They just showed the replay on the fake........mental mistake by Hawk. I cannot wait to see him on his way out of Green Bay.
WTF...that screen would've gone forever...
Defense better respond here. Seattle will be on top of the world even if they only get 3 here.
Buck and Troy couldn't be more slanted
wow, no run plays at all on that series
That screen pass was perfectly set, except Rodgers twisted his ankle there. Yikes!
hope they have a couple more to give
This feels like the 1980s.
House also blew the fake.
They have the lead. MM can't become one dimensional, 8 man fronts or not.
Buck and Troy couldn't be more slanted
I hate Buck (don't really mind Aikman), but they just want a competitive game. Games that go lopsided are bad for ratings.
come on D!
I still don't understand why they didn't tack on 15 for the late hit.
You mean the late hit on Matthews? GB took the down and declined the penalty. They had already sacked Wilson.
That 3rd and 19 felt just like 3rd and 23.
It's happening.
thanks...i needed that
They have the lead. MM can't become one dimensional, 8 man fronts or not.
Mm called great plays.
The Cobb catch should have been a first down and the screen was wide open to Lacy.
good start to the series.
3 and long. come on Pack!!
Stopped 'em!
3 and out!!!!
There was your punch. Now answer!!!
You feel it?
And **** you FS for invoking the 80's. That's worse than talking Super Bowl already.
YES BABY!!! momentum back to us.
Why do I feel like the season's over already.
Awesome Defense, WATCH THE FAKE!!!!
Critical 3 and out...just as the Nervous Nelly in me was starting to surface.
3& out -watch for fake.
Offense needs to step up and put some points on the board.
Lost some field position there. Need a couple of first downs.
We need a long drive and a score of some sort. Great stop by the D.
grind it out please
Need to move the ball!
Now it is the offense turn to show they can play.
I'm going on the record - Russell Wilson has worse hair than I do.