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I really didn't see a meltdown today. I saw 2 teams that both had a lot to play for still. Sure GB schit the bed on more than a couple if plays, but were still in the game. Forget the effin fact that the team was without their starting QB, running back after the first half, Pro-Bowl linebacker, should I go on???? Eff you. I'm not a homer,


You are a homer if you don't think they crapped the bed today


To each their own

Your first 2 points are valid. The rest revolves around the fact GB was fielding back back back ups. Pittsburg knew Miami lost and home field doesn't exist. See Seattle. Look T, I don't disagree with you, I'm just as pissed. It was an opportunity wasted. But look at this team!!!! Who else should we randomly remove from the lineup? Pittsburg is a good squad, not great, but good. I'm not expecting to be in NY come February, but I welcome at least a fighting chance. Whether deserving or not.



Actually the defense really only gave up 27 because the defense held the Steelers to a FG try late in the game and the ST unit had the offsides penalty which gave the Steelers a 1st down and the defense was then forced to let the Steelers score a TD to get the ball back.


Offense scored 31

Defense gave up 27


Packer offense then had the ball with 1st and goal at the 1 yard line with :38 left in the game.

Last edited by FreeSafety


Perry and Raji with the stupidest penalties of the year.  Two touchdowns were results of stupid play.


Flynn in the red zone.  Dude doesn't deserve the **** he is about to get from me, but in general he wasn't good and they still had a chance to go to OT.  The fumble just shouldn't happen (I give you credit for knowing the situation and how important the first down was).  He missed 80 bazillion checkdowns which would have been fine plays, but instead sat in the pocket like a stupidhead.  And for the love of pete, the only, and I mean only, time he will overthrow a receiver is in the redzone. 


Defense.  DOM CAPERS may be the best coordinator in the world, but c'mon boys. 



Receivers- I want to single out Jones here.  I know with the development of  Boykin that Jones becomes a luxury, but I really want him back.  Teams need players like him on the field, I just fear last season priced him out of our budget.  I really enjoy watching him play. 


Lacy and Starks.  Lacy is a stud, love to watch him.  I said it the last few weeks, Starks has really grown on me.  He runs so hard.  He seems to be past whatever had the coaches put him in the doghouse.  Another guy I fear isn't in the budget anymore, even though I really don't think he is a starter for anyone. 


AJ Hawk- just for two plays (the rest of the game he Munsoned his way after the snap).  The INT was an athletic, instinctual play at a critical time.  Good for you AJ.  The other play might have been missed, but at the end of the first half when the Steelers were driving, on the play Burger threw it out of the back of the EZ, Burger was going to go into the flat with (I think) his first read.  AJ read it correctly, and busted ass into the spot and stopped the throw from happening.  Best coverage play by him all year. 


+they were in it to the end.  For all the talk of quitting (which was stupid when it was said), despite not having the two best players on the team on the field, the Green Bay Packers were in this game.  Take away a dumb penalty on a FG, things might have ended much different.  This team isn't without talent and doesn't need to be scrapped.  This is a pretty good team missing key parts. 


Lastly, Steelers had possession on blocked punt.  Pack benefited from one of the top stupidest stripes calls of the year. 

Originally Posted by FreeSafety:



Actually the defense really only gave up 27 because the defense held the Steelers to a FG try late in the game and the ST unit had the offsides penalty which gave the Steelers a 1st down and the defense was then forced to let the Steelers score a TD to get the ball back.

 Special teams also gave up the slowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwest developing fake punt on what should have been a 3 and out.

Originally Posted by El-Ka-Bong:


Perry and Raji with the stupidest penalties of the year.  Two touchdowns were results of stupid play.





TJ Langs illegal procedure penalty ranks right up there with those two and Flynn's miscues. The Packers are claiming it likely negated what would have been a touchdown run amongst the other fallout resulting from it.



The 2013 Packer defense is in striking distance of the 1983 Packer defense as worst in Packer history in terms of points allowed.  That's one record I hope they don't break.




Lacy and the running game have been the 1 bright spot of the season.  Combine that run game with Rodgers and Co. and you've got a potential Championship level offense in future seasons.


 I don't believe that will happen this year due to injuries, but the potential is there for some of the best most balanced offenses of the Rodgers era to be coming up over the next few seasons.

Originally Posted by El-Ka-Bong:


Lastly, Steelers had possession on blocked punt.  Pack benefited from one of the top stupidest stripes calls of the year. 

And Packers benefited by one of the more boneheaded head coaching decisions in a long time.  Hard to understand why Tomlin didn't just take a knee after the offsides on Perry on the FG.  He could have made us use the last timeout and run the clock to a couple of seconds and kicked the FG to win the game.  The only reason we had a chance at the end was because of his dumb management at the end of the game.

Originally Posted by El-Ka-Bong:


Perry and Raji with the stupidest penalties of the year.  Two touchdowns were results of stupid play.


Flynn in the red zone.  Dude doesn't deserve the **** he is about to get from me, but in general he wasn't good and they still had a chance to go to OT.  The fumble just shouldn't happen (I give you credit for knowing the situation and how important the first down was).  He missed 80 bazillion checkdowns which would have been fine plays, but instead sat in the pocket like a stupidhead.  And for the love of pete, the only, and I mean only, time he will overthrow a receiver is in the redzone. 


Defense.  DOM CAPERS may be the best coordinator in the world, but c'mon boys. 



Receivers- I want to single out Jones here.  I know with the development of  Boykin that Jones becomes a luxury, but I really want him back.  Teams need players like him on the field, I just fear last season priced him out of our budget.  I really enjoy watching him play. 


Lacy and Starks.  Lacy is a stud, love to watch him.  I said it the last few weeks, Starks has really grown on me.  He runs so hard.  He seems to be past whatever had the coaches put him in the doghouse.  Another guy I fear isn't in the budget anymore, even though I really don't think he is a starter for anyone. 


AJ Hawk- just for two plays (the rest of the game he Munsoned his way after the snap).  The INT was an athletic, instinctual play at a critical time.  Good for you AJ.  The other play might have been missed, but at the end of the first half when the Steelers were driving, on the play Burger threw it out of the back of the EZ, Burger was going to go into the flat with (I think) his first read.  AJ read it correctly, and busted ass into the spot and stopped the throw from happening.  Best coverage play by him all year. 


+they were in it to the end.  For all the talk of quitting (which was stupid when it was said), despite not having the two best players on the team on the field, the Green Bay Packers were in this game.  Take away a dumb penalty on a FG, things might have ended much different.  This team isn't without talent and doesn't need to be scrapped.  This is a pretty good team missing key parts. 


Lastly, Steelers had possession on blocked punt.  Pack benefited from one of the top stupidest stripes calls of the year. 

Outstanding post.


I would add two other negatives:


1) What's it going to take to have Lattimore start over Jones? Lattimore comes into the game, forces a fumble at the 3 and then promptly is on the bench the next series as Pitt runs it through us. Free Lattimore.


2) I may get physically ill if I see MD Jennings starting at safety again next week. Richardson isn't perfect, but at least he can step up and make a tackle. Jennings can't cover and can't tackle.

+ Hyde, the kid has football instincts.  Looking forward to seeing him progress.

+ Richardson making plays at LOS

+ Boyd and Daniels played well inside.

+ oline dominated ground game. Lang in particular.

+ Boykins is a keeper.

+ Zebras giving us 7.


- Raji and Pick are done.  Can't shed a single block. When Boyd, Daniels and Jones were in the run D was at least competent.

- Special teams.

- Continuing to play Doc Jennings.

- MM not leaning on ground game w/ 3 min left after we just ran it down their throats the previous drive.

- MM not letting him score on first play after Perry penalty.  That TO would have been nice to have.

- Flynn.. Not bad for a backup, but turnovers killed us.


We saw Newhouse on the field again

I'll never understand.  He trots on the field as an eligible receiver, the run play goes away from his side AND he still manages to not lay a finger on his man as the Pitt player runs down the play from behind so the brainiac holds him since he let him by.

He should be cut today.  Waste of a uniform.

Originally Posted by michiganjoe:

Don't think anyone would claim the defense played a great game, but they did play well enough to win. On the list of the reasons why the Packers lost yesterday they're near the bottom.

I see it a little differently than you.  The Pack has homefield advantage and the weather in their favor and yet they still allowed a middling offense like the Steelers to have a good day and let a team that hasn't had a 100 yard rusher in more than 20 games break their streak.


Was the defense just unGodly horrible?  No, but when you've got the homefield and crummy weather to assist your play, your defense should be better than it was yesterday.  When you ask this defense to try to step up against a top level QB, they fold probably 90% of the time and that might be being generous to the D. 

Last edited by fightphoe93
No, put on the offense and STs, plain and simple. You cannot give up a pick six, you cannot turn the ball over in a tie game with 2 minute to go. You cannot keep committing pre-snap penalties. You cannot make poor throws, you cannot miss open receivers (jordy on the final play).

You also cannot keep getting gouged in the return game, you cannot give them a first down on a FG play encroachment, you cannot allow a fake punt, you cannot get a chip shot FG get blocked.

The D bent, but for the most part did not break, and generated BIG turnovers at key times. The O and STs making mental mistake after mental mistake cost them the game.

There were some positives and some great individual effort in the game yesterday.

Unfortunately, there were more negatives and half-assed effort from some guys.


The biggest negative, IMHO, is what appears to be a lack of preparation, and that has been evident in almost every game this year. I still can't say if it's scheme, coaching, or individual players, but I can say we need to do something; anything different.

In general terms, it goes without saying anytime every time we have a (real or perceived) 'big' game, the defense craps the bed. Yeah, we're missing starters, and guys are getting hurt, but that doesn't excuse players jogging to the ball carrier or receiver. A guy who has little to no talent can still give 100% effort.

However, it's totally on the coaches when they put these players in the game. I'll use Newhouse as an example. The coaches know exactly what they have in him as a player, yet they call a play that requires him, and the results were predictable. If there is no one else available to use, don't use that play! It ain't rocket science.


To be fair, there are plenty of player breakdowns too. DatNone's penalty was as stupid as any I've seen. Quarless running into Flynn was as equally stupid.

In any case, it still indicates changes are needed.

Flynn doesn't see the field well. I wish it was different but plain and simple there have been enough moments in games where he's got a WR or out TE WIDE OPEN and simply doesn't see them.


Not sure how you "fix" that but my guess it's an instinctual thing you cannot coach. Either you see the field well or you don't. Another reason this QB is not a starter in the NFL.



Those are all reasons why Flynn is a backup. He just happens to run our system well for a second-stringer. I would hope that next year Tolzien or a rookie can take over, but Flynn is only insurance for a game or two. He's not supposed to see the field as well as Rodgers or have as good an arm as Rodgers; if he did, one of those other teams would have held onto him. Flynn is who he is, and that's all there is to it.


I don't expect Flynn to wear a cape and be Superman, but next year I do expect TT and MM to address the backup situation better than they did this year.

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