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Didn't see this posted yet..




The NFL has changed the face of its official corps the last two offseasons, and that has just a little to do with hiring Sarah Thomas.


The league’s first full-time female official is one of nine new officials announced today, following 13 replacements last year.


That means the league has turned over 22 of 119 officiating jobs (18.5 percent) in the last two seasons alone.


The league’s competition committee admitted they wanted to churn the roster, putting out a memo that was distributed at the owners meetings which underscored the notion that adding replay rules wasn’t the only way to fix their problems.


“While instant replay was designed to be an aid to on-field officiating, it’s not the panacea that some believe to be,” the memo read. “The committee, and senior officiating leadership, believe the primary focus should be on improving the performance of on-field game officials which will lead to the goal of greater consistency.”

That’s why they started reviewing officials differently two years ago, and it’s no accident that led to turnover.

League vice president of officiating Dean Blandino said during the owners meetings that freshening up the league’s pool of officials was a priority, as they wanted their refs younger and in better shape.


“Yes, I think we have seen improvement,” Blandino said of recent changes. “I think the scrutiny is at an all-time high, and we accept that. That is part of the challenge. I think we’ve seen improvement but we know that we have to continue to work to get even better.


18 percent turnover but I'm guessing our pal Jeff Tripplete is still around. If that's the case, ah there needs to be more turnover.

Last edited by packerboi
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Isn't that what the pink crap in October is for?  


Sorry Fedya....that pink crap is for women who've had and has breast cancer....your grandma, your mom, your sister, your aunt, your cousin, your mother in law, your sister in law, your boss, your co-worker, your teacher, your dentist, your doctor, your check out girl, your waitress, your librarian, your minister, your neighbor, your coach, your policewoman, and any other woman that is in your life.  D*mn Fedya, IT ISN'T PINK CRAP, it's the pink that makes people aware of cancer that kills the women we know and love.  

Please, boys. It's only April; let's wait until October to bring out the annual "pink" argument. 


Regarding the female ref, many people  say sending a woman in helps calm guys down. Just this past winter two men were about to start swinging. Who did they send to calm things down? A woman. And the guys did calm down. So... if she's good, it will work. If she's not, well, she's certainly in better shape than those old dudes running down the sidelines.

Goldie, I think Fedya understands that. I believe he is referring to the NFL is disingenuous with their display of "pink" for the entire month of October.


I'm sure he'll correct me if I'm wrong.


In any event, this thread is about female official, not "Pink October."

Originally Posted by Fedya:
I can't wait to see the pants-wetting from the sportswriters when coaches and players start working her over the way they do every other ref.


I knew I heard knuckle dragging.  I can't wait to hear the sniveling from twats like you when she makes a bad call.   I can only imagine the in depth reasoning that will spring forth.


Considering you're the only asexual on this board I'm sure you get confused quite a bit in all these gender issues.  But you do have a good track record of pissing your pants on everything from Title 9, cancer awareness and now this.  


She's a female ref, I bet dollars to donuts she's dealt with more withering criticism than you could ever stomach.  


It's just a vagina.  Don't let it scare you so much.



Last edited by Henry
Originally Posted by Dr._Bob:

I applaud the move but I can't help wondering if the NFL would have done this without the elevator incident. 


Oh, I'm sure it was part of it.  The NFL is possibly the most hilariously tactless organization when it comes to PR.  Most of it is money but if it yields a step forward even in the most ham handed way I see it as a step towards viewing people on their merits instead of just their genitals, race, whatever.


I figure once we get to the point were we see each other on a basic human level regardless of different fun parts we can have a equitable society and **** each other happy and still respect ourselves in the morning.  Unless of course feeling like a dirty trollop is your thing.  I know it works for me.


Fedya, genitals are the reproductive organs for human beings.  The female has a vagina and the male has a penis.  Knowledge is power.


Last edited by Henry
Originally Posted by Boris:


Goldie, I think Fedya understands that. I believe he is referring to the NFL is disingenuous with their display of "pink" for the entire month of October.


I'm sure he'll correct me if I'm wrong.

I think the NFL is partly disingenuous and pandering to women, but also doing it in part because there's a ribbon bully aspect to the whole "pink in October" stuff.  (Not quite related, but recall what happened whenthe Komen people tried to bully Planned Parenthood.)

Ask yourself what would happen if the NFL said that next October, in honor of Gene Upshaw, they were going to raise awareness of and research funds for, pancreatic cancer.  Or, in honor of Chuck Pagano, leukemia awareness and trying to get more people to on the marrow donor register.  Both eminently worthy causes, but the Komen people would have a screaming fit the likes of which we've probably never seen before.

I don't think it's such a good idea to have science funding determined by who is the most strident lobbyist, or who has the most photogenic sob story.

Oh, and Goldie, my mom died of Alzheimers, and my sister was diagonsed with MS seven years ago.  (And I'm sure there are other posters here with family members who have been diagnosed with other unnamed chronic and incurable diseases just as worthy of funding.)
Originally Posted by Fedya:
I think the NFL is partly disingenuous and pandering to women, but also doing it in part because there's a ribbon bully aspect to the whole "pink in October" stuff.  (Not quite related, but recall what happened whenthe Komen people tried to bully Planned Parenthood.)

Of course the NFL is disingenious. It's one of the biggest whore money making operations there is. As a sport its desire to maximize profits while adding angles to the entertainment business it so successfully exploits is a given.

Ask yourself what would happen if the NFL said that next October, in honor of Gene Upshaw, they were going to raise awareness of and research funds for, pancreatic cancer.  Or, in honor of Chuck Pagano, leukemia awareness and trying to get more people to on the marrow donor register.  Both eminently worthy causes, but the Komen people would have a screaming fit the likes of which we've probably never seen before.

Komen would sit there with butthurt and the NFL would be as successful as ever because it's the NFL. It's two whore organizations making money the old fashion way. They pander for it. This is Wall Street 101. They both love it and it serves both their purposes. Quit acting like the NFL is being held hostage. Now go out and research other "charitable" organizations that use most of their procedes to pimping and paying themselves instead of putting that money towards their stated cause. Is this some kind of revelation for you? As far as the color pink, it doesn't do anything to you or change how the game is played. It may be annoying after about 2 weeks but it's just a damn color that helps raise some awareness then so be it. The color pink doesn't make you donate to Komen or watch football if you don't want to. It's just a color. It's not like they are doing the Vagina Monologues at half time.

I don't think it's such a good idea to have science funding determined by who is the most strident lobbyist, or who has the most photogenic sob story.

Oh, and Goldie, my mom died of Alzheimers, and my sister was diagonsed with MS seven years ago.  (And I'm sure there are other posters here with family members who have been diagnosed with other unnamed chronic and incurable diseases just as worthy of funding.)


Whoa there comrade! That sounds like you hate the free market and are asking for some kind of distribution of funds. Being such a fervent Libertarian I know you must of being delirious when you wrote this. I mean whodda thunk that in a hyper capitalist environment you'd have charitable organizations acting like the dominant institution in our country. I'm gobsmacked I tell you. Who knew we would see absurd political agendas attached to science and education funding. I'm really looking forward to the new history books where Ronald Reagan and Ayn Rand invented America via the hot tub time machine.



It's more about new blood than anything.  If the NFL thought putting the likes of Lance Easley on the field was a good idea then they needed a serious paradigm shift.  The fact she immediately has more pressure put on her will probably make her a better ref in the first place.


I'm sure she's not worried about coaches pissing in her ear like they do to all refs.

Last edited by Henry
They should do away with all on-field refs and put all the refs in the box and have it all be done by camera. I guess you can have the head ref on the field to make the calls. Too many refs on the field getting in the way.

This could end discrimination against out of shape refs as well.  They could have a couch in the booth. 


I'm guessing the NFL doesn't want to do this because robots would be the next step.  OmniConsumerProducts and Skynet will own the Raiders and Chargers soon enough already (with TacoBell owning the Browns).  



Originally Posted by Henry:




It's more about new blood than anything.  If the NFL thought putting the likes of Lance Easley on the field was a good idea then they needed a serious paradigm shift.  The fact she immediately has more pressure put on her will probably make her a better ref in the first place.


I'm sure she's not worried about coaches pissing in her ear like they do to all refs.

For most women having a guy yelling in their ear doesn't phase them, as a matter of fact some find it quite comical...just ask my wife
Originally Posted by packerboi:

Apparently league canned several more officials today but they are not naming who just yet. It'll be interesting to see if any familiar names are on it.



GOOD! There are some really crappy officials out there.

Originally Posted by Goldie:

Isn't that what the pink crap in October is for?  


Sorry Fedya....that pink crap is for women who've had and has breast cancer....your grandma, your mom, your sister, your aunt, your cousin, your mother in law, your sister in law, your boss, your co-worker, your teacher, your dentist, your doctor, your check out girl, your waitress, your librarian, your minister, your neighbor, your coach, your policewoman, and any other woman that is in your life.  D*mn Fedya, IT ISN'T PINK CRAP, it's the pink that makes people aware of cancer that kills the women we know and love.  

Fedya was hatched from a man egg. There are no females in his family.


***I know Fedya just lost his mom. Fedya knows I'm kidding.***

I don't buy any of this "churning the roster" of referees. It smells of superficial bullchit.


NFL refs, by and large, have always known how to position themselves, and many more times than not, they are exactly where they need to be to make the proper call. The trouble is the interpretation of rules, not being willing to make the call, and/or the wrong ref making the call. I don't know if this is a by-product of instant replay, or the zany rules that have changed the game over the years. 


In any case, I'm glad this lady gets a shot, and would rather see her succeed than fail. In the end, however, I think she will be just another body on the field. I'm willing to bet she's not going to hear much more than what she already has, and won't put up with too much guff. And you know there will be a memo to all teams and players demanding respect.


They wrote the memo to cover their arses; so when the sexist poop inevitably hits the fan, the League can claim they did everything in their power to avoid it.

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