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-Quarless: If he can do this consistently, I do't think TE is a need in 2014. 

-Nelson and Boykin: Stepped up big time in the second half

-Daniels: Great pick by TT.  This guy looks like a potential blue chip player within a year or two.  

-Flynn: Gotta give the guy credit, he came to play in the second half.  

-OL: Again, these guys played lights out in the second half.  

-Lacy: He may be the team MVP of 2013.  Still can't believe this guy fell the last pick of the second round

-Shields and Williams: Both with huge picks.  Shields' make up speed is ridiculous.  



-Pass rush:  Yeah, we had 3 sacks.  But other than the Daniels one, they were coverage sacks.  Just not a lot of pressure on Romo.  

-Jennings: Looked awful on that Bryant TD.  You cannot play safety in this league if you cannot get your head turned.  Look like a young Jarrett Bush out there.....

-Jones and Hawk: Lucky that Garrett is an awful coach b/c the Packers could not stop the run and that is on Jones and Hawk.  I had hope for Jones based on solid play last year but now I'm hoping both are replaced in the offseason.  

-CMIII: Tough putting him here but I don't think he played that well.  Lucky for him that missed sack on Romo turned into a pick b/c he blew it.  

-Capers: Say what you want about the second half, this defense still gave up 36 points and 466 yards.  That's just not going to cut it.  


Great game to watch though.  So much fun seeing this offense put up 5 consecutive TD drives in the second half.  

Originally Posted by Fandame:

Got that right. For as many times as we wish he would toss the red flag or use his timeouts wisely, that had to be one of the wisest timeouts he's ever taken. He doesn't call it, Romo gets the play off, and who knows what would have happened?

Pretty embarrassing on the refs that MM had to call a timeout.  The refs in that game were pathetic.  First, the missed false start that turned into an encroachment call on Neal.  Inexcusable to miss a false start on a tackle.  Second, maybe Williams did not catch that first interception but there was not conclusive evidence that he didn't catch it.  Third, the ref was in perfect position to see Williams catch that second pick.  I mean PERFECT position, yet he still can't make the right call.  And then of course, the booth doesn't review until MM calls a timeout.  I get missing a judgment call here and there (ie: holding, PI, etc.) but these are not judgment calls here; it's just calling the game correctly.  

gotta give MM credit after being rough on him the last few weeks.


sitting AR and going with Flynn looked like a recipe for disaster.

Also sticking with Flynn at the half after he looked totally inept 

in the first half. We actually were expecting to see Tolzien at some point.


from the post game commentary sounds like MM was very even keeled at the half and

didnt get too worked up which probbaly was a good thing.


except for the 2 pt play I thought he did a great job


Eddie Lacy. I think it was obvious early on he was the real deal. But he looks like a top-5 NFL RB right now. What a steal.


Boykin - He made some really nice, tough catches


Quarless - Every time the offense needed a big play, he stepped up. Earning himself a new contract. Not the best pass blocker though.


Bakhtari - Doesn't get nearly the amount of credit he deserves. Ware had one tackle today.


Matt Flynn - I was tearing him apart in the chat. I said they should put in Tolzien several times. He threw some nice passes but most of all he stayed composed. He never looks panicked. 


Tramon and Shields - I think it was clear today that this defense, particularly the secondary has some talented players. They stepped up when they needed to.


MM - For the first time ever I started to think McCarthy might not actually be all that great of a play caller. But he dialed it up in the second half. It was gorgeous. He deserves a lot of credit. 



Raji - I've been one of his biggest defenders but man, he just looks uninterested. Don't know what his deal is. 


Starting MD Jennings - Each week, Jennings gets replaced by Sean Richardson or Chris Banjo mid-way through the game only to start again the next week. Start Richardson. IDK if he's the answer but he flies around a lot better.


ILB's - Not sure why Dallas didn't keep running. Jones and Hawk seemed to really be out of place lately. They're pretty thin there so Lattimore is really the only alternative. Looked like he played a bit more. 




Originally Posted by Hungry5:

Garrett threw Romo under the bus in his post game... on the Shields INT - "We wanted to run some clock and make them use a timeout. If you're going to throw it make a high percentage play... we had a run called and Tony threw it."


Can't say I blame the guy. It was so stupid to throw in that situation...I'd do everything in my power to let the people raising the pitchforks know it was not my call to do it.


Besides, Garrett knows he's dead man walking in Jerruh land. He probably feels no need to fall on the sword for Romo at this point.

Last edited by Fond Du Arrigo

I caught the game at Mom's - a Packer bar in West LA. It was like being in a WI bar.   I was tempted to leave at halftime but glad I didn't, what a wild ride!

++/-- well covered already.


Team kept  fighting and MM seems to have finally adjusted his game plans and play calling to the players on the field.


Pack needs to get going sooner or will get buried as season goes on.

As much as it pains me, Go Ravens!

I'm watching the game again, guys. And I'll tell you who my player of the game is. 


It's not Eddie Lacy, though he was full BEAST mode today.

It's not Jordy Nelson for basically taking away two interceptions for catches, one for a TD.

It's not Matt Flynn, who threw freakin' laser beams in the second half.

It's not Tramon Williams, who looked like the Tramon of old, pimping Tony Romo for two (yes two!) picks.

It's not Jarret Boykin who came up big AGAIN, or James Jones who did what he does best, find the endzone.

It's not Mason Crosby, who hit that field goal from Plano.

It wasn't Clay Matthews Jr, or Mike Neal, or Datone Jones, or Mike Daniels, who got pressure on Romo.


It's Andrew Quarless.


As somebody who has spent the last six months recovering from the same injury he had, I know how hard his road back has been. And I'm just some schlub sitting on the sofa. This man is playing the most violent sport on earth (well, except for rugby, but we're not Kiwis). 


We came out down by 23 to start the half, and boom, Lacy broke a 60 yard run. It was #81 running interference. He didn't make a physical block so much as he set a "pick". We scored shortly after that run, making it 26-10.


Next possession, we're still down, now 29-10. 3rd and 8 at our own 22. Deep in our own territory, if we don't convert, even a field goal by the Cowboys puts the game away. Flynn hits Quarless for 22 yards. A few minutes later, Quarless gets the TD reception. 

Start of the 4th quarter, we're at the Dallas 15, down 29-17. 3rd and 3. If we don't convert, we're kicking a field goal and still down two scores. A five yard pass to Quarless converts to a first down, and two plays later, Starks scampers in on a short pass from Flynn.


Next possession, 3rd and 6 at the Packer 35. Flynn again goes to Andrew Quarless, this time for 14 yards. Six plays later, Jones grabs a pass in the endzone, and it's 36-31, Dallas. 


Next series, we take over at the 50 on the Sam Shields interception. Quarless for 18 yards, and we're in business. 


Six times today Andrew Quarless was targeted. Six times he caught the ball. He grabbed one pass for 4 yards in the first half. In the second half, the five passes he caught were good for a touchdown, three third down conversions, and an 18 yard pass to move us into striking distance to win the game.


We don't know what the future holds for Jermichael Finley. I hope he can come back healthy, and stays in Green Bay. But Andrew Quarless is a stud. He's proving to be everything I thought he could. 12 catches in 13 targets for 132 yards and 2 TD the last couple of weeks. Big man is stepping up! 

I can't really add anything more to paws or negs that haven't been said already, but the absolute best thing to me was watching an epic Cowboys meltdown!

Even going back to the 60's, they have always been a whiny team. They bitch, piss, and moan more than any other team I can think of. And to watch it come all unglued at the end was priceless! As are the post-game commentary, sportscenter highlights, and DallAss media roughing up ol' Jerruh.


I swear I saw this coming about midway through the 3rd quarter. All the elements of a typical Romo choke were falling into place, and as the pressure of the game increased, they were falling into place even faster.

You could see our guys getting closer and closer to getting their hands on the ball, even on Tramon's first (overturned) INT. Shields INT came on the exact same technique he used on a similar play just a series or so earlier.

You could see Romo starting to mis-fire, and the receivers dropping the ball. And, they kept obliging opportunities. Not that I necessarily blame them; they had great success passing, but hindsight says maybe not the best idea...

In any case, it was a meltdown of epic proportions; record-setting, one could say!

Too often, it's the Packers that come out on the short end of these deals, but today, they stuck it to the Cowboys. And their arrogant douchebag fans. And their arrogant, douchebag owner. In their stadium! Could it be any better?


Lacy's 60 yd run started the comeback AND BEAST MODE THE WHOLE GAME

2nd half- 5 possessions 5 TDs

Crosby and Masthay AGAIN

nflfu network kicking cryboys ass

Jordy, Quarless, Boykin, Starke, OL 2nd half, Tramon, Daniels, Lattimore and Jolly at halftime, Bahktiari on Ware

Shields int was unbelievable

middle screen to Starke in the red zone

++lambeausouth post covering Quarless


nflfu stinking refs

jennings, hawk, jones, the rest of the interior D letting Murray run for 8 yds a carry

D gave up 466 yds and 26 1st half ponts

chitcago eeked one out



Last edited by LarseeBear
Originally Posted by TwinRig:

... Bahktiari in the 3rd quarter. He looked injured but sucked it up and played on.  Good on ya rookie!

Glad you mentioned this, Twin.

I love tough and it was obvious he was nutting up. That's pegging the BFI meter!

I'm afraid Bahk has hit the proverbial rookie wall; his play has not been stellar the last few weeks, but he's mostly still holding his own.

It's easy to forget his circumstances this year over the course of a long season, and if those are considered, he is still playing as well as, if not better, than what anyone could have expected.



Second comeback win in a row after being down big at halftime.  Intensity and execution have been much better once our backs are up against the wall...




The fact that we have to have our backs up against the wall to get said intensity and execution.  The defense continues to give up huge chunks of yardage, but at least they are making some plays to offset.


Bottom line - we are a half game out and still in the hunt with Rodgers likely coming back soon.  Tough to think our defense will get things fixed over the next couple of weeks, but if Rodgers comes back, this will be a lot of fun to watch.

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