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Originally posted by Blair Kiel:
Originally posted by phaedrus:
I tivo'ed the game. First thing I did after the game was rewound to the Raji play. The combination of the context, the play, the TD, and Raji's dance - just so sublime.

Did you also yell at him to stop hot-dogging before he crosses the goal line?

I did.
Well, the game was already over.

Tell ya what tho. I was worried Shields would blow it. He should have taken a knee. He extended the uncertainty of the outcome by continuing the play. Just like the dude for the Chargers did (against the Patriots).
Originally posted by Brak:
The weatherman is dead!

I expect that we will not see the following around here:

1) Blatant personal attacks on other members
2) Public whining and victim card pulling
3) Bashing of coaches or players before the Super Bowl is even played.
4) Pot-stirring/trolling to provoke a reaction or forum drama.
5) "Concern trolling" because we don't know what is going to happen.
6) Constant reminders of past mistakes this team has made in the past.

Excessive celebration is not listed.. I'll take my 15 yard penalty and see you all in chat in two weeks.

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