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Satori is saying you have to make it look like a legit lateral that just happens to go OOB....and I think he is correct, it should stop the clock with the team keeping possession of the ball at the spot where it went OOB.


SJ, he didn't say a forward pass, he said " throws it slightly backwards towards another WR".

Last edited by FreeSafety
Originally Posted by El-Ka-Bong:

Reading SDPF posts is like a Dan Brown novel.  Lots of words to not say anything, and lots of ellipses for no apparent reason. that I read it again there are a lot of words...but at least I didn't use those big long words so at least you could read it, too, EKB.. and reply with your knowledge on that play. 


but seriously, as I know we shouldn't joke around on this board...


the play Payton was trying to run was a good play...I didn't explain it needs to be diagrammed...but watching the video you could see it unfold...albeit awkwardly.





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