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I think a lot of the slow start can be attributed to not knowing not only what Cam Newton could do as a QB, but also how Carolina was going to use him and what Shawn McDermott was going to be doing on defense. This is only week 2 and there has been exactly 1 game worth of film on Carolina and that was against a bad Arizona team. Once Dom and McCarthy figured out what they were doing, which was in the 2nd quarter, they were consistently 1 step ahead of them. Chudzinsky tailored the offense around Cam Newton, which means he is doing a lot of the same things he did at Auburn, which is not an NFL offense. Teams now have a blueprint for how to attack/defend Newton and it's going to be a rough season for him I think.

As for negatives, the pass rush is still not impressing me. Clay had a solid game, but Carolina made a terrible mistake by forcing their rookie UDFA RT to handle him 1 on 1. New Orleans had him doubled and sometimes tripled, which is what I think we're going to see more often. Outside of Clay though, no one got significant pressure. Raji bull rushed their interior a couple times and flushed Newton out, but we needed more.

As for positives, our short yardage and redzone defense looked awesome. Carolina is a team built for power running...huge strong QB, bruising RBs, big Oline, etc. Even New Orleans with their massive OLine couldn't push our DLine back. Short yardage and red zone D are some of those little things that help you win SBs. I would gladly give up 400 yards passing every week between the 20's if it means inside the 20 and at the goalline we force FGs. Newton and Brees racked up yards, but neither game was really a "shootout". I will take wins over stats.
Originally posted by TD:
Originally posted by FreeSafety:
Walden is a better rusher than Zombo and So'oto combined.

Really? Based on his no pressures or zero sacks?

Since you're basing your argument on one game, allow me to retort. Walden is a better rusher than Zombo and So'oto combined because they were both inactive today.

Despite your flawed premise, you still pwned the hell out of FS, IMO

1 - Woodson stepping up. It's been a little while since he was assigned to the #1 and played predominately outside. Reminded me of the 09 season.

2 - Run defense. 11 carries from the backs for 18 yards. I think the game plan was to take away their run and let the rookie make mistakes. IT WORKED. Lets stop freaking out about the 400 yards passing. (80 in junk time)

3 - Our Run game. The interior line is going to be one of the best in the NFL by years end. Sitton, Wells, and Lang all get after it in the run game. Cliffy, not so much. Starks is clearly the best back on this team and has some big games ahead of him.

4 - Closing out the game with a TD on offense. There has been a lot of crying about this. Today, up 7 with about 4 mins left, TD to go up by 14. Here is your tissue, move along.


1 - holding penalties. Too many. I understand an occasional hold to keep your QB from getting raped, but I think the OL had 5.

2 - The love affair with the back shoulder throw. Rodgers was off today and I think he got a little cute with that throw. We went to it several times and was either off or not on the same page with the receiver. This wasn't his best game, and it's only a neg because he has set the bar and a ridiculous level.

3 - Jennings had a rough game.. Two balls I would consider drops. Great job of getting the block on Nelson's TD

4 - The first 3 negs lead to the ultimate neg. Not converting turnovers to points. They do a better job with this and red zone offense, this is a route.
Originally posted by TD:
Originally posted by FreeSafety:
Walden is a better rusher than Zombo and So'oto combined.

Really? Based on his no pressures or zero sacks?

He had decent pressure on the 1rst pick Newton through to Woodson. Also, he gave up some snaps to Jones, lets not overlook that.

One more thing, he spent about half the time, of those split snaps, in coverage as the Pack were playing 3-4 most of the first half. When they are in the 3-4, typically it will be Clay and the 3 DL that rush. His rush chances were really limited today compared to most games. Even when they were in nickle, a few times they had Walden dropping back into the middle while they brought pressure from Bishop and Hawk.
I've seen a couple people comment about drops from Jennings and I must of been watching a different game. I saw more than a few misses from AR directed at Greg, including at least two on the drive that resulted in the failed fourth down attempt, but nothing I really considered a drop.

Rodgers didn't have a bad game, but didn't play to the very high level that Packer fans have become accustomed to.
With the options this team has on offense I would like to see the Packers call up something a little more high percentage on 4th and 4 than a 20 yard back shoulder pass if the situation comes up again.

Jenning's got his hands on it. Normally he makes that catch. I just think the Packers have better options / plays to pick up 5 yards.
Pretty awesome that a bad game for Rodgers is 300 yards, 65% completion rate, 2 TD's and no picks. That's when you know you're good. Still, the offense can't rely on big plays like they did against Carolina. When they get the ball inside the 10, they need to score TD's not FG's. Especially if they plan on giving up 400 yds passing every week.
Here is the money quote from Coach Slow-Dum

Itā€™s pretty apparent that Cobb has a reckless return style. On the fumbled kickoff he ran right into the back of teammate Ryan Taylor, who was being pushed back into the running lane.

ā€œRandall ran it up in there and right into his back,ā€ Slocum said. ā€œ Itā€™s a good quality. I love it. Heā€™s going to continue to do that."

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