With all the intelligence of their first take.
Originally posted by THE badmoonrison:
I'm back...

From the creators of "Packer Draft-Day Freakout" comes a look at what the Green Bay locals think about the Brett Favre situation, Aaron Rodgers, and several other topics not really related to football. Players seen in this video include Donald Driver, Mason Crosby, Aaron Rouse, Justin Harrell, Aaron Rodgers, and Ryan Pickett.

There are two days of footage (8/8 and 8/9) where my friend and I attended camp and interviewed people on their thoughts... I find it humorous, hopefully you do too, give it a look. Thanks everyone.

I miss your Justin Harrell video. Can you put it back? PLEEEEEASE!

BTW, the fact that Harrell is sucking should encourage you. Do it bro!
Originally posted by THE badmoonrison:
Originally posted by iowacheese:
Good job on the video....don't worry about all the haters around here.

Excellent call on Bu$tin Harrell last year.

Thanks, I appreciate it.

For those that want to see the Draft Day Freakout: Someone else reposted it a while ago.

Still a little embarrassing, but at least I'm right.

Worse than Icon......Proud that you're right that a Packer player has been a disappointment so far.
Don't go blowing Iowa yet, he gives props to all the tools that come a visiting.
Originally posted by THE badmoonrison:
Originally posted by iowacheese:
Good job on the video....don't worry about all the haters around here.

Excellent call on Bu$tin Harrell last year.

Thanks, I appreciate it.

For those that want to see the Draft Day Freakout: Someone else reposted it a while ago.

Still a little embarrassing, but at least I'm right.


I like the way you enunciate the "F" in *uck! This is the kind of work we want from you.
Originally posted by THE badmoonrison:
How did I know Mr. 24,000 posts and nothing else to do would be the first to comment? Way to troll. It is a totally innocent video that I feel hits the interest of the board.

You've already been tagged as a dope. My standard reply, don't hate me because you're a wee puber.

When was the last time you got 80,000 views?

Getting 80,000 views because you record yourself acting like a jackass isn't something to crow about.
As a matter of fact, when was the last time you made anything as good as any of my movies?

FORE! I dropped a deuce this morning that had more entertainment value.
Originally posted by THE badmoonrison:
Originally posted by iowacheese:
Good job on the video....don't worry about all the haters around here.

Excellent call on Bu$tin Harrell last year.

Thanks, I appreciate it.

For those that want to see the Draft Day Freakout: Someone else reposted it a while ago.

Still a little embarrassing, but at least I'm right.

You really shouldn't put your trust in IC, he'll just break your heart.

Please explain how you're right.
Originally posted by Goalline:
Originally posted by THE badmoonrison:
I'm back...

From the creators of "Packer Draft-Day Freakout" comes a look at what the Green Bay locals think about the Brett Favre situation, Aaron Rodgers, and several other topics not really related to football. Players seen in this video include Donald Driver, Mason Crosby, Aaron Rouse, Justin Harrell, Aaron Rodgers, and Ryan Pickett.

There are two days of footage (8/8 and 8/9) where my friend and I attended camp and interviewed people on their thoughts... I find it humorous, hopefully you do too, give it a look. Thanks everyone.

I miss your Justin Harrell video. Can you put it back? PLEEEEEASE!

BTW, the fact that Harrell is sucking should encourage you. Do it bro!

You just want to hear more Nazi JOOO references.
So two minutes after my original post, you reply two minutes later.

Then you apparently felt the need to post four straight times about how you hate me, then when some people give me PROPS you just can't understand why they do... maybe because they like my videos? They like my brand of humor? 80,000 people took the time to tune in, and good or bad that's exposure. They played our audio on KFAN, a Minneapolis radio station. People stop me on the street and tell me "nice video" all the time, whether it's the Freakout, I Miss My Mac, V.O. Place to Go, or any of my other appearances in a dozen or so vids on other accounts. And wait, I got a 2007 Packer video of the year award sent to me too. Do you want to see the plaque?

Face it kid - people like my videos. This is not bragging, this is a fact judging by feedback, views, and comments which I appreciate very much. What are you good at? Posting 24,000 times on a Packer message board with snide sarcasm? Nice job. Stop trolling me, stop trolling this board, and do something with yourself.
Originally posted by THE badmoonrison:
So two minutes after my original post, you reply two minutes later.

Then you apparently felt the need to post four straight times about how you hate me, then when some people give me PROPS you just can't understand why they do... maybe because they like my videos? They like my brand of humor? 80,000 people took the time to tune in, and good or bad that's exposure. They played our audio on KFAN, a Minneapolis radio station. People stop me on the street and tell me "nice video" all the time, whether it's the Freakout, I Miss My Mac, V.O. Place to Go, or any of my other appearances in a dozen or so vids on other accounts. And wait, I got a 2007 Packer video of the year award sent to me too. Do you want to see the plaque?

Face it kid - people like my videos. This is not bragging, this is a fact judging by feedback, views, and comments which I appreciate very much. What are you good at? Posting 24,000 times on a Packer message board with snide sarcasm? Nice job. Stop trolling me, stop trolling this board, and do something with yourself.

Is it Christmas? Did my birthday come early? Is it Arbor Day and Groundhog Day all in one?! I'd like to think so!

Whoa there gunpowder, didn't mean to diss a homey by not giving him MAD PROPS! Let's check out these "props" one by one shall we?

Prop A) "Brand of humor". And what brand would that be? Hasbro? Hello Kitty? Seriously, a armpit fart on camera would've gotten you more laughs.

Prop B) You do realize that any simian with the working knowledge of how to push a button can post a "vid" on the internet? Let me give you an example. I just went to youtube and typed in "monkey poop" and came up with a video of a chimpanzee eating his own crap that had 144,000 hits. I guess I need to give some mad props to schit eating monkeys too.

Prop C) You actually come here to post a video that has all the excitement of a 50's hygiene film and expect some kind of praise? The kids in study hall telling you how cool your vids are don't exactly cut muster in the real world Boy Wonder. What's next? "Let's see what's in our belly buttons"? Scintillating.

Prop D) I love this one. You actually take pride that a video of you and your friends acting like a bunch wet behind the ears ignoramus being played on KFAN. KFAN? You know that station that takes every opportunity to insult Packers fans? Well hot diggity dog! You're giving Karl Gerbschmidt a run for his money!

Prop E) When you say "people like my videos" do you mean Mom and Dad? See, if you took a poll around here I'm pretty sure that 99% of the posters think you're a toadstool. 80,000 hits for being a idiot, ROCK ON SCHIT EATING MONKEY!

Prop F) You got an award for being a bigoted simpleton? That's EXCELLENT! We need to put your video and award on the next deep space probe looking for signs of intelligent life so they can bask in your awesomeness. I don't know which is worse, Hitler's radio broadcasts reaching intelligent alien life first or you and your buddies running around the clown car screaming NAZI JOOOO!!!

Now this isn't a "mad prop", this is just some of those "facts" you like to talk about. You have achieved your proverbial 15 minutes of fame by looking like a spoiled ass hole. Bravo sir, bravo.

Oh, I forgot to answer what else I've done besides roasting your ass on a continual basis. I'll stick with the video end of things. Ever hear of a television channel called "Discovery"? Even you must have flipped past it when "The Hills" was about to come on. Well, I worked for this woman called Nancy LeBrun in production office she opened up at Discovery's request. It was me, a project manager and Nancy LeBrun working with freelancers. You go ahead and do a search.
Last edited by Henry
Originally posted by THE badmoonrison:
Face it kid - people like my videos.

So you got that going for you...which is nice.

I'll say that's a better job than I would have done. I'd sooner drill my own teeth than be part of making or distributing something like that, but it seems you've found your calling. Kudos to you.

It's nice that you've made something you can finally feel good about. I'm sure your family beams with pride at your handiwork. Pat yourself on the back some more. You definitely deserve it.

So which one are you, the fat kid or the gay kid?
Originally posted by THE badmoonrison:
How did I know Mr. 24,000 posts and nothing else to do would be the first to comment? Way to troll. It is a totally innocent video that I feel hits the interest of the board.

When was the last time you got 80,000 views? As a matter of fact, when was the last time you made anything as good as any of my movies?

A guy trashes on a high post count yet brags about the number of hits his YouTube video has? In the same post? Priceless.

Go play in a toxic waste dump. The world needs fewer Packer "fans" like you.

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