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DH13 posted:
Hungry5 posted:

DeAndre Levy might be a low risk / high reward signing in the summer. 

I thought i saw something that said he had more damage than the doctor told him.  Didn't have time to read the article.

ESPN link

"Still had the same issues emerge in March as from December/January," Levy said in an email to ESPN. "Turns out there was a little more damage than I was being told and there's no way I should've been back on the field last year."

In March, he said "hell no, I wasn't even close" to being fully healthy when he returned to the field.

Lions f'd up and rushed him back to the field. For a playoff run.

The 30-year-old linebacker told ESPN, "I'm very pleased about how things went" with the surgery and that "I'm glad to finally start the process to heal."

Last edited by H5
Henry posted:

x4 should write a self help book for Patriots fans.  "What to Expect When You're Expecting to Suck".

Other titles might include:

"Sucking For Rookies"

"Bottom Feeders - A Beginner's Manual" 

"Moving On Down - And Liking It"

"A Guide For Selling Losing To Yours Fans"

Goodell fines players that participated in an arm wrestling event held in Las Vegas casino because current NFL policy prohibits players from participating in events held in casinos. 

It writes itself. 

Anyone have eyeballs on Foreman out of TX?  Big back with speed and a ton of production last year but usually see him as 6th RB taken, or later.  His measureables are similar to Lacy coming out so what's the deal?  Is he not as physical for his size?

Last edited by DH13
DH13 posted:

Anyone have eyeballs on Foreman out of TX?  Big back with speed and a ton of production last year but usually see him as 6th RB taken, or later.  His measureables are similar to Lacy coming out so what's the deal?  Is he not as physical for his size?

Not a pass-catcher and a big-time fumbler.  Some reports have him as terrible blocker, but some reports have him as being a plus-blocker.  Pro Football Focus gave him the top blocking grade for running backs in this year's class, Nawrocki refers to him as a "functional pass protector," Zierlein says "poor mechanics in pass protection."  Pretty much covered the entire spectrum there.  But he didn't have many catches at Texas (13) and got across the board bad reviews for his pass-catching during the workouts.  There is no question about the fumbling problem.  He fumbled once every 49.56 touches which is the third worst mark among running backs in this class (average of "draftable" running backs in this class is 88).  He had a huge game against Kansas and then undid all the good he did in that game by fumbling it away in the end.

The similarity with Lacy that has to worry evaluators is his weight.  Foreman had the highest body-fat measurement of any running back at the combine.

He still is grading out as a third rounder but I think the 40-time will push him up into the late second round area. 


I don't understand why Deshaun Watson seems to constantly get downgraded. He checks boxes for size, athleticism, leadership, accomplishments, etc. He's not a refined passer, which is why he shouldn't be a top 5 pick, but with a little coaching I think he could end up being a franchise QB. Scouting sites seem to act like he's a developmental QB. I don't think Watson makes it out of the top 15, definitely doesn't make it to round 2. Trubisky is a guy I don't see as being a 1st rounder at all. Davis Webb is the #2 QB in my opinion.

DH13 posted:

Anyone have eyeballs on Foreman out of TX?  Big back with speed and a ton of production last year but usually see him as 6th RB taken, or later.  His measureables are similar to Lacy coming out so what's the deal?  Is he not as physical for his size?

Prospect Primer from might help. 

I somewhat agree with Jaworski. I like Watson apparently about the same as GD, but he's the only guy I think is worth a first rounder. I understand the need for a good QB, but over-drafting schlubs or throwing guys who aren't ready to the wolves isn't the answer. 

Deshaun Watson's average ball velocity at the combine was less than 47 M.P.H. and that is a terrible number.  Drew Brees can get away with it because he is a master of anticipation, timing and ball placement...for Watson to succeed in the NFL he'll have to be somewhat close to Brees in those areas.  His interception number over the last two years is somewhat of a concern, but I think an NFL coach will get him to be a bit more disciplined with the football once he is out of the "score-fest" college environment.  Have to love the positives...sounds like he's a pretty-level headed guy who has been a winner because it's important to him.

Ball velocity is a pretty useless stat. I guarantee Peyton Manning and Tom Brady would have had terrible ball velocity stats if they measured it back then. Both came in to the NFL pretty lean and had to improve their arm strength. Jamarcus Russell probably would have dominated ball velocity. Watson can and has made all the throws the NFL requires. 

GBFanForLife posted:

"Watson can and has made all the throws the NFL requires. "

Whenever I see this, I always think "what does this really mean"?

To me it means he can accurately throw short, intermediate, and deep passes in a variety of locations with relatively good accuracy. There are noodle armed QBs who struggle to push the ball down the field with any accuracy. Really what it comes down to is that the NFL requires QBs to throw a lot more intermediate routes (~10 to 20 yard routes) than college offenses generally do which means NFL QBs have to consistently be able to deliver accurate throws over a throwing distance of 20-40 yards, depending on the route. If they're just heaving it to get it 40 yards then they're probably not ready for primetime. 

DH13 posted:

The caveat being he's made "all those NFL throws" against NCAA competition.  I have no idea what kind of pro Watson will be and I'm willing to die with that on my conscience. 

I would wager to say every draft eligible QB falls within this criteria.

Grave Digger posted:
DH13 posted:

The caveat being he's made "all those NFL throws" against NCAA competition.  I have no idea what kind of pro Watson will be and I'm willing to die with that on my conscience. 

I would wager to say every draft eligible QB falls within this criteria.

Yes, thanks for putting my soul at ease.

I thought that happened 4 years ago?

DH13 posted:

After surviving over 40 years as a bachelor, I ran out of gas going on 4 years ago now.  We must still be in the honeymoon phase cuz as crazy as that cuckoo bird is, my life is better with her in it.

Goalline posted:

What the hell does that have to do with pony penises, Patrick?

I officially don't get this response.  Everyone else has posted mocks.  Doesn't mean any of them are going to come true. 

PackerPatrick posted:

You guys have posted some pretty good mocks. I found one link to another mock that I like. Some unknowns to me on it but I still like it.

Bowser in the first? Great measurables but he's really raw, kind of reminds me of a Bruce Irvin, though Irvin also did go high.  

I also doubt Hill lasts until the fifth round. 

Not a fan of taking Bowser in round one.  Would be a classic case of taking a guy that is 80% athlete and 20% football player.  He'll be a force if he hits his upside but there are just too many holes in his game.  He's timid and bad against the run.  More times than not, if an offensive lineman gets his hands on him it's play over.  He'd be well worth rolling the dice on at #61, but IMO he just isn't enough of a player at this point to take at #29.  But I could see Thompson drafting him.  Thompson values athletes with pass-rush upside over everything else when taking DL/OLB and Bowser definitely fits the bill.  Across the board numbers at Indianapolis were very similar to Watt.

I like the rest of that draft though.  As fans I wonder if we are getting too hung up on OLB as the sole source of pass-rush and wonder if the team might be better off with a Chris Wormley type DL-man pick early on.  Wormley will never be a 12 sack player, but he has the upside to be a 6 or 7 sack guy from the five-technique and could be a guy that piles up the pressures and frees up the blitzers a little more often.  He's a solid player and would be excellent value at #61.  Griffin is a big project and another "athlete" over "football player," but in this case the team would be using pick #93 on him and he's worth the gamble in this area of the draft.  Levin in round five is an interesting player.  Didn't know much about him prior to February but he really lit it up at the combine.  Evaluations I read seem to indicate he lacks core strength and figures to get pushed around a lot at the next level.  Wouldn't mind see the Packers use that late of a pick on him.

Herschel posted:
PackerPatrick posted:

You guys have posted some pretty good mocks. I found one link to another mock that I like. Some unknowns to me on it but I still like it.

Bowser in the first? Great measurables but he's really raw, kind of reminds me of a Bruce Irvin, though Irvin also did go high.  

I also doubt Hill lasts until the fifth round. 

What I liked about this mock was that the guys looked like that had potential and sort of fit TT's MO. I read that Hill was moving up some boards. But I don't know Mocks that well.

Wormley could be in consideration at 29 after his Pro Day workout. 4.84 40 at 300 lbs. with a 1.62 10 yd split, that's outstanding. Clay Matthews had 1.58 10 yd split for reference. He and Jon Allen are probably 1a and 1b in terms of the best interior pass rushers in the draft and best overall interior players. You're correct in saying he won't be a 10+ sack per year guy, but neither was Justin Smith. I think best case scenario with Wormley you're getting a Justin Smith-type grinder who can slide all over the line and be a 4-down player and produce...worst case scenario, based on what's been said of his character, he's probably a Dean Lowry/CJ Wilson type (good guys and good depth, but they aren't guys you want starting). I wouldn't upset if he's the pick at 29. 

Last edited by Grave Digger

True about Wormley. I was drawn to Griffens speed and thought he was a good value in the third round. Its true that most of the picks in that draft were raw but would have good value where we are picking.

Last edited by PackerPatrick
ChilliJon posted:

If Wormley is the first player selected by GB. It damned well better happen early in the second round with Ted grabbing another pick or two. 

This. If you're grabbing a guy for primary pass rush in the first round, I'd think you generally want 10 sack upside. 

I don't agree with the 10 sack rule at all. The Justin Smith comparison is a good one. Justin was round 1. 4th overall pick. Never recorded double digit sacks once in his career. Probably the most dominant and disruptive defensive lineman in the NFL when he decided to retire. 

If Wormley is a shadow-like representation of Justin Smith i'd be fine with GB taking him as their first player selected. As long as that pick happens early in round 2. 

ChilliJon posted:

If Wormley is the first player selected by GB. It damned well better happen early in the second round with Ted grabbing another pick or two. 

Speaking of early 2nd round and trader Ted. Lots of talk about QBs and Rd 1 worthiness. A consideration for teams like CLE, SFO, JAX, CHI, LAR, and LAC is they might want to jump back into the 1st for the QB, which would give them the 5th year option 1st rounders come with. They probably could grab their QB at the top of the 2nd, but then they lose out on owning that 5th year option.

Last edited by H5

What's the difference if he's picked at 29 or 33-40 in the grand scheme of things? I agree it's not wise to overdraft, but if you're convinced a guy is a difference maker then early 2 or very late 1 shouldn't be an issue. If you don't think he's a difference maker then you shouldn't take him that early at all. 

ChilliJon posted:

I don't agree with the 10 sack rule at all. The Justin Smith comparison is a good one. Justin was round 1. 4th overall pick. Never recorded double digit sacks once in his career. Probably the most dominant and disruptive defensive lineman in the NFL when he decided to retire. 

If Wormley is a shadow-like representation of Justin Smith i'd be fine with GB taking him as their first player selected. As long as that pick happens early in round 2. 

Granted, but as you said, Smith was just so good in multiple areas he made up for moderate sack numbers. He was also expected to have more sacks than he did and was considered somewhat of a disappointment in Cincy as a primary pass rusher, which is why the let him go to San Fran. 

What does "EAT" mean anyway.  If he means putting food in your mouth - we all do that - NFL contract or no NFL contract. 

Maybe it means something else like "Environmental Acceptance Testing".  That is what teams do when they interview prospective players - right? 

Grave Digger posted:

What's the difference if he's picked at 29 or 33-40 in the grand scheme of things? I agree it's not wise to overdraft, but if you're convinced a guy is a difference maker then early 2 or very late 1 shouldn't be an issue. If you don't think he's a difference maker then you shouldn't take him that early at all. 

You pick him at 29 you've selected him at 29 and you move on to day two of the draft. 

You pick him at say, 38, you've select a player at 38 and pick up an additional pick early in the 4th round.

Two picks in round 4 and two picks in round 5. In a deep draft at several positions of need? That's a good thing. 

I absolutely believe Wormley is still available at 38. I wouldn't select him at 29 given the amount of talent that's going to be available. But if GB likes him (like H5 stated) there's probably a team looking to jump back into round 1 for a QB. 

Last edited by ChilliJon

I think you all underrate Wormley, I wouldn't be surprised if he goes as high as 22 to Miami. He's a big, athletic versatile DL with a strong motor and no character issues, those guys get gobbled up pretty quick. 4-3 teams will want him as a 3-tech, 3-4 teams will want him at 5-tech. Round 1 goes to guys with the size/athletic upside combination. I don't think he would make it past Pittsburgh at 30. 

Last edited by Grave Digger
Ghost of Lambeau posted:
Goalline posted:

What the hell does that have to do with pony penises, Patrick?

I officially don't get this response.  Everyone else has posted mocks.  Doesn't mean any of them are going to come true. 

This is the mock forum?  I thought it was the railroad forum.

Tdog posted:
GBFanForLife posted:

I have to admit I have no freaking idea what the hell he's talking about.
I'm beginning to believe that speaking so you're understood is a dying art.

As a high school teacher, I can confirm that.

Tdog posted:
GBFanForLife posted:

I have to admit I have no freaking idea what the hell he's talking about.
I'm beginning to believe that speaking so you're understood is a dying art.

I was under the impression that the creators of Twitter named it Twitter because they correctly anticipated that all the people who would use it would be twits.

Disclaimer - Above statement does not apply to people under the age of 18. 

Hungry5 posted:

Ignorance is no longer bliss. It is now the #1 problem in a America.

Bull****. America is now so smart it has discovered that the earth is flat and vaccinations are the greatest health hazard.

PackerJoe posted:

I was under the impression that the creators of Twitter named it Twitter because they correctly anticipated that all the people who would use it would be twits.

Twits! ****ing funny man.  Never would have thought of that.  


Goalline posted:
Hungry5 posted:

Ignorance is no longer bliss. It is now the #1 problem in a America.

Bull****. America is now so smart it has discovered that the earth is flat and vaccinations are the greatest health hazard.

I actually sat next to a flat earth guy on my last flight.  Best. Flight. Ever.

DH13 posted:
Ghost of Lambeau posted:
Goalline posted:

What the hell does that have to do with pony penises, Patrick?

I officially don't get this response.  Everyone else has posted mocks.  Doesn't mean any of them are going to come true. 

This is the mock forum?  I thought it was the railroad forum.


And I thought it was the "Official 2017 Draft Thread".

Guess not.

Some are too busy mocking others.

Last edited by PackerPatrick

This thread started over four months ago. There might be a pick or trade scenario that hasn't been covered over these past 22 pages and 120 plus days but probably not. 

My point is this draft thread couldn't be any more ****ing official. 

And the draft can't possibly come fast enough. 

DH13 posted:
Goalline posted:
Hungry5 posted:

Ignorance is no longer bliss. It is now the #1 problem in a America.

Bull****. America is now so smart it has discovered that the earth is flat and vaccinations are the greatest health hazard.

I actually sat next to a flat earth guy on my last flight.  Best. Flight. Ever.

Seriously? I think I'd have him in tears by the end of the flight. LOL!

This might be the best place to put it: I really hate Path to the Draft on NFL Network. They place redundant and ridiculous attention to the top 10 picks and almost exclusively to the first round. I watch maybe two episodes now because it's so redundant.

PackerPatrick posted:
DH13 posted:
Ghost of Lambeau posted:
Goalline posted:

What the hell does that have to do with pony penises, Patrick?

I officially don't get this response.  Everyone else has posted mocks.  Doesn't mean any of them are going to come true. 

This is the mock forum?  I thought it was the railroad forum.


And I thought it was the "Official 2017 Draft Thread".

Guess not.

Some are too busy mocking others.

Welcome to x4.  Are you new here?

YooperPackfan posted:

I think they talk about the Packers about 3 times during the duration of a season of that show

If the Packers were drafting top-10 we'd be sick of hearing about them on there. It's just so damned compartmentalized as to be useless to anyone who really cares about the draft in general. 

Goalline posted:
DH13 posted:
Goalline posted:
Hungry5 posted:

Ignorance is no longer bliss. It is now the #1 problem in a America.

Bull****. America is now so smart it has discovered that the earth is flat and vaccinations are the greatest health hazard.

I actually sat next to a flat earth guy on my last flight.  Best. Flight. Ever.

Seriously? I think I'd have him in tears by the end of the flight. LOL!

Seriously!  I very much enjoy obscure erudite humor.  This guy was a comic savant.

Henry posted:
PackerPatrick posted:
DH13 posted: 

This is the mock forum?  I thought it was the railroad forum.

And I thought it was the "Official 2017 Draft Thread".

Guess not.

Some are too busy mocking others.

Welcome to x4.  Are you new here?

I can't tell if he thinks I'm mocking a man who is mocking a disabled person or if it's referring to the mocking the mocking man is doing.

DH13 posted:
Goalline posted:
DH13 posted:
Goalline posted:
Hungry5 posted:

Ignorance is no longer bliss. It is now the #1 problem in a America.

Bull****. America is now so smart it has discovered that the earth is flat and vaccinations are the greatest health hazard.

I actually sat next to a flat earth guy on my last flight.  Best. Flight. Ever.

Seriously? I think I'd have him in tears by the end of the flight. LOL!

Seriously!  I very much enjoy obscure erudite humor.  This guy was a comic savant.

Ah! Well, the subject matter is really funny.

DH13 posted:
Henry posted:
PackerPatrick posted:
DH13 posted: 

This is the mock forum?  I thought it was the railroad forum.


And I thought it was the "Official 2017 Draft Thread".

Guess not.

Some are too busy mocking others.

Welcome to x4.  Are you new here?

I can't tell if he thinks I'm mocking a man who is mocking a disabled person or if it's referring to the mocking the mocking man is doing.


Last edited by PackerPatrick
PackerPatrick posted:

Exactly. In the mock I posted he is #61. I like him there and I like Griffen at 93.

More research I do the more I think Levin would be a stretch at #172.  The highest I found him on anybody's list is at CBS Sports and he's #237 there.  Chances are excellent that he would be available at pick #212 and it's not out of the question he'd be available at pick #247.  It seems like core strength is just too much of an issue with him.  He had a great combine workout but his upside might be limited to an interior swing-man. 

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