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@Tschmack posted:

Good job NFL moving a game to Monday afternoon due to “safety.” Too bad most people won’t be able to see it.  Unless you like catering to the unemployed or gambling degenerates which is a distant possibility.

You haven’t given 2 shits about that until now and honesty a snowstorm game would be amazing.  It’s Buffalo for fucks sake.  You don’t think they know how to manage?  We’ve already had a fog game years back between Philly and Chicago.  You fucked up a golden opportunity but it’s typical.  Fucking snowflakes - literally and figuratively.


MLK Day. 😊

@ammo posted:

I'll bet CBS is really pissed off that their game was changed to Monday afternoon.  I wonder if the NFL has to give them any $$$$ back?

My phone has been going crazy with civil defense alerts the past 2 hours. They are banning commercial traffic on the Thruway from Rochester to the PA State line. Total travel ban for Erie County starting at 9 local time. Storm is supposed to be worse for fans traveling from Buffalo and North before the game and worse for fans traveling South. (Pit) after the game.

@Tschmack posted:

Good job NFL moving a game to Monday afternoon due to “safety.” Too bad most people won’t be able to see it.  Unless you like catering to the unemployed or gambling degenerates which is a distant possibility.

You haven’t given 2 shits about that until now and honesty a snowstorm game would be amazing.  It’s Buffalo for fucks sake.  You don’t think they know how to manage?  We’ve already had a fog game years back between Philly and Chicago.  You fucked up a golden opportunity but it’s typical.  Fucking snowflakes - literally and figuratively.


It's nice to see someone arguing they shouldn't have cancelled the game when Damar Hamlin got injured.

Last edited by Fedya

Feel sorry for Browns fans.  They had a really good team this year but there comes a point where all the injuries they had begins to show and today is the day they showed.

That said, I don’t even know that losing Deshaun Watson was necessarily a huge dropoff to Flacco.  He hasn’t looked the same since coming back from the personal conduct suspensions.  Putting all their eggs in the Watson basket continues to look like a horrendous decision.  Although maybe Watson wouldn’t throw back to back pick 6’s like Flacco just did.

In NE Wisco we got 14 inches of snow and you would have thought the world was coming to an end.  Earlier in the week they cancelled schools for a 7 inch snowfall.

Play the goddamn game.  JFC we’ve become such pussies.  At most Buffalo area at most is set for up to 18 inches.  That’s an annoyance, not a historic event.  F U NFL and F U society for being so soft.

Last edited by Tschmack
@Tschmack posted:

Good job NFL moving a game to Monday afternoon due to “safety.” Too bad most people won’t be able to see it.  Unless you like catering to the unemployed or gambling degenerates which is a distant possibility.

You haven’t given 2 shits about that until now and honesty a snowstorm game would be amazing.  It’s Buffalo for fucks sake.  You don’t think they know how to manage?  We’ve already had a fog game years back between Philly and Chicago.  You fucked up a golden opportunity but it’s typical.  Fucking snowflakes - literally and figuratively.


Or you work as a contractor for the State of Wisconsin like I do and you have MLK day off. 😀

Monday is almost going to feel like a Sunday with 2 football games to watch.

So we get 1 game on regular network TV today and it ends up being a blowout. Woohoo... Hope the Pack game tomorrow ends up being a better/closer game than this one. (Unless of course it's the Cowboys being blown out. I could live with that. 😀)

@D J posted:

Government employees get another day to stay home making way too much.


I happen to be off Monday, but it's only because our client is off on MLK Day.  We have to use our floating holiday for it. 

@Tschmack posted:

In NE Wisco we got 14 inches of snow and you would have thought the world was coming to an end.  Earlier in the week they cancelled schools for a 7 inch snowfall.

Play the goddamn game.  JFC we’ve become such pussies.  At most Buffalo area at most is set for up to 18 inches.  That’s an annoyance, not a historic event.  F U NFL and F U society for being so soft.

They've [the MSM]  been dumbing down  America in so many ways. MSM complaining no snow for 2 years, then panic the people over 6 inches or less.

And of course, no matter the weather, it is "climate change" for a terrifying pile of poo.

@fightphoe93 posted:

Feel sorry for Browns fans.  They had a really good team this year but there comes a point where all the injuries they had begins to show and today is the day they showed.

That said, I don’t even know that losing Deshaun Watson was necessarily a huge dropoff to Flacco.  He hasn’t looked the same since coming back from the personal conduct suspensions.  Putting all their eggs in the Watson basket continues to look like a horrendous decision.  Although maybe Watson wouldn’t throw back to back pick 6’s like Flacco just did.

That's the luxury of being up 17 and playing aggressive defense on 4th and 2. You can't have two pick sixes. But this vaunted CLE defense really hasn't been anywhere near their hype all year. It's actually confusing how people have talked them up. They aren't some smothering, choke you out unit. 13th in scoring defense is Barry territory, not top 5.

Honestly, it’s was 55 here close to Christmas.  That ain’t fucking normal.  Nor are tornadoes in Deep South and now a snowstorm within the same week.  Something is probably going on.  Look at the ocean temps.  

That being said, it still doesn’t change how full of shit the NFL is for postponing a game.   I mean, if Buffalo was set for 3 feet of snow I get it.  12-18 inches for them is like a normal thing.  And the up to 18 was east of there.  

Last edited by Tschmack

Every forecast I'm seeing says 18" by the original kick off time but up to 3 feet by the time it ends.

Last year Rusty was " supposed "to get a foot right before Christmas.  I ended up helping shovel 4 feet of rock hard snow out of his driveway

@Packiderm posted:

My phone has been going crazy with civil defense alerts the past 2 hours. They are banning commercial traffic on the Thruway from Rochester to the PA State line. Total travel ban for Erie County starting at 9 local time. Storm is supposed to be worse for fans traveling from Buffalo and North before the game and worse for fans traveling South. (Pit) after the game.

I don't have any problem with the game being changed.

And I think somebody has been drinking again.

I'll never forget the Packer vs. TAMPA game....only like 18,000 actually showed and most of them were on Snowmobiles....Sheriff shut down the roads so people couldn't get TO the stadium even if they wanted to.

1985....Packers 21 Bucs 0

Last edited by Boris
@Packiderm posted:

Every forecast I'm seeing says 18" by the original kick off time but up to 3 feet by the time it ends.

Last year Rusty was " supposed "to get a foot right before Christmas.  I ended up helping shovel 4 feet of rock hard snow out of his driveway

I don’t bother to shovel until there is at least 6 foot of snow on my driveway. I don’t want some dude who lives in Vegas, where they get less than 0.5 inches of snow a year, to call me a pussy.

@Boris posted:

I'll never forget the Packer vs. TAMPA game....only like 18,000 actually showed and most of them were on Snowmobiles....Sheriff shut down the roads so people couldn't get TO the stadium even if they wanted to.

1985....Packers 21 Bucs 0

1985? Did they have millennials back then?

Last edited by Goalline
@Goalline posted:

I don’t bother to shovel until there is at least 6 foot of snow on my driveway. I don’t want some dude who lives in Vegas, where they get less than 0.5 inches of snow a year, to call me a pussy.

Oh, there are lots of other reasons you're a pussy. 

@Boris posted:

I'll never forget the Packer vs. TAMPA game....only like 18,000 actually showed and most of them were on Snowmobiles....Sheriff shut down the roads so people couldn't get TO the stadium even if they wanted to.

1985....Packers 21 Bucs 0

I was supposed to be at that game. My sister had bought us tickets for my birthday which was a few days before. It was to be my 1st Packer game. 

@Tschmack posted:

Honestly, it’s was 55 here close to Christmas.  That ain’t fucking normal.  Nor are tornadoes in Deep South and now a snowstorm within the same week.  Something is probably going on.  Look at the ocean temps.  

That being said, it still doesn’t change how full of shit the NFL is for postponing a game.   I mean, if Buffalo was set for 3 feet of snow I get it.  12-18 inches for them is like a normal thing.  And the up to 18 was east of there.  

It isn't just the snow, it is 40 MPH winds WITH the snow! They don't need 70,000 people on the roads (which are closed).

@Boris posted:

I'll never forget the Packer vs. TAMPA game....only like 18,000 actually showed and most of them were on Snowmobiles....Sheriff shut down the roads so people couldn't get TO the stadium even if they wanted to.

1985....Packers 21 Bucs 0

Alfonso carrekers career game.

@Tschmack posted:

Honestly, it’s was 55 here close to Christmas.  That ain’t fucking normal.  Nor are tornadoes in Deep South and now a snowstorm within the same week.  Something is probably going on.  Look at the ocean temps.  

That being said, it still doesn’t change how full of shit the NFL is for postponing a game.   I mean, if Buffalo was set for 3 feet of snow I get it.  12-18 inches for them is like a normal thing.  And the up to 18 was east of there.  

I wouldn't pay much attention to someone who doesn't understand the difference between weather and climate.

@DH13 posted:

SO many big name draft picks on that HOU roster.

Which rarely seems to be an indicator for success.  Seems by far the teams that are always picking near the top of the draft, just keep picking near the top of the draft.

It’s Buffalo.  You aren’t driving a rig in Nebraska in the middle of nowhere on I80 in a blizzard.  Quit being so dramatic.  You don’t think they aren’t equipped to deal with it?  And the fans?  

Cmon now.

A snow playoff game would have been incredible to watch.  

As for the Packers Bucs 1985 game yeah i love how like 3 million people attended that game.   Just like the Ice Bowl.   By the way, that day it wasn’t great but it was literally like 14 inches of snow.  I know because I was a 12 year old kid living in Appleton and I loved it.  

If it was today they would have cancelled it a week in advance.

Last edited by Tschmack

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