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@ilcuqui posted:

Tua ain’t that guy.

The last game I was at at Lambeau Field was the first Lambeau Leap game in 1993. It was -1 below and they were playing the LA Raiders. We had tickets right behind the Raiders bench, and they clearly did not want to be there.

Miami looked the same way tonight. Once they fell behind even a little bit, they were trying to get back to South Beach without getting hurt.

The last game I was at at Lambeau Field was the first Lambeau Leap game in 1993. It was -1 below and they were playing the LA Raiders. We had tickets right behind the Raiders bench, and they clearly did not want to be there.

Miami looked the same way tonight. Once they fell behind even a little bit, they were trying to get back to South Beach without getting hurt.

I was there too.  That was the coldest I have ever been in my life.  My feet completely went numb from the cold.  My feet began to thaw out as we walked back to the car after the game.  It hurt so bad as I finally got feeling back in my feet I had to fight back tears.

From that day forward I’ve tried to stick to only going to September or October games.  l did go to 1 late season game vs Washington in 2019, but the high temp was almost 40 degrees so I could tolerate that.

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