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Originally Posted by Blair Kiel:






Was at a Fleetwood Mac Concert at the United Center as a present to my wife and our 25th wedding anniversary, My son texted me the score all night. Watching the replay now. Any other questions twat? Didn't think so. Was a Packer fan when your dad's sperm was running down your mom's leg. Now what? Gonna tell us all how to be "real" Packer fans? That's what I thought...if you need attention this bad start your own if that hasn't already happened. Cartoon...

I don't really want to get into a pissing match with you Blair Kiel, but that last paragraph is pure BS and you know it. You lurk in the game threads and POUNCE whenever someone even suggests something that isn't all butterflies and kisses. I understand getting pissed off at the people who only show up when the Packers are losing, but I would bet they aren't even Packer fans to begin with.

But you like to lump everyone into the same pile and start with the "whiner", "piss pants", etc. sophomoric name calling if someone even questions a play call. To be honest, you're the worst kind of fan. You seem to want to accept anything that is in front of you and expect others to do as well, almost like Cubs fans. I prefer fans that demand the best. Fans of a team are like family...we can denounce them, but don't let fans of other teams do it.  


So now you're now proclaiming that the games really don't matter, that you have a happy life, and question other people's "mental state of happiness"? Jesus Christ, BK, you started a goddamned THREAD on it! 


Your obsession isn't with the Packers...your obsessed with being right. I would rather question a call/play and be proven wrong because my team came back and won the game. You, on the other hand, really don't care if the Packers win. You just want to be able to say, "I told you so!" That's what you're obsessed with.


But now since we're on a 3 game losing streak, you want to take on this "it really doesn't matter that much to me since I have a life and none of you do" persona? Really? Sorry, you don't get to do that. Just because you haven't gotten an "I told you so" moment in a month doesn't allow you to all of a sudden pretend you don't give a schit.


I, like other Packer fans on this board, watch the Packers because it's 3 1/2 hours of watching your team play and to have some bragging rights with co-workers, family, and friends. Most of us, if not all, have "lives" outside of the Green Bay Packers. The difference is we're upset that our team isn't winning. YOU'RE upset because YOU aren't winning.


BTW, you're right about Newhouse. He sucks. Have a good day.

Originally Posted by phaedrus:

I am so glad BK is here to police us.


Especially any criticism after a Packer win.  Just go into The Norvening topic to see BK's rampant "policing."


I know I am.  Someone needs to keep the spineless in check who only show up to seep anal leakage during a loss.  


Nothing like holding to your opinions one way or another and not being a marshmallow when it comes to being right or wrong.  

Well, Henry, my issue is I got laid off and in order to save money I had my TV service suspended.


I forget the details, but a few years ago after an early season Packer win, I expressed criticism and concern (I think it was over the defense, but it doesn't matter).


My a$$ was skewered!  How DARE I criticize the Packers after a WIN!  It turned out my concerns were validated as the problems continued through a couple losses.


Blatant hypocrisy.  It's not just a matter of if someone is critical, but WHO is critical.


Which is why "The Norvening" was totally OK.  No BK complaining about you there, that's for sure.


Yeah, right.  Whatever.

That's because I don't back away from my opinions, right or wrong, and I'm not a conspiracy tweaker.  I love this whole "my point was correct" mentality which is what pervades your ilk.  


Opinions about a ****ING GAME are fun and entertain us.  If you use it as some marker of self determination you're in the wrong place. 


Mopers be mopey.

Last edited by Henry

September 11, 2009


To All Medaille Students Taking Dr Uhuru's Courses:


As I continue to the conclusion of my teaching employment at Medaille College, I remain ever vigilant regarding my personal and professional conduct, behavior and language. At this writing and this moment during my 30 years of earned employment, the aforementioned practices have been exemplary regarding my adherence to ethical standards applicable to the human condition.


With the completion of my doctorate degree in political science from the University of Buffalo and subsequent hiring at Medaille, I made a conscious decision that (a) Buffalo would be my home, and (b) that college classroom teaching would be my life employment raison d'etre. I have actualized both. The learning joys and blessings have been myriad and life enhancing. Throughout, conscious vigilance has been my guidepost. That brings me to why this communication is coming to you at this time.


With the establishment of Information Technology becoming the dominant and primary framework for human communication, I was confronted with an employment fait accompli that I would have to learn how to use it. In 2005, I attempted to first systematically introduce this computech medium into my classroom teaching. I have been in neurological overload ever since. I have operationalized a very basic Course Website of which I find the "file management processing" involving 4 different courses very labor intensive. I was made instantaneously aware of it in one of my classes today. I was approached by students who had taken previous classes from me if I still had Course Exercise Responses that they had completed regarding our "history" Thought Provoker.


Students who have taken courses with me recognize that I have incorporated this Exercise as an important "Teaching/Learning" method for critically reflecting on the evolution of homo sapiens qua "the human condition. I have also clearly stated that students who take Courses from me would be well served to SAVE "any" Course Info and especially Info pertaining to Exams and Definitions of terms and concepts. My classroom teaching has been that students have already paid for that Course Material and therefore your learning regarding this matter should not require that you have to "start" from a tabula rasa in completing this Exercise in subsequent courses that you take with me. The upshot is that students have been informed that Responses to the "history" Thought Provoker which were completed in "previous" classes can be used in subsequent classes. However, I have emphasized that I will Not go back and see what the Point Eval on any previous response was and would read each submitted response anew.


In today's classroom I articulated a "willingness" to provide some very ethical and good students their previous "history" Thought Provoker Exercise Responses. After some very much needed sleep and respite from my 3 classes, my retrospective critical reflection has concluded that this would be a problematical ethical slippery slope had I done so and were I to do so in the future.


All students please be informed I have Not Done So and Will Not Do So, Not because there are "X" number of students who are also taking additional Courses with me who could make the same inquiry and request, and thereby requiring me to return to previous Course File Management Processing, but rather because it could allow future allegation of unethical conduct against me. With only a "few" additional years remaining on my intended full time teaching career, any "nuance" of impropriety would be for me a cul-de-sac distraction and neurologically unnerving.


The concluding upshot is "that it is" and "must be" the student's personal/individual responsibility to maintain her/his accounting for this and all previous Course Materials. The classroom teaching/learning inquiries and exchanges continue to inform and enhance my life dao and hopefully the same will be for students who take Courses with me during their continued and imperative objective to attain their Baccalaureate Degrees.


Peace out,


Dr Uhuru

Originally Posted by Henry:

That's because I don't back away from my opinions, right or wrong, and I'm not a conspiracy tweaker.  I love this whole "my point was correct" mentality which is what pervades your ilk.  


Opinions about a ****ING GAME are fun and entertain us.  If you use it as some marker of self determination you're in the wrong place. 


Mopers be mopey.

The basic problem is you are a tool.


If you went back to the thread I referred to, there is not an iota of 1)backing away from opinions (I didn't back away an inch), 2)conspiracy tweaking, 3)"i need to be right - nyah, nyah," or 4)being some marker of self-determination (whatever the hell that is supposed to mean).


BK posts something that is unfairly provocative.  Unless someone deserves to be bitch-slapped because he happened to be out with his wife for their 25th.


And BK sure as hell didn't get a dander up in "The Norvening."


Because part of his MO is he is a hypocrite.

Last edited by phaedrus

I came up with this quote just a few minutes ago. I thought /r/atheism would appreciate.


Just to be clear, I’m not a professional ‘quote maker’. I’m just an atheist teenager who greatly values his intelligence and scientific fact over any silly fiction book written 3,500 years ago. This being said, I am open to any and all criticism.

"In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phony god’s blessing. But because, I am enlightened by my intelligence."



Originally Posted by phaedrus:
Originally Posted by Henry:

That's because I don't back away from my opinions, right or wrong, and I'm not a conspiracy tweaker.  I love this whole "my point was correct" mentality which is what pervades your ilk.  


Opinions about a ****ING GAME are fun and entertain us.  If you use it as some marker of self determination you're in the wrong place. 


Mopers be mopey.

The basic problem is you are a tool.


If you went back to the thread I referred to, there is not an iota of 1)backing away from opinions (I didn't back away an inch), 2)conspiracy tweaking, 3)"i need to be right - nyah, nyah," or 4)being some marker of self-determination (whatever the hell that is supposed to mean).


BK posts something that is unfairly provocative.  Unless someone deserves to be bitch-slapped because he happened to be out with his wife for their 25th.


And BK sure as hell didn't get a dander up in "The Norvening."


Because part of his MO is he is a hypocrite.


To much fun.  Really.


Or it could be the fact I stick by my opinions and will back them up or concede I was wrong.


How sad is it that there is a contingent on this board that was almost giddy when I posted "The Norvening".  Really?  See I have a reason for posting what I did after 4 years of examination instead of repeated pants pissing in every thread over that same span of time.  Are you starting to understand now?  Of course you don't.


And let's go deeper into "The Norvening" shall we?  What was said?  The belief that this was a pivotal year for MM in his maturation of becoming a complete coach and my belief of what the weak elements are after a seeing repeated issues over a period of time.  You do understand what I'm driving at don't you?  Again, of course not.


Let's summarize. 


4 years of repeated pants ****ting in every game thread vs. a review of 4 years accompanied by appropriate delegation of blame across the organization even though some areas are glaringly weaker than others.


And here's the kicker.  Even though I think the Packers will make the playoffs and probably lose in the first or second round I still enjoy watching the individual games for enjoyment, not fulfillment of my oh so sage like predictions.  I want to be proven wrong as they roll into the Superbowl because they get hot at the right time.  Here's the beauty of it, I'm not a giant pussy who can't handle being called out because it's a ****ING GAME.


Still makes me laugh how some of you have such a boner for the Norvening as some vindication of your opinions.  Get your own take fer **** sake.  It's ****ing funny, laugh a little and quit wrapping your identity up in this ****.  Christ.

Last edited by Henry
Originally Posted by phaedrus:


One thing I am guilty of is I despise injustice.


Really pi$$es me off.



Yes, this is injustice.  


Kiel does have super villian traits.   Mercilessly drinking box Cabernet while petting his naked mole rat.  Seeking to crush your right to be a butt hurt slow coach on a daily basis.


Jerstice League unite!!! 

Last edited by Henry
Originally Posted by Blair Kiel:
Originally Posted by antiworst:

Was at a Fleetwood Mac Concert 

......1975 called, it wants it's music back. Will you be icing cookies during the next game?

I like FM, I like the Stones, I like Springsteen. Sorry they're out of your price range. When Boyz to Men make a comeback you'll can sleep overnight and get tickets with the rest of your "buddies". Then again, there's always the County Fairs!!!


Look BK, I get your schtick. You're need to be right is important to you. When the Packers win, you want to say "I told you so!!!". Then they lose and the fans bring up deficiencies, you cry, "You're not really fans!!! And besides, I have another life!!!"


It's really quite funny. I've been a Packer fan longer than you've been alive. I've watched them through the Scott Hunter, Jerry Tagge, David Whitehurst days. Your juvenile insults are nothing compared to what I've heard before. You're an attention whore, nothing more. And that's ok with me. Really, it is. because I get to go back to my life on Mondays and you have to settle for yours.


So I'll go back to watching my favorite team and you can go back and try to prove you have relevance. I'll sit back and smile. Poor little guy...


Hey Lacy looked better, huh? Peppers really showed up too, doncha think BK?  

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