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Peppers needs to get called out by the NFL.

There seems to be a target on AR, and its getting very old!

It happened last year in AZ as well.

I haven't seen other QBs take as many shots although this may be cuz I'm focused on the Pack, but AR will be done in a couple years if this keeps up. That was blatant crap, and to see the jerk-wad argue about it was ridiculous!
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According to the rules, Peppers committed a flagrant foul hitting AR in the head with his helmet.

But how about the other Bear defender who also hit Rodgers in the head after Peppers hit him in the chin. That should have been a penalty too.

Then there was the grabbed face mask by Forte on Bishop. They threw a flag on the Packers in the last few weeks.
While I am not disagreeing it was a penalty, it is very doubtful it was intentional. peppers is not a dirty player and believe that is his first personal foul all year. There was a helmet to helmet hit on Hanie that wasn't called (no big deal) but Aikman felt it was because the defender was pulling up. IMO a helmet to helmet hit is just that, doesn't matter if the guy is pulling up or not. No calls affected the outcome of the game.

For all the griping about refs I saw here during the week, and the gripes over the field , I haven't seen any now. See what winning does.

the field is a p.o.s. though.
If you watched the Steelers game yesterday it was shocking that the refs allowed Pittsburgh defenders to get away with a number of plays- i.e. cheap shots.

The Packers will have to prepare for this - they play a lot like the Bears- they are tough and aggressive but they also play to the whistle and some cases beyond the whistle and due to their reputation I think they get away with some hits.

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