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Fedya posted:

I'm reminded of the whole debate between cable/satellite/over-the-air channels.  Everybody's trying to use to power of the state to **** over the other guy.

Yeah, that's it.  

 You're like where Ayn Rand meets Mr. Roper.  

Last edited by Henry

Thanks Boris. I joined.

As a Libertarian I am hated by both parties because I believe in individual  freedom. Once government gets its hands on anything they often screw it up. Just leave us alone!

PackerPatrick posted:

Thanks Boris. I joined.

As a Libertarian I am hated by both parties because I believe in individual  freedom. Once government gets its hands on anything they often screw it up. Just leave us alone!

I am also hated being an independent/libertarian and I take great pleasure in ticking off the sheep who are tied to a political party  

As for net neutrality I have been in IT for over 20 years and all I will say about it is I agree with Boris keep it neutral at all costs.


Ahem.  I'm the one who calls other people Will Roper.

And does anybody really believe that giving the state more power over the internet in the guise of "net neutrality" won't wind up with that power being used to go after the "ungood" people?

Fedya posted:

Ahem.  I'm the one who calls other people Will Roper.

And does anybody really believe that giving the state more power over the internet in the guise of "net neutrality" won't wind up with that power being used to go after the "ungood" people?

Yes, as compared to the goodness that is the corporate person who's very nature is that of a sociopath. 

In the light of the past week leading me to want rip out peoples spines for my white picket fence let's leave it alone.

Any other time Ayn Knotts, just not now.

It's a commons, let it stand.

Last edited by Henry

Monopolies are not natural and only stick if the government creates them (local cable TV before DirecTV came along).  And corporations come and go, or wax and wane in influence.  Remember the IBM antitrust case?  Or Myspace?

And speaking of Myspace, remember Lori Drew?  She and her maid were using Myspace in their creepy campaign against the neighbor's daughter.  And what were they brought up on federal charges for?  Faking their age.  In reality, she was the focus of public opprobrium, so the state said, screw the law, let's trump up charges against her because she's icky.

And that's what drives a lot of the net neutrality stuff.  People find the corporations icky, and want the state to do something to stick it to them.  The state will misuse that power, it will hurt regular folk like you and I, and most people will just shrug their shoulders and wonder why the state isn't doing more.

It's cute you think this is a free market economy as defined by Hume and Smith.  I'm sure Standard Oil and U.S. Steel were government creations.  

Remember Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific Rail Road?  Do you know who passed that law?  One of the most corrupt, corporate owned SCOTUS in American history.


Lori Drew vs that icky 2008.  Totally equivalent.

We can have this discussion when Corporate America is no longer the predominant force in American governance.  WHAT!  AJIT PAI IS A VERIZON RINGER?!  I'M SHOCKED!

Last edited by Henry

This is great humor. A thread on a serious topic being discussed by people who aren't bright enough to hold a compelling conversation about something as simple as the Packers. As always, thanks for the laugh.

Last edited by heyward

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