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Rooting for the Ravens to win it all.Mostly based as they are the least disliked team for me. Also much has to do with the amount of super bowl wins each team has. As stated before, the 49ers would have 6 super bowl titles with a win, the Pats would be tied with us at 4, and screw the Giants. I would like to see the 49ers beat the Giants, Ravens beat the Pats, then the Ravens to beat the 49ers in SB46 to give them their first loss in a super bowl. The 49ers have a perfect record at 5-0 and that needs to get tarnished a bit.
Last edited by San Doggy
Originally posted by Blair Kiel:

Ding ding ding!


All-time Super Bowl wins:

49ers- 5
Pats -3
Giants -3
Ravens -1

No brainer---- we're Ravens fans first. You guys want the 49ers two ahead of us or the Pats and Giants to match us?

How important is murder when our legacy is on the line?

Ravens it is, then.
Although I kinda feel like a dirty commie.
In order of distaste for all teams involved…

I live in MA and it’s insufferable listening to all the gushing over Brady and Belichick for the past 10 yrs.
I don’t like either of the NY teams and the attitudes they employ.
Hate Ray Lewis and therefore Balt by association.
Dislike the 9ers due to GB and SF history but time has tempered that hatred.

Here’s how I hope it plays out

9ers crush the Giants.
Balt. crushes the Patsies.

9ers in a close win over Balt.
Chris Mara, Giants VP of player evaluation attending the Golden Globes with his daughter Rooney Mara Sunday night in LA. Asked by a Packer fan if he was following the game on his phone...


β€œAre you really following the Giants-Packers game on your phone?”

β€œYeah, and the Giants just blew them out.”

β€œI’m a Packers fan,” the guy replied.

β€œI’m sorry,” Mara said. β€œDiscount Double Check that!”

I don't care who wins the SB. I just want someone to end the Giants season.

Niners - Alex Smith, and Davis endured a lot and finally are having success. I still like the way Harbaugh slapped the Lions Schwartz on the back..

Ravens - For Joe Flaco's sake, I applaud the mediocre QB. Still don't like Ray Lewis though.

Patriots - Slightly ahead of the Giants - I could live with Brady doing it, but really don't care for Belicheck.

Giants - Primarily cuz their fans need to feel the pain. I can't say much bad about the attitude of their players and coaches though and I respect them for the most part
I don't really care too much anymore but I'll be watching. Surprisingly found myself rooting hard against 49ers last weekend but Saints and Chargers are my other teams waaaaaaaaaay behind Packers.
Giants are loudmouths which is annoying but I'd rather see Giants-Pats rematch than 2 weeks of Harbaugh hype. That said it will probably be 9ers-Pats or Giants-Ravens = no storyline Super Bowl...
Even if there isn't someone to cheer for, I'm an NFL addict and no way will I be staying away from any of these games.

Originally, I thought the winner of the Packer/Giants game would be going to the Super Bowl, but San Fran impressed me enough last week for me to think they might be the NFC rep. I'm leaning towards rooting for them to win it all.

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