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Preface this post with the following fact:

The Packers beat up on a team, AT HOME, in a preseason game. They Beat up on a team that had it's problems last year offensively and were missing both starting Pro-Bowl caliber tackles, their Pro Bowl quarterback and the 2005 League MVP (yeah I know he played:3 carries, 3 yards).

However, I must give credit where credit is due- Ted Thompson has built a top-notch defense.

Kampman, Jenkins & KGB provide a very tough rotation at defensive end. The DT rotation (while still not set) provides stability and run-stopping power, if lacking a bit of pass rush, although Harrell (who gets stopped at the LOS too often on pass rush) has a knack of batting down passes.

The LB's are set and have a 'tude with great lateral movement and tackling ability. I hope Hodge's knee problems are not career threatening.

The corners, while long in the tooth, are as good as it gets. Leadership along with great mano-y-mano coverage skills give Sanders flexability in play calling.

However, the lack of quality safety play will limit just how good this team will play. They still give up big plays down the middle. Seattle's second offensive series is probably a painful indicator of what's to come this season unless the team finds a DECENT playmaker at safety. I'm not looking for LeRoy Butler type of play, but someone who understand what the term/position/definition of safety REALLY is! How did INDY look without Bob Sanders last year? Imagine Pittsburgh w/o Troy Polamalu. The Bears defense was no where near as dominating the last ten games of the 2006 season without Mike Brown.

Ya want a very good defense? Ya got it. Ya want a DOMINATING fearsome defense? Find a great safety. The Packers are still searching. Bigby played well last night at the line of scrimmage, and I REALLY like the way he tackles and sacrifices his body, but the jury is still out on how well he can play "in space." If Bigby is able to oust Manuel and play well in cover two, then, maybe then, this is a defense that will be truly feared by other teams. Especially with their focus on stripping the ball away -impressive.

Offensively . . .They are what they are: Very young and prone to mistake:

Still getting bad snaps from the starting center (two in two preseason games) so that hasn't been fixed from last year, and still some blown assignments in the run game. But it appears solid overall.

The RB situation scares me to death, and it reminds me of two years ago with the WR position . . .We are one injury away from signing street free agents like Taco Wallace again.

We may have the best quarterback situation in the league. Paul Thompson will be a starter in this league someday. He's still very raw, but he reminds me of Aaron Brooks, with one big exception: Thompson's got a brain in his head, which means he will be able to read defenses and make proper reads in a few years.

The BIGGEST problem on this side of the ball is wide reciever. The starters can't get seperation from defenders, which causes Brett to constantly force balls in. With Driver, it usually works out ok, 'cause he's got great hands and a desire to go into traffic, make the catch and take a big hit. Jennings needs space to be effective, and he can't seem to be able to get seperation from defenders - thus he's been a non-factor. Jones appears to have a grasp of the offense already and has great hands. The catch along the sidelines was a thing of beauty and I'm guessing the officials musta thought "There's no way he could have caught that AND got BOTH feet in!" But the 2nd TD catch (from Rodgers) was even more impressive; sliding to the ground and catching a pass with zip off the turf landing in bounds near the endline. He could be a very good player the first half of the season. I hope he doesn't get that rookie "burnout" in November.

All in all, this is a team that could contend for the NFC North championship IF:

1) They have compentant RB play throughout the season without major lost time to injury

2) They find a decent, if not playmaking safety, to prevent the big play this defense has given up time and time again.

3) One of the receivers figures out how to actually get "open" so Favre doesn't have to constantly force into coverage ('cause we all know he aint changing into the game manager at QB that other average qb's around the league have become).

4) The offesive line continues to mature quickly. By Week 8 they should be at their best.

Ok then - Ted Thompson & Mike McCarthy appear to have this team on track to be a playoff contender. I'm still not 100% happy with Thompson's inactivity in free agency and his inability to get Favre a top-notch wide receiver, but maybe, just maybe, with this defense Farve will pplaying on a lot of short fields this year (and NEXT!) ;-)
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Picture of RonJr
Location: Sheboygan, Wi.
Registered: 02-03-2000
Posts: 258

Posted 05-13-2007 12:21 PM Edit or Delete MessageReport This Post
"I'm glad Ted Thompson has a plan and is sticking to it!"

That rhetoric is laughable.

"Gentlemen, comrades, do not be concerned about all you hear about Glasnost and Perestroika and democracy in the coming years. They are primarily for outward consumption. There will be no significant internal changes in the Soviet Union, other than for cosmetic purposes. Our purpose is to disarm the Americans and let them fall asleep." -Mikhail Gorbachev,

"How horrible, fantastic, incredible it is that we should be digging trenches and trying on gas masks here because of a quarrel in a far away country between people of whom we know nothing." - Neville Chamberlain

“It's nice to have the full support of the Detroit community. Seeing my name on all of those banners and signs at games gives me a warm feeling inside, the feeling you get when you sense that you're minutes away from being canned. It's a good thing I just read my name on those signs and nothing else.” - Matt Millen

"You must pursue this investigation of Watergate even if it leads to the president. I'm innocent. You've got to believe I'm innocent. If you don't, take my job." -Richard Nixon

"We know where they are. They're in the area around Tikrit and Baghdad and east, west, south and north somewhat." –Donald Rumsfelt (on Iraq's weapons of mass destruction)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Ah yes Packer fans, let us blindly follow "the plan" and sharply chastise anyone whom dares to question it. That makes sense. Ted Thompson shant make any mistakes. I really like that he has a "plan" and he's sticking to it!
Well stated Ron Jr. i agree that their defense is of a championship caliber. I agree that their rb's are inexperienced and "scary." However, their wide receivers are fine...unless Driver goes down, God forbid. Jennings and Jones are above average and don't forget Koren Robinson could be back for week five.

What about trading Corey Williams for Kevin Jones from Detroit? I know he got hurt last year, but Detroit has Calhoun, Bryson, Bell and Duckett..just a thought.
Hey Brak;

I MAY have been wrong about Thompson. I'm ready to admit that. However, the regular season hasn't started yet and we'll see how this team does when it really counts.

I'm just wondering, if I searched through all your posts, if I might not find something that you were wrong about.

Jenkins is playing like he's really got something to prove, and he's making a huge impact. It's a shame they waited so long to have him replace KGB last year but it's definitely the right move.

I'm really started to get excited about the D and with what I've seen from the young OL guys and Jones (WR) and Jackson (RB) and Rodgers (QB) I think this can be a decent offense in the near future as well.

What I am enjoying the most is that our special teams might be coming around to where the Packers will have a very good return game, kicker, and punter like they used to have back in their heyday. Good special team play can make up for not having a dominant offense.
I just lack your passion about what I'm wrong about.

I'm pretty passionate about things I'm right about too. I mean, I have made SOME correct statements in the past. I think I have anyway. I mean, I MIGHT have. Well, it's POSSIBLE at least, right?
Originally posted by Brak:
Originally posted by RonJr:

I'm wrong a lot. I just lack your passion about what I'm wrong about.

Passion isn't the word I'd use. In fact, I'd say "acts like a whining jack ass" instead.
Nobody should be eating crow after two preseason games. If the Packers score points, play good defense and beat Philly on opening day, then it might be time to take out a napkin and open your mouth up wide.
Originally posted by lynndickey83:

What about trading Corey Williams for Kevin Jones from Detroit?

NO! CW is the better player. I know KJ was a high draft pick with great speed, but I like CW better. On this team we need as many good players not good players at a particular position.
Originally posted by heyward:
Nobody should be eating crow after two preseason games. If the Packers score points, play good defense and beat Philly on opening day, then it might be time to take out a napkin and open your mouth up wide.

RonJr's tirades make him eligible for crow any day of the year.
Originally posted by Grave Digger:
Corey Williams and a 3rd for Julius Jones.

I would do that. Even a 4th, however, I would still keep CW. Running backs a so much easier to replace.
Originally posted by RonJr:
Hey Brak;

I MAY have been wrong about Thompson. I'm ready to admit that. However, the regular season hasn't started yet and we'll see how this team does when it really counts.

I'm just wondering, if I searched through all your posts, if I might not find something that you were wrong about.


The difference between the two of you is that Brak does not hold himself up to be something he is not, nor does he have a holier than thou attitude.

BTW you have covered your arse very well. Your admittance to be wrong is covered in "maybes" and "ifs and whens." Hell of a leap there junior, two or three key injuries and the team plays worse than last year you will be the second on back here yelling---I told you so. Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes
Originally posted by Goalline:
Originally posted by Grave Digger:
Corey Williams and a 3rd for Julius Jones.

I would do that. Even a 4th, however, I would still keep CW. Running backs a so much easier to replace.

LOL. How come it took 20 years to replace Brockington? And while I like Jackson and Morency have we really replaced Ahman Green?
I love the self-importance of statements like "Okay, now I'm willing to eat a little crow". Like anyone cares.

As for the hesitant crowd, for pete's sake why on earth are you not GLAD at least about what went down last night, intead of pestering people about their optimism over what was a very optimistic showing.
Originally posted by Brak:
Originally posted by RatPack:
I'm preparing a nice turkey rather than crow.

I'm smoking ribs on a Weber. Check it out:

Sweet Dude. Hickory is a favorite wood of mine.
GB has something called Depth thanks to TT. The cupboards were empty when he arrived and he's layed major groundwork has had led to a solid defense that will at the very least keep this team in virtually every game they play. They will also, just like last night, play a key role in why GB was able to rack up 48 points. Not only creating T.O.'s but also placing your offense on a very short field to score.

While GB's offensive stats didnt look as impressive as the points scored, the reason became obvious once you watch the game. When your offense only needs to drive 16 yars to score a TD, not much offensive total yards will be gained. When your defense places you instantly in FG range with an INT or a fumble, Favre need not press anything.

And thats the beauty of what TT has done. He finally took the weight off of Favre to be the key reason this team wins. Finally, after 16 years..someone else has that burden.
Originally posted by packerboi:
GB has something called Depth thanks to TT. The cupboards were empty when he arrived and he's layed major groundwork has had led to a solid defense that will at the very least keep this team in virtually every game they play. They will also, just like last night, play a key role in why GB was able to rack up 48 points. Not only creating T.O.'s but also placing your offense on a very short field to score.

While GB's offensive stats didnt look as impressive as the points scored, the reason became obvious once you watch the game. When your offense only needs to drive 16 yars to score a TD, not much offensive total yards will be gained. When your defense places you instantly in FG range with an INT or a fumble, Favre need not press anything.

And thats the beauty of what TT has done. He finally took the weight off of Favre to be the key reason this team wins. Finally, after 16 years..someone else has that burden.

Very well said, and from someone who GETS IT.

Props aside, it still would be nice for Brett to have a "Chmura-like" safety valve on crucial 3rd downs.
Originally posted by pakrbakr:
Originally posted by packerboi:
GB has something called Depth thanks to TT. The cupboards were empty when he arrived and he's layed major groundwork has had led to a solid defense that will at the very least keep this team in virtually every game they play. They will also, just like last night, play a key role in why GB was able to rack up 48 points. Not only creating T.O.'s but also placing your offense on a very short field to score.

While GB's offensive stats didnt look as impressive as the points scored, the reason became obvious once you watch the game. When your offense only needs to drive 16 yars to score a TD, not much offensive total yards will be gained. When your defense places you instantly in FG range with an INT or a fumble, Favre need not press anything.

And thats the beauty of what TT has done. He finally took the weight off of Favre to be the key reason this team wins. Finally, after 16 years..someone else has that burden.

Very well said, and from someone who GETS IT.

Props aside, it still would be nice for Brett to have a "Chmura-like" safety valve on crucial 3rd downs.

I have a sense that that safety valve is going to be Jones.
Originally posted by ammo:
Originally posted by Goalline:
Originally posted by Grave Digger:
Corey Williams and a 3rd for Julius Jones.

I would do that. Even a 4th, however, I would still keep CW. Running backs a so much easier to replace.

LOL. How come it took 20 years to replace Brockington? And while I like Jackson and Morency have we really replaced Ahman Green?

Stupid GMs. How long did it take to replace Henry Jordan?
Originally posted by Goalline:
Originally posted by ammo:
Originally posted by Goalline:
Originally posted by Grave Digger:
Corey Williams and a 3rd for Julius Jones.

I would do that. Even a 4th, however, I would still keep CW. Running backs a so much easier to replace.

LOL. How come it took 20 years to replace Brockington? And while I like Jackson and Morency have we really replaced Ahman Green?

Stupid GMs. How long did it take to replace Henry Jordan?

How long did it take to replace Dorsey Levens?
Originally posted by Grave Digger:
Originally posted by Goalline:
Originally posted by ammo:
Originally posted by Goalline:
Originally posted by Grave Digger:
Corey Williams and a 3rd for Julius Jones.

I would do that. Even a 4th, however, I would still keep CW. Running backs a so much easier to replace.

LOL. How come it took 20 years to replace Brockington? And while I like Jackson and Morency have we really replaced Ahman Green?

Stupid GMs. How long did it take to replace Henry Jordan?

How long did it take to replace Dorsey Levens?

Oh yeah, he got me there. Smiler
Originally posted by Smedley:
Originally posted by Grave Digger:
Corey Williams and a 3rd for Julius Jones.

Is he available. Who is Dallas using?

I don't know if he's available. He was in Parcells' doghouse I think for a time, and since they have Marion Barber (who some people think they like better), people assumed Jones was expendable. I don't know what the situation is now that Parcells is gone and Phillips is the coach.

They also have Tyson Thompson, who has looked really good so far this preseason. Barber could start IMO.

They don't have a lot of depth at DT IMO. Jason Ferguson is pretty old their other DTs are pretty green. Like I said, I don't if Jones is available, but it makes sense. They have something we really need and we have something they need.
Originally posted by pakrbakr:
Originally posted by packerboi:
GB has something called Depth thanks to TT. The cupboards were empty when he arrived and he's layed major groundwork has had led to a solid defense that will at the very least keep this team in virtually every game they play. They will also, just like last night, play a key role in why GB was able to rack up 48 points. Not only creating T.O.'s but also placing your offense on a very short field to score.

While GB's offensive stats didnt look as impressive as the points scored, the reason became obvious once you watch the game. When your offense only needs to drive 16 yars to score a TD, not much offensive total yards will be gained. When your defense places you instantly in FG range with an INT or a fumble, Favre need not press anything.

And thats the beauty of what TT has done. He finally took the weight off of Favre to be the key reason this team wins. Finally, after 16 years..someone else has that burden.

Very well said, and from someone who GETS IT.

Props aside, it still would be nice for Brett to have a "Chmura-like" safety valve on crucial 3rd downs.

AJ Hawk looked awesome. Loved that sack. Cullen Jenkins continues to be a beast.

Atari Bigby, Good lord! Even Bubba Franks got into the act with some catches and a couple devastating blocks on nice runs by B-Jack.

1) It was only pre-season
2) Holmgren looked at the tape against the Steelers and said to himself "There is no way I'm subjecting my 2 Pro-Bowl tackles and my Pro-bowl QB to that pass rush in a meaningless game."

Sure it was only pre-season, but no team wants to have their ass-whipped like that.

I have a small prediction to make here. Seattle will finish LAST in that division and no I'm not basing it on this pre-season game. St. Louis / S.F. / Arizona will give Seattle all they can handle this year and Seattle won't be able to handle any of those 3 teams. I'll be very surprised if Seattle wins that division this season.
Originally posted by FRZ:

AJ Hawk looked awesome. Loved that sack. Cullen Jenkins continues to be a beast.

Atari Bigby, Good lord! Even Bubba Franks got into the act with some catches and a couple devastating blocks on nice runs by B-Jack.

1) It was only pre-season
2) Holmgren looked at the tape against the Steelers and said to himself "There is no way I'm subjecting my 2 Pro-Bowl tackles and my Pro-bowl QB to that pass rush in a meaningless game."

Sure it was only pre-season, but no team wants to have their ass-whipped like that.

I have a small prediction to make here. Seattle will finish LAST in that division and no I'm not basing it on this pre-season game. St. Louis / S.F. / Arizona will give Seattle all they can handle this year and Seattle won't be able to handle any of those 3 teams. I'll be very surprised if Seattle wins that division this season.

Hopefully, Bubba finally got the message about his performance. Unfortunately, I've come to the point where I expect more poor games than good.

With that said, it was impressive. You could see how much more MM was pulling guards and how that worked for Jackson. He did a real nice job last night and got physical with his blocking too. Good sign.

I feel much better about Rodgers. It has nothing to do with the competition he's playing against either. He's playing with great poise and making really good decisions when he gets pressure. His release looks so much better with a lot of zip. I'm very optimistic about Rodgers continued development and being a successful QB in this league.

Defense was a beast. Even without the two tackles, Jenkins ate up Ashworth like Jason Taylor did to Colledge last year. That's just plain dominance at the position. Solidifying that RDE spot is really going to make the whole line look that much better. You'd have to be brain dead to not be excited about this defense.

Bigsby has another game like that and he'll be starting opening day. I'm good with that. He'll make his mistakes but he sure has more range than Manuel. BTW, how freakin' slow is Nate Burleson to be dragged down from behind by Manuel last night.
I'm not sure why people are wanting them to trade anyone from our defensive line. The depth is what every team dreams of. As far as the RB's go, Jackson improved with this 2nd game and hopefully will continue to improve. Favre needs to learn to play with what he has at receiver. He is still to quick to bail out on plays. He is going to need to learn to buy time if what he is looking for isn't there. I am sure that the receivers if given time will get open. They are young and just learning the game
Originally posted by Henry:
BTW, how freakin' slow is Nate Burleson to be dragged down from behind by Manuel last night.

Oh man, I noticed that too. I thought Burleson was supposed to be some kind of returner with some speed? I thought for a second that Manual had done a lot of work in the offseason and increased his speed, but then I realized it's more likely Burleson has lost a step. That was sad.
Originally posted by GBFanForLife:
I'm not sure why people are wanting them to trade anyone from our defensive line. The depth is what every team dreams of.

That's true, but would you rather have incredible depth at one position and little depth at another OR would you rather sacrifice and have good depth at both?

We should sacrifice a DT IF it meant we could aquire a better RB. JMO though.
I feel much better about Rodgers. It has nothing to do with the competition he's playing against either. He's playing with great poise and making really good decisions when he gets pressure. His release looks so much better with a lot of zip. I'm very optimistic about Rodgers continued development and being a successful QB in this league.

This was the first game I actually got to watch, but he just looks more comfortable if nothing else. Not looking so "deer-in-the-headlights like last year. He's developing! What a concenpt!
Originally posted by Maynard:
I feel much better about Rodgers. It has nothing to do with the competition he's playing against either. He's playing with great poise and making really good decisions when he gets pressure. His release looks so much better with a lot of zip. I'm very optimistic about Rodgers continued development and being a successful QB in this league.

This was the first game I actually got to watch, but he just looks more comfortable if nothing else. Not looking so "deer-in-the-headlights like last year. He's developing! What a concenpt!

best part is he is only 24.

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