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Hungry5 posted:
oldschool posted:

It's not THAT out there. 

It is, and that's why you are out there with it.

In any serious discussion on the topic we don't know Pettine well enough yet to have a read on his influence in the matter...(or Gutekuntz / La Flower) but there are plenty of clues from Pettines past that would indicate that he can be kind of "anal"  (apologies to Henry for the early morning titillation) about specific players and the roles they play in his vision of a defense which I'm sure he is now most interested in molding..NOW...with urgency. 

It's very fair to say in an article about the Green Bay Packers that trading Daniels for a better pick than we get from compensation is a "possibility" in this currently nuanced situation. 

It might not be great journalism...but it's not anything near the now complete failure and suicide by omission and lie of the Fake News mentality we see in the regular MSM.


Music City posted:

I think the evidence is in that he wears down. And it’s not just the missed games- it’s the lack of effectiveness as the season goes on. First 4 weeks he’s the guy you’re paying on the contract. The other 12+? Not so much. 

I don’t think you need to trade him, but you don’t invest long term on a guy like that anymore. 

That's because, after he signed the big contract his snaps went way up. With all these new bodies you can reduce his snaps and allow him to become more effective.

GrainBelt66 posted:

I am 6’4” and go around 255. I cannot imagine going somewhere between 55 and 80 snacks (typo on purpose) against players that have 20-30 pounds on me through an entire game. Doing it on a weekly basis would be daunting. 


Molly Schuyler is a 108-pound woman who can out snack all the fat guys. Ask the guys at Wards House of Prime in Milwaukee.

22.5 pounds of steak in one sitting...and she wanted more.


Goalline posted:
GrainBelt66 posted:

I am 6’4” and go around 255. I cannot imagine going somewhere between 55 and 80 snacks (typo on purpose) against players that have 20-30 pounds on me through an entire game. Doing it on a weekly basis would be daunting. 


Molly Schuyler is a 108-pound woman who can out snack all the fat guys. Ask the guys at Wards House of Prime in Milwaukee.

22.5 pounds of steak in one sitting...and she wanted more.


You should have seen Molly eat 500 wings in 35 minutes at the Wing Bowl in Philadelphia.  When it was over, she wanted a steak!  

oldschool posted:
Hungry5 posted:
oldschool posted:

It's not THAT out there. 

It is, and that's why you are out there with it.

In any serious discussion on the topic we don't know Pettine well enough yet to have a read on his influence in the matter...(or Gutekuntz / La Flower) but there are plenty of clues from Pettines past that would indicate that he can be kind of "anal"  (apologies to Henry for the early morning titillation)


No worries.  I left your tip on the night stand. 

The psuedo intellectual signaling is hot.  

Last edited by Henry

Please trade Daniels! I'd take a 5th rounder for him right now.

The guy is completely undisciplined. He's a loud mouth who can't back it up. He talks tough but plays stupid. Packers do not need stupid players who jump off sides on 4th down.

They don't need players who take taunting penalties in critical situations in the NFCCG.

They don't need the big salary for mediocre production. They need younger, smarter, bigger and faster. And they need a guy without Teflon arms who slips through so many potential tackles he reminds me of Brady Poppinga.

This is Daniels last year. His next deal will not net GB more that a 5th. He will be 30 yrs old, 6' tall and on the downside. I'd rather sign Wilkerson and see how he does. 

I want to get rid of all the Ted Thompson undersized, no speed, underachievers as soon as possible. I think Ted tried to draft players who reminded him of himself the older he got. You can have one or two of those guys but not a whole roster full.

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