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He won't get a bigger deal than Jordy. Probably a 3 year deal that rewards him and gives him a shot at another deal when he's 27. Similar to how TT handled Jordy. 


If Cobb wants more than Ted's max number, Ted will show him the door. 


At some point the list of former GB WR's that go elsewhere and fade away into obscurity is going to be hard to ignore though. 

Originally Posted by ChilliJon:

At some point the list of former GB WR's that go elsewhere and fade away into obscurity is going to be hard to ignore though. 

Indeed, although that often happens on the 3rd or 4th contract.

Ted typically likes to keep his WRs and signs them to a 2nd deal after the rookie one is up. After that, things get fuzzy....



Ultimately, Cobb has more earning potential staying with the Packers than 90% of the other teams in the league. He's playing with the best QB in the game and opposite arguably the best all around WR in the league. Ca$h beyond his playing contract would seem more available with GB unless he ended up with maybe Luck in IND.

Luck & IND or Brady & the Pats.


Those are the 2 places I can see Cobb going & kicking ass, especially with Brady. Cobb fits the Patriots offense to a "T".


We all know TT is going to get this done. He learned from Ron Wolf's mistake of not getting Favre any WR's

Last edited by Boris
Originally Posted by DH13:

I think he has an age/production/money graph in his office that he consults.  He does prefer to sign his own to a second deal if their arrow is pointing up.

I was thinking more like this:

Agreed. Cobb has three choices: GB, NE, or Ind. Not only would he fit the offenses, but he would have a QB to get him the ball; well, in NE for a shorter time than the others. I hope he's learned from Jennings that $$$ isn't everything. 

@ByRyanWood: Randall Cobb said there are currently no contract talks between him and #Packers. Is he surprised? "It is what it is."


@ByRyanWood: Asked Cobb if it's hard to focus on football, not the contract: "What is the contract about? Football. So I’m focused on football."


@ByRyanWood: Cobb was asked what more he needs to do to earn a big contract from #Packers. He offered just four words: "Win a Super Bowl."

In the olden days, teams were more motivated to sign deals before the end of the season so they wouldn't "lose" cap dollars


Now, they can roll over whatever cap cash they want - so it makes sense to wait till February



TT has a very strong and lengthy history of resigning his own guys.  Cobb in particular is young, dynamic, a true gentleman, a student of the game and very productive in the offense.  


I don't see any way Cobb isn't a Packer for years to come. 

Gerg got his ring after which $$$ became more important. Would like to think Cobb wouldn't necessarily see it that way but you never know. Gerg was older though and knew he had to cash in.


If it were me, if TT makes a fair offer I re-up for a few years. Cobb is still just 24 and would be in line for one more big payday in the contract after this (barring injury of course). The chance to play with this QB during his prime and Cobb's prime has to count for a lot.

Agree.   I hate the loyalty argument.   The team always acts in their best interest, as they should, so why do we expect players not to?


Sometimes taking less money is in their best interest, sometimes it isn't.

The problem is that many of the players choose poorly, picking short term over long

The FA contracts are fluff, but the agent convinces them to take the money

Then they get cut because they aren't worth the cash largesse and they end up with less than if they had chosen a winning team with a reasonable salary.

By always choosing the overly fluffy one, they are signing their own death warrant.

That's dum

Absolutely right Satanori. If Cobb is smart he will not only be thinking about this deal but also his next contract when he's 27 or 28 because he could really cash in again. This contract needs to be with a team that will allow him to put up big numbers before his next deal meaning his best bet is to sign with a WR friendly team like GB, NE, New Orleans, or a Peyton Manning led Denver team. Put up big numbers with one of those teams and parlay that into another payday with whatever team pays him the most. Signing with the highest bidder has a high risk of making his career fizzle (aka Mike Wallace). If I'm Cobb I take GBs offer unless it's significantly less than an offer from a team like NE.

I would not advise a football player to sign a contract with the next contract weighing heavily in the decision.  I get it, there is a thoughtfulness to it.  I would advise a baseball player to think long and hard about it.  But the data shows football players have a short shelf life, get the best, most guaranteed money you can when you can.  

Originally Posted by Satori:

The problem is that many of the players choose poorly, picking short term over long

The FA contracts are fluff, but the agent convinces them to take the money

Then they get cut because they aren't worth the cash largesse and they end up with less than if they had chosen a winning team with a reasonable salary.

By always choosing the overly fluffy one, they are signing their own death warrant.

That's dum

I think you wrote this with Jay Cutler on your mind. 

Given that short shelf life, most athletes who have given their lives to the sport would prefer to have some success during their careers


The difference in compensation is a pittance in comparison to a life time of regret in choosing the vikings. There isn't anything they can't have/buy/own/ do/ with a slightly smaller payout


Winning at the pinnacle of sports brings a  lifetime of joy, while banking a few extra dollars and ruining your career is just short-sighted dum.

The delta in cash is small and fleeting, the delta in winning is immense and lasts forever.


maybe, but it isn't my place to judge anyone for making what they can or determining what a pittance is.


Except for the viking example, but we all agree that is a different circle of hell

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