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Good point here by Silverstein

Winning the third-string portion of the game is important. The Packers have done that two weeks in a row. It means that the caliber of your roster at the lower end is probably better than the competition. I remember how during the '90s, Wolf's backups always did well because the talent at the back half of the roster was good. Those guys will be needed at some point.
by Tom Silverstein 9:32 PM
Originally Posted by cuqui:

Good point here by Silverstein

Winning the third-string portion of the game is important. The Packers have done that two weeks in a row. It means that the caliber of your roster at the lower end is probably better than the competition. I remember how during the '90s, Wolf's backups always did well because the talent at the back half of the roster was good. Those guys will be needed at some point.
by Tom Silverstein 9:32 PM

Seems like a 'duh' moment to me.


Thanks captain obvious Silverstein.



Last edited by Cavetoad

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