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For me, it's anyone who's playing the Patriots or the Giants. I'm getting really sick of listening to the arrogance of the Giants. The New York media is bad enough, but the players are even worse. Antrel Rolle: "We can't be beat." Please.

And the Patriots, well, I just hate the Patriots.

Go 9ers, go Ravens!
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Anyone but the Patriots. It's a bit nice to say "we only lost to the team that won it all" but Alex Smith or Matt Birk with a Super Bowl ring would be fun if just to irk some people. Especially Birk for a certain Randy Moss fan in the office. Razzer
Some people hate the Harbaughs, but I like the way they coach. I'm cheering for both brothers throughout. I don't mind the Patriots that much, but I want the 49ers or the AFC champ to DESTROY the Giants. Can't stand Coughlin or the hype surrounding his team.
The only team that I have even a remote desire to root for is the Ravens. However, I think they will go only as far as Joe Flacco can take them, so it all ends for them in Foxborough. After that, I can't bring myself to the point of caring.
doubt I watch any for the rest of the year unless it is just social. My wife is patient as all get out when it comes to me and the Packers. Never complains once when I have a game and she would rather we do something else. At least once a week she ask "What time is the game this weekend" so she knows not to schedule something for then. Gonna give her some attention now. Go sit at the Mall while she shops, take her to her nail/hair appointments and pick her up. All those manly things we whipped husbands do.
I really like the way San Francisco plays the game. But I don't really know how much I can really get behind them. I'd probably pick them as who I'd root for, but barely. I used to hate the Patriots, but don't really hate them now. When the Giants and Patriots met in 2007, I rooted pretty hard for the Giants. I'm not so sure I would root for them this year if those 2 teams matched up.

This might be one of the hardest Super Bowls to watch in a long time. It's going to be hard to get behind anybody. Who knows, maybe something will happen that catches my fancy and makes it easy to get behind somebody.

Who I remember rooting for recently:

Last season: Packers (duh)
2009 season: Colts, but not by much. Was still happy for the Saints.
2008 season: Cardinals by far.
2007 season: Giants by far. I enjoyed that Super Bowl as much as any I ever watched.
2006 season: Colts by far over Bears. Loved that game too.

There's usually someone that makes it easy to root either for or against, but this year, I don't know if there really is anyone like that.
My friend works for the Ravens, so easy choice for me. And I don't like the 49ers, but they seem to play football the right way. They don't showboat, talk or any of that other crap that the Giants do. So I'm rooting for a Harbaugh Bowl.

I have an irrational dislike for the Patriots, so I'll never root for them.
Originally posted by bdplant:
Ray Lewis should be in prison, Belichick cheats, and there's no way that Eli should have more SB wins than I guess I'm a Niners fan for the next few weeks.
I agree
I think of history and so do not care for the 49'ers having the most SB's.

But, I just have to root for them. The way they played - I just thought, "Now, THAT'S football!"

My next choice would be Ravens followed by Patriots followed by Giants.

I just did not care for the Giant's cockiness tho they sure backed it up.
Originally posted by Dave in MN:
Originally posted by bdplant:
Ray Lewis should be in prison, Belichick cheats, and there's no way that Eli should have more SB wins than I guess I'm a Niners fan for the next few weeks.
I agree

Originally posted by phaedrus:
I think of history and so do not care for the 49'ers having the most SB's.


Ding ding ding!


All-time Super Bowl wins:

49ers- 5
Pats -3
Giants -3
Ravens -1

No brainer---- we're Ravens fans first. You guys want the 49ers two ahead of us or the Pats and Giants to match us?

How important is murder when our legacy is on the line?
I will ALWAYS hate the Niners due to their cheating past, and especially due to 98. Lives in the Bay Area 96-00 and the whining and sense of entitlement to their fan base is insufferable.

I don't like the Giants, hate Antrel Rolle. Hate hearing them sill run their mouths. Screw them.

I like several of the Ravens players, but hate others.

Patroits I got nothing against them. I don't understand the BB hate, don't tell me EVERY team doesn't cheat like that to an extent. He got caught. But I hate hate hate Boston fans so much.

I'm hoping for 2 tactical nuclear weapons to take out all 4 teams.
I'll watch and enjoy the games, but I just can't root for anybody. If it were the Saints, or even the Bears, I would pull for them as Armored N.O. Saint and BearNDesert are big fans, and I would like to see them enjoy winning it all again...but beyond that, I just don't care. If it's not the Pack, it's just not the same.
All the talk on the networks that "Eli is a top 5 elite QB" is BS to me. The way the PACK played Sunday 1/2 the teams in the NFC would have whipped them. Guess i go ...ravens. Just so the Giants go down with 3-4 picks of ELI.

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