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In their last four first halves at Lambeau Field, they have outscored their opponents 128-9. When they jumped out to a 30-6 halftime lead over the Eagles, they became the first team in NFL history to score 28 or more points in the first half of four straight home games. They have scored at least 30 points in each of the last six home games, setting a franchise record



Nelson and Cobb...All-Pros All the Time

Rodgers...cannot imagine there is a better QB now or then and maybe in the future

EDDIE "THE TRAIN" LACY...Get On Board the Lacy Express!

Peppers...Bears are losers and Packers winners

Hyde had some career plays

Matthews...this move to ILB could be the epiphany the Packers defense needed

DLine: These guys are just getting it going at the right time

Oline getting it done

Defense held in the last 2 minutes

Starks is a good alternative to Lacy




Crosby's kick did not hook back through

First series resulted in only 3 points...Seemed like there was too much adrenaline after that big reception by Nelson

Ha-Ha got a boo-boo...hope not too serious

TT lockup Cobb now!

MM gotta keep this team under the clouds




Special Teams break down on blocked punt



Last edited by GBP1

This is kind of cool, think Rodgers would love this:

@MagicJohnson: Aaron Rodgers reminds me of my good friend and rival Larry Bird. Aaron & Larry have similar qualities.


@MagicJohnson: Both Aaron and Larry are great leaders, both are competitive & most importantly make their teammates better, all while making it look easy!


@MagicJohnson: So the highest compliment I can give Aaron Rodgers, the best QB in the NFL, is to compare him to 3x NBA Champion Larry Bird!


Packers Won

Vikings Lost

Lions Lost

Seahawks Lost



Bears Won

49ers Won


Best Part:

Seeing Julius Peppers basically carry that measly WR into the endzone like he was a mosquito buzzing around him. That's Peppers 2nd pick 6 this year, he's a freak! 6'7" 280 lb. and better in coverage than of the Safetys for the Bears or Vikings...or Hawk.

Last edited by Grave Digger
Originally Posted by Grave Digger:


Packers Won

Vikings Lost

Lions Lost

Seahawks Lost



Bears Won

49ers Won


Best Part:

Seeing Julius Peppers basically carry that measly WR into the endzone like he was a mosquito buzzing around him. That's Peppers 2nd pick 6 this year, he's a freak! 6'7" 280 lb. and better in coverage than of the Safetys for the Bears or Vikings...or Hawk.



I don't think it's nitpicking at all. The specialists had a poor outing. Goode had 2 bad snaps, 1 was high and Masthay struggled to get it down leading to the blocked XP and the other was low and Masthay dropped it leading to the other blown try. I know the weather was sloppy (looked like a mix of snow and freezing rain), but they've played and succeeded in worse conditions. Both of Crosby's good FG's weren't good by much and then he had the missed FG. And Masthay's only punt looked pretty poor. The coverage units were strong and obviously Hyde had a superb return, but Crosby, Masthay, and Goode got a thumbs down from me...I don't have much tolerance for the specialists having tough days though, it's the only thing they get paid to do. 


I was surprised by the turf at Lambeau. Seemed like a lot of guys were having problems. Usually that field is awesome, not sure what the difference is. 

Instead of hanging pictures in the MOMA, they're going to have to install video monitors. Both the throws to and the catches by Jordy on his 2 big plays were works of art. His TD play was jaw-dropping beautiful!

ARod was a traffic cop today he was reading their defense so well.

Props to Lang and Sitton for gutting it out 2 weeks in a row now. Balls of steel.

Depth guys are playing reasonably well when they get to play. Tretter even channeled his inner Conrad Dobler today! He gave 'throwback' a new perspective.

Defense smoked some feathered ass today! They are completely different starting this half of the season as compared to the first 8 games. Exhibit A: Letroy Guion.

Dare I say they are becoming feared?


For anyone who thinks negatives are nit-picking, look at Quarless' effort blocking downfield in the gif that Rusty posted at the top of this thread. Contrast that to Jordy's effort last week. Hell, contrast it to Datone's effort on Peppers INT return gif that EKB posted above. He blocked 2 guys...and he plays defense!

Q was being lazy.

There were still too many missed tackles. Tramon had a couple of whiffs that were ugly.

Ditto for some gaffes in pass coverage. Hyde got smoked particularly bad one play. They also had at least a handful of plays where receivers were wide open but Sanchez threw poorly. And of course one play where a receiver was wide open in the right flat and Sanchez hit him for a big gain.


Last, but not least, MM seemed to have the perfect game plan. If he indeed scripts the first dozen or so plays, he sure knew which ones to call.

I'd say the same for Capers, but it's not like I saw any special scheme or plan, other than continuing to use Matthews in his new role. However, I saw something interesting when HHCD was down. A coach (I assume Perry) walked out on the field and Burnett reported to him (assuming again CD's status), and Coach nodded in reply. This may happen all the time and is not picked up on camera, but I think that's good coaching nonetheless.


Most everything minus a miserable ST performance. Expected the OL to have more of a problem in protection but they played extremely well.



The aforementioned special teams. That's the type of performance that can cause a loss and Slocum, Zook and MM need to get it cleaned up.


Unfortunately, I bought into the media narrative of a new and improved Mark Sanchez. Brady is coming to town and he won't miss those throws. I can give the Packer defense some credit for his poor play but not that much.

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