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I think that's why we didn't trade for Sanders or anyone else at the trade deadline. Unfortunately I think we're more like 1/2 dozen players away and Gute probably realizes that as well. It was always going to be a soft rebuild vs. going all-in or blowing up the roster entirely. Draft talent, patch some holes with UFA's, trim the fat, and make the team competitive for multiple SB's instead of a 1 and done like Denver. 

SteveLuke posted:
13X posted:

I just never got the sense we were as good as our record. I was hopeful but they have a ways to go. Ugly game all around 

The record is certainly better than the talent on the roster.

Gutey is probably one of the most surprised by the 8-3 record.

I just hope he does not get fooled into thinking we are just a player or two away because that is just not the case.

I agree that Gute is pleasantly surprised with the progress this team is making even with so many holes in the roster.  I for one don't think Gute will ever feel like they are only a player or two away.  With how aggressive he has been I fully expect another aggressive off season and he will hit the offense hard.

Chongo posted:

- Linsley got beat like a rented mule...C is now a position of need in the draft.
- We have no depth at RT
- Special Teams are basically Slocum-Zook era nonsense. I am not talking about JK's poor punts...I am talking about punt protection, punt coverage, PR and KR.
- WR beyond #17 is pedestrian on their best day.

+ Alex Light > Jason Spriggs
+ Smiff Bros (Wew)

Thanks for bringing up Linsley.  He's fucking horrible.  He didn't just have a bad game... he's been consistently bad.  

Last edited by Pakrz
Grave Digger posted:

To be fair to Pettine IRT the 49ers game, the defense was on their heels 1.5 minutes into the game (and maybe the season in some games). They kept getting put in shitty situations by the offense and punter early and responded by only allowing 2 FGs after the gimme TD to start the game. 

...and one of those was only allowed because of a phantom penalty.

This game was weird.   All the bounces and calls went their way early and anytime it looked like we were getting momentum to swing our way, something fucked up.  The choice to go for it on 4th, a bad call, or Kevin King forgetting that he should cover George Fucking Kittle. 

Last edited by BrainDed
Grave Digger posted:
Pakrz posted:

I've read a few times where its stated that LaFluffer was at a disadvantage because the SF coaching staff was so familiar with what GB was going to do on offense.  True enough... but doesn't that go both ways?  

. If I had one criticism about MLF it's that maybe he's gone a little too hard in the partnership with Rodgers (which is crazy criticism considering the thought process when he was hired!) and not enough on installing HIS system and identity. This still looks very much like AR's offense the majority of the time. 

Agreed but I think that's all on AR.    He runs the play clock to 0 and holds the ball for 6 seconds on 5 step drops.   What are you gonna do?   MLF has no options but to continue to emphasize getting the ball out on time. 

Pakrz posted:
Boris posted:

49'ers...absolute juggernaut. Impossible to beat. Everyone might as well just bow down & salute the Champ. 

Time for the other 31 teams to get to work & try & catch up.

I don't know about any of the other teams but I assure you this Packer team can't beat them.  The defense can't hold up on any level.  Rodgers, as "elite" as he is, continues to see ghosts and hangs onto the football too long. The offensive line can't match up with SF's defensive line.  The ST's is putrid.  

Christ, that wasn't even a game.  GB got bitch-slapped up and down the field right after a fucking bye week and being as healthy as they've been at this point in the season in years.  

Agree with your use of "Bitch Slap" instead of "punch in the face."    My conclusion is that this team is just above average.   I am not giving up on Rodgers, but he needs better weapons to open up the field especially with this o-line.  At the beginning of this season, I thought we would be okay with our receivers.  Not anymore.   Play calling suck as well when playing against aggressive d-lines.  

+ 75 is not out all season

+ nobody got injured (have to play to get injured)

+ 33/30 tried their damnedest

+ z smith/maybe p smith

- 12,17,80,50,special teams

- ol was real bad

- opie is regressed, real bad punts, 

- no returns, and i don't believe its the returner, but the other guys on the field

-mlf and not taking the points, so when the game was still not out of hand, on the road, crowd is loud, TAKE THE F'N POINTS, ALWAYS...this obession with 'gas pedal ' shit, stop it, take the points 

very clean ass kicking, and we know we are not in the same league as a team like this, so not sure where this team goes from here since the next 2-3 games will make their heads swell - i would rather be out of the playoffs then have the whole country watch that crappy effort - its embarrassing, its happened for the last 2-3 times in the playoffs and i don't think its worth it...i really don't.

A parable:

Two bulls, one old and the other young, are standing on top of hill looking down at a herd of cows.  The young bull says to the old bull, β€œlet’s run down there and f#ck one of those cows.” The old bull responds, β€œNo, lets walk down and f#ck them all.”

Patience my fellow Packer fans.  We have a first time head coach not even finished with his first season.  Our DC (while experienced) has only been here two years.  The fast start has blurred our vision and the ticking clock on AR has increased our sense of urgency.  



Well, Doc, I agree with your call for patience. However, MLF had a horrendous game calling plays last night. So many calls were so predictable. We're not seeing the TE used in the middle of the field, he missed the challenge on Graham's catch/non-catch (upstairs coach?), and the fourth-down play looked so similar to the last time they were stuffed that I could not believe he would call that -- and especially after watching Linsley get whipped over and over. Admirable that they stuck to the running game and they went down the field in the second half to score, but it all fell apart after that. MLF got schooled. Hopefully, he watches the tape again and again and learns from it. 

As to some others, I want to see more Lazard and less G-mo because Lazard will at least fight for the ball and the yards. I want the ST coach to lay off Opie and just let him kick the snot out of the ball. (It's the only thing I can think of that has screwed him up.) I want Kevin King to quit doing the 180-degree turn and instead learn how to flip his hips so he never turns his back on the receiver; on Kittle's TD they really set King up with the strong outside move, King does his 180 turn so his back it to Kittle, Kittle goes the other way, and it's an easy TD -- we will see more of that until King figures it out or plays himself out of the lineup. I want to see some mid-range passes to TEs and slot receivers instead of a 3-yard-per-pass average; all the close stuff just allows them to stuff the box and play at the line, but our OL cannot be counted on for long-developing plays. So, play mid-range.

I was hoping the team would come out of the bye with more polish and intensity; instead, they took a huge step backward.

Grave Digger posted:

You are what your record says you are. This is still one of the best teams in the league. You look at the overall NFL standings and GB is ranked 7th based on record, tie breakers, etc. Sounds about right to me. 

It's kind of funny actually, this team has a tendency in games to start hot, soften in the middle, and then finish strong. We're in Q3 of the season and softened up (3-2 in our last 5), and now I expect us to finish strong and close the season with 5 wins.  

I can’t see any way that they win out. They are just not that good 

Last edited by 13X

I could see them winning 4/5.  If they do that, even if they lose to the Vikes, they'll take the division (assuming the Seachickens win next Monday). 

I think they could even lose 2 of 5 (as long as one isn't the Vikes) and still win the division (provided that SEA beats the Vikes).

If they can't win 3 of next 5 with what is facing them, they don't deserve the playoffs.

EC Pack posted:

I could see them winning 4/5.  If they do that, even if they lose to the Vikes, they'll take the division (assuming the Seachickens win next Monday). 

I think they could even lose 2 of 5 (as long as one isn't the Vikes) and still win the division (provided that SEA beats the Vikes).

If they can't win 3 of next 5 with what is facing them, they don't deserve the playoffs.

If the Packers can't beat the Giants and the Redskins the next two weeks, they don't deserve to even the make the playoffs. They will also play the Lions in the finale when every single Lions player will have a cab running to get out of town as soon as possible after the game. That's 3 games that any halfway decent team should win. 

The Vikings play at Seattle next week and if they lose they'll be at 4 losses. 

The Packers are 3-0 right now in the division and the Vikings already have two losses (Bears and Packers). 

That means the Packers if the Packers win the 3 games they should win easily (Giants, Redskins, and Lions) they will be at 11 wins. The best the Vikings can do IF they lose to Seattle is 12 wins. 

That means that if the Packers also beat EITHER the Bears or Vikings they will win the division because they'll win the tiebreaker over Minnesota because of division record. 

That would set them up to the 4 seed and playing a home game against the top wild card team (#5 seed) - so probably Seattle or SF at Green Bay. 


Here are summaries of each team's possession up to 2 minutes left in the first half.

Packers - Fumble (5 plays, -13 yards, 1:53 poss)

49'ers - Touchdown (1 plays, 2 yards, 0:05 poss)

Packers - Punt (3 plays, 6 yards, 1:33 poss)

49'ers - Punt (5 plays, 17 yards, 2:55 poss)

Packers - Punt (3 plays, 1 yards, 1:38 poss)

49'ers - Field Goal (7 plays, 40 yards, 3:43 poss) (Note: 3rd and 5, penalty on King.)

Packers - Punt (3 plays, -3 yards, 1:56 poss) (Note: penalty on Allison.)

49'ers - Punt (3 plays, -3 yards, 1:24 poss)

Packers - Downs (8 plays, 52 yards, 3:47 poss)

49'ers - Punt (3 plays, -15 yards, 1:57 poss)

Packers - Punt (6 plays, 0 yards, 2:58 poss)

49'ers - Field Goal (7 plays, 59 yards, 3:16 poss)

Packers - Punt (3 plays, 4 yards, 0:59 poss)


So with the game nearly half over, the 49'ers amassed a whole 101 yards and minus their last drive, 42 yards.

What happens if Rodgers doesn't fumble and the offense gains a whopping 150 yards instead of 47 yards (and minus one drive, a whole -5 yards)?

I wonder if the defense was getting gassed and if by this time its mental approach was being challenged.

To me, defense as a problem takes a HUGE back seat to the offense.  Teams with solid Front 7's that the offensive line is having difficulties with?

THAT is by far the main issue.  Lack of skill position talent at WR and TE exacerbated by the offensive line being outplayed by extremely good Front 7's.



phaedrus posted:

Here are summaries of each team's possession up to 2 minutes left in the first half.

So with the game nearly half over, the 49'ers amassed a whole 101 yards and minus their last drive, 42 yards.

What happens if Rodgers doesn't fumble and the offense gains a whopping 150 yards instead of 47 yards (and minus one drive, a whole -5 yards)?

I wonder if the defense was getting gassed and if by this time its mental approach was being challenged.

To me, defense as a problem takes a HUGE back seat to the offense.  Teams with solid Front 7's that the offensive line is having difficulties with?

THAT is by far the main issue.  Lack of skill position talent at WR and TE exacerbated by the offensive line being outplayed by extremely good Front 7's.



Good post. It's almost more that line is outplayed by dominant Front 4s. Back in the Jennings/Jordy/Jones/Driver/Finley days, they could just spread the field in those situations and throw quick. They don't have the talent to do that anymore and expect guys to get open quickly. 

Also, for virtually all of Rodgers' most successful years, he's had offensive tackles that were great pass blockers. MLF's scheme seems to be designed around letting the OT handle guys on islands. When that breaks down, he's not shown an ability to adjust very well. The example this week was when Bulaga went down, he still called plays that needed the RT to block 1 x1, but that was now Light vs. Bosa. Bakh is still good, but he's gone from being the top pass blocking LT in the league, to just middle of the pack. He can still handle average guys, but he's been getting beat by the elite guys a lot this year. 


Hard to do much when the OL is getting dominated. Not only Light and Linsley, but Turner and Elghton were getting trucked. 

But, seemed they went up tempo and short routes with their first possession of the 3rd Quarter...scoring drive I think. It worked and they moved the ball. Not sure if SF adjusted or if we went back to old habits, but soon after is was more of Rodgers coming out of the huddle late/running the play clock down to 0 seconds, 5 step drops, and holding the ball too long. Down 23-0... no urgency and still playing no risk ball. 

Last edited by Packdog

----- Linsley played his worst game as a Packer. I've seen Linsley get beat in other games but some of that was on Turner as Turner did not sustain his block and went to help Bulaga with his man. That left Linsley to fend off two D men on his own. Too much for him to handle. In SF, Linsley was beaten like a broken drum by any 49er who came his way. Time to consider a replacement or back up in the Draft or FA. this coming Spring. Not really happy with Billy Turner, either. Let's find someone else who can spell him at RG. Bulaga is always getting injured. It's way past time to find a back up or a younger OT in the draft or in FA. Basically, versus SF, our whole O line stunk. The exceptions being Jenkins and maybe Bahk. Stupid penalties kept us trying to dig out of a hole on 3rd downs. The big unsportsman like conduct on Davantae was inexcusable. ARod holding onto the ball forever, again. Get rid of it to anyone underneath the coverage instead of going long everytime. JK Scott must have an injury. To be punting that poorly, in perfect conditions, makes me think he has a pulled hammy, or something. So far he has not been worth the 4th round pick. Jimmy Graham should have hung onto that ball. We needed to move the chains there. Sit GMO and Adams and force ARod to throw to other WRs.

++++ Not much. I did like Lazard's end around run to move the chains.


We were at the game and sadly, the team just didn’t show up. I wouldn’t have cared if it was a competitive game and we lost, but frankly it was just embarrassing!

The 49er defense is fast and strong. Our offense was in complete shambles and simply put it looked like AR12 was playing scared all game long. He looked skittish and was not accurate. The line didn’t helpβ€”and was unable to protect the pocket.

Whats worse, there were no adjustments to change the momentum.  

Defense was okay in the first quarter/half but OMG, those long balls killed us. We had no answer. 

Frankly MLF should have done a better job of preparing the team, and our highly paid QB should have played like an average NFL  QB at least. Pathetic all around. Can I get a refund???

somewhat bemused by the comments about playoff seeding earlier in this discussion. In my best Jim Mora voice: β€œPlayoffs??”  Sorry we are a few years away and if so we better get ready to find another QB!  Sorry for the rant, friends!!!

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