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MichiganPacker2 posted:
Henry posted:
PackerHawk posted:
excalibur posted:

Saints just take the lead. We looked awful against that 49'ers defense. 

Hopefully the Packers decline their bowl invite wherever it might be. 

It's obvious Pettine is coaching both SF and NO defenses from Green Bay right now.

Just the Saints defense on that play. 

I think he's driving to your house after the game to shit on your garden gnomes.

Last edited by Henry
Henry posted:
MichiganPacker2 posted:
Henry posted:
PackerHawk posted:
excalibur posted:

Saints just take the lead. We looked awful against that 49'ers defense. 

Hopefully the Packers decline their bowl invite wherever it might be. 

It's obvious Pettine is coaching both SF and NO defenses from Green Bay right now.

Just the Saints defense on that play. 

I think he's driving to your house after the game to shit on your lawn.

As long as he picks it up, I don't care. That's our policy with the neighbor's dogs.

MichiganPacker2 posted:
Henry posted:
MichiganPacker2 posted:
Henry posted:
PackerHawk posted:
excalibur posted:

Saints just take the lead. We looked awful against that 49'ers defense. 

Hopefully the Packers decline their bowl invite wherever it might be. 

It's obvious Pettine is coaching both SF and NO defenses from Green Bay right now.

Just the Saints defense on that play. 

I think he's driving to your house after the game to shit on your lawn.

As long as he picks it up, I don't care. That's our policy with the neighbor's dogs.

I'm glad you added the dogs part. 

MichiganPacker2 posted:
Henry posted:
MichiganPacker2 posted:
Henry posted:
PackerHawk posted:
excalibur posted:

Saints just take the lead. We looked awful against that 49'ers defense. 

Hopefully the Packers decline their bowl invite wherever it might be. 

It's obvious Pettine is coaching both SF and NO defenses from Green Bay right now.

Just the Saints defense on that play. 

I think he's driving to your house after the game to shit on your lawn.

As long as he picks it up, I don't care. That's our policy with the neighbor's dogs.

Pretty sure he won't he's that bad.

Henry posted:
artis posted:

Good win. Not gorgeous. But Jones got back on track and the D wasn't shredded. 10-3 can't complain.

Yeah, leaning into it.  I just hope they don't show their hand too much before the playoffs.  It's pretty clear the run game is the strength of the offense right now.  Putting Jones out at WR just signals how they need to have some variations of the KC game plan in the chamber.  I don't like seeing him line up like that.

They've been lining up RBs at WR all year, I think.  I thought it was more innovation than necessity, but that may not be the case.  I remember seeing 33, 30, and 45 all lined up wide against KC at various times.  Lots of motion, too.  This seemed to go away once 17 came back.

I'm of fan of the alignment.  Puts the opposing defense on it's heels.

And, just heard the Butthole Surfers on the Patriots' loudspeakers.

Agreed on the innovation side of the alignment but I think they are running out of looks at this point.  When you have to put Jones out at WR to honor the pass for the love of Pete, you've got a WR problem.  At this point I don't think they can just expect to hand off to Jones and Williams and get the same results.  It's too easy to double cover Adams and give two shits about putting a guy on a island against Allison.  Lazard has shown up but he's not a blazer and it seems they usually scheme to get him open instead of beating a guy straight up.  At this rate they'll have put Jones under turf colored camo netting and pop him out on top of a Dlineman's back like a leprechaun.  The challenge is to keep defenses locking down on Jones and Williams.  The WR situation is rough.  

BrainDed posted:

Who holds the tie breaker between us and the Saints?

The Packers do...based on conference record. if the Pack win out...they will be the two seed. With two more Seattle losses and two more Niner losses the Packers would get the #1 seed. Now, the tricky part can find two more SF losses(Rams and Seattle), but finding two more Seattle losses is much tougher..they may get one tonight against the Rams, but the next two after that are Carolina and Arizona before finishing with they could lose that one, but then the Niners would be the #1 seed, assuming SF only lost once more prior to that.

Last edited by GreenNgoldBlood
Brak posted:

Yep.  Lazard looks like a potentially very good 3 right now.

Not sure Whitted was ready for the WR coaching gig, either.  Hard to say.

The "WRs don't get separation" sure looked like it applied today.

That's the other thing, young first time coach is probably going to have some inexperienced turds (Managua).  Here's to hoping those errors are picked up quickly. 

Again, fuck you Murphy.

Last edited by Henry
GreenNgoldBlood posted:
BrainDed posted:

Who holds the tie breaker between us and the Saints?

The Packers do...based on conference record. if the Pack win out...they will be the two seed. With two more Seattle losses and two more Niner losses the Packers would get the #1 seed. Now, the tricky part can find two more SF losses(Rams and Seattle), but finishing two more Seattle losses is much tougher..they may get one tonight against the Rams, but the net two after that are Carolina and Arizona before finishing with they could lose that one, but then the Niners would be the #1 seed, assuming SF only lost once more prior to that.

My head hurts.

I really think the bye would be critical not only for the rest but because it's one more game where the Packers offense is hidden and it needs to stay hidden. 

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