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GBFanForLife posted:

I've stated before that it is more the players on defense than the coaching. A good example is Tramon Williams. There has to be better players available. As far as the offense goes, who are they going to find to reign in Rodgers? How long will it take for him to adapt to a new offense? Can he adjust to his arm not working the same? Because something is wrong with all the low passes he is throwing 

No arguments about player talent but that's what he's got.  Why do you think I was so pissed when they drafted Opie instead of trying to find an LB or OL option.

I don't think it's a matter of reigning Rodgers in.  It's about getting him onboard and a fresh offensive scheme will likely do just that.  I hate to say it but Josh McDaniels is probably a prime candidate.  

As far as getting up to speed, I don't see an issue with a guy like Rodgers.  The guy is wicked smart so match him up with an OC/HC who actively wants to work with Rodgers on an innovative scheme and get him working with the rest of the squad to get on the same page.  That was the biggest disconnect between Rodgers and McVince, they stopped working together.  

No disagreement with how Rodgers is playing either but it seems to be his footwork and the fact he's playing with his head on a swivel and has a ****ed up knee.  He's definitely off and having a house of cards oline isn't going to help correct the yips.

Last edited by Henry

Rodgers still seems to think the receivers should be where he wants them to be. As good as he used to be, he should be able to adjust to where the receivers are. Even with the higher draft picks the whole right side of the offensive line needs to be replaced. They need a TE who isn't old and slow.  The defense needs linebackers and a safety. Too many holes to fill.

GBFanForLife posted:

Rodgers still seems to think the receivers should be where he wants them to be. As good as he used to be, he should be able to adjust to where the receivers are. Even with the higher draft picks the whole right side of the offensive line needs to be replaced. They need a TE who isn't old and slow.  The defense needs linebackers and a safety. Too many holes to fill.

It's hard to overstate how bad Spriggs and McCray are. It would be hard for any QB to function optimally when your line has two stiffs like that. The OL went from best in the league to one of the worst in the league very fast (if they didn't have Bakh it would be the worst in the league). 

The downfall really started with the transition from Sitton and Lang. They got old and they got a solid, but not great, replacement in Lane Taylor and failed to get the other guard spot settled and kept a backup tackle for Bulaga who is just embarrassing when he plays (Spriggs). 

In the early part of this decade they were lining up a HOF caliber guard (Sitton), another Pro Bowl level guard (Lang), and two young Pro Bowl caliber OTs (Bulaga and Bakh). They had a good center (Tretter) and a good utility guy (Linsley). 

Now they still have Bakh. Linsley is OK. But Bulaga has to really work to get out on the field with all the injuries. Lane Taylor is a guy you can win with, but he's a far cry from peak Josh Sitton. They've had stopgaps at the other guard spot since Lang left. And they may have the worse backup OT in the league that has to play a lot. 

They have to rebuild the OL and probably have to have at least 2 new starters next year that aren't on the roster yet. 

GBFanForLife posted:

As far as the offense goes, who are they going to find to reign in Rodgers? How long will it take for him to adapt to a new offense? Can he adjust to his arm not working the same? Because something is wrong with all the low passes he is throwing 

Reigned in? What does that even mean? Other than trying to sound like a radio shock jock, I'm really curious though, what needs to be reigned in? Like exactly. 

I'll hang up and wait for the answer. 

And, as for how long it will take him to adapt to a new offense, I'm going with, about 26 minutes.  He's a smart guy, he'll be able to adapt immediately. 

I don't think they are that far away talent wise.    

QB - Just fine.

WR - Adams locked up and MVS looks great for a rookie.  Could be a solid #2.  Lots of other kids that could grow into backup roles.

RB - Jones is a top 10 talent.   

TE - Need to move on from Graham and fill this hole.

OL - lots of holes.

* With Cobbs salary coming off the books, that could be used to patch some holes on the OL.  Perhaps replace Bulaga.   

* There is still hope that Madison plays next year.

DL -  Solid group and the main pieces are returning.

MLB - Decent, not really a hole.

OLB - Big hole.   Probably need two.   Fackrell showing signs that he can play though  

CB - Alexander, Jackson and King.  If King can stay healthy we look really good here.

S - Two holes.

* Clays money should free up room to plug some holes via FA.


So by using Clay and Cobb cap space to plug two, maybe 3 holes your only left with needing 1 or 2 rooks to produce.   I'd say we could compete for the North next year and SB the following if Gute can keep drafting Alexander and MVS quality players  



I think you paint a rosy picture.

WR - Adams locked up and MVS looks great for a rookie.  Could be a solid #2.  Lots of other kids that could grow into backup roles.

I am unsure about MVS although I just checked some and some say his productivity diminished because he played the slot.

In the last 4 games (receptions/yards):
6/44 - Dolphins
1/8 - Seahawks
1/3 - Vikings
2/19 - Cardinals

I have hope, but I don't know that he is a sure thing.  You did omit Geronimo though and he looked real good.  ESB?  No idea.  Kumerow?  No idea.


TE - Need to move on from Graham and fill this hole.

OL - lots of holes.

* There is still hope that Madison plays next year.

TE looks like we have bodies but no one who wows anyone.

OL is a minefield. 


OLB - Big hole.   Probably need two.   Fackrell showing signs that he can play though  



CB - Alexander, Jackson and King.  If King can stay healthy we look really good here.

S - Two holes.

The if on King is huge.  This has been his pattern since college.  What has Jackson accomplished?  I fear the Pack may be in need of a starting level corner.

Safety is a minefield.

With that, I think I would draft the best LT in Round 1 assuming he can also play RT and play him at RT until and when Bakh is done.  I think I would draft guards at 3 and 4.

S or edge rusher at our lower 1.

The other at 2.

A bit of gambling at WR.  If we can acquire any of the above positions with FA, draft a WR at that slot.

TE needs to sit.  Too many other holes.

 And here I left out any addition at corner.  A lot of holes.

Last edited by phaedrus
GBFanForLife posted:

Rodgers still seems to think the receivers should be where he wants them to be. As good as he used to be, he should be able to adjust to where the receivers are. 

When we had Jordy, Cobb, Adams and others before them in their prime, a lot of these passes were thrown before the WR even made their break. We don't see a lot of that now. So yeah, being where the QB expects you to be is kind of important in McVince's offense. Take away that part of the scheme and you have a QB standing behind a shaky OL waiting until his WR's are open instead of throwing them open. 

Who knows how things will work in the next offense. I don't think they will be locked into the West Coast tree of philosophy. We might end up sticking there or go in a completely different direction. 

phaedrus posted:


With that, I think I would draft the best LT in Round 1 assuming he can also play RT and play him at RT until and when Bakh is done.  I think I would draft guards at 3 and 4.

S or edge rusher at our lower 1.

The other at 2.

A bit of gambling at WR.  If we can acquire any of the above positions with FA, draft a WR at that slot.

TE needs to sit.  Too many other holes.

 And here I left out any addition at corner.  A lot of holes.

I like the idea of going tackle as long as one of the top ones fall to us.    Guards can be found in the mid rounds so that leaves 2 picks (Saints and our 2) for pass rushers.  

I'd try to patch the S hole via free agency as experience is vital at the position and that gives us the best chance to compete right away. 

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