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Second half Flynn.

Quarless Second week in a row with a major contribution.

Boykin Really like him and his work after the catch is very impressive for  guy too slow to play in the league. If yards are there to be had, he usually gets them.


Defense stepping up with two turnovers that decided the game.


Defensive problems are still there as the first half showed.

First half offense in general.


+ Bahktiari struggled in the first half only to come out in the 2nd half and absolutely shut down Demarcus Ware. Loved it.


- Not giving the ball to Lacy for the 2 point conversion. When Rodgers is in I understand wanting the ball to be in his hands, but Lacy is the guy I want to have the ball in that situation. He had played his butt off, was running really well and Dallas had shown no signs they could stop him. We spend a 2nd round pick on a power runner, but when power running situations come up we seem to not use him. Very odd. 


Grave Digger:
Not giving the ball to Lacy for the 2 point conversion. When Rodgers is in I understand wanting the ball to be in his hands, but Lacy is the guy I want to have the ball in that situation. He had played his butt off, was running really well and Dallas had shown no signs they could stop him. We spend a 2nd round pick on a power runner, but when power running situations come up we seem to not use him. Very odd.

Agreed.  Running Lacy would have been the right call and I like that it would have furthered a new personality of the Packer offense.  A bit less finesse and passing and more doses of ramming the ball down the opponent's throat.



Originally Posted by lambeausouth:

As somebody who has spent the last six months recovering from the same injury he had



It may be just me, but it seems you are always recovering from something. 



+ Hearing the Packer Fans cheering in Dallas as the Packers moved the ball in the 4th quarter

- in order to hear the cheering, I had to listen to Aikman and Buck


+ The Cowboys crying to the officials after every play...this just in guys, The officiating in the NFL sucks-it's is on par with the is an embarrassment----but guess what, it's been this way for 75 have been the recipients of incredible good fortune at their hands today---shut up..

- holy yellow flags batman--I've said this 212 times in my life, but that was the worst officiated game I have ever seen at any level.

+ Bryant leaving early, Ginger Garrett throwing Romo under the bus for the audible...after personally ordering up a whopping 7 run plays in the second half---Thanks Ging...wish you could help us again next year....but you gone.


If Eddie Lacy had that Ahman Green extra gear he would already be the best back in the NFL.


Someone needs to tell him a supersize order of fries is waiting in the end zone for him on those breakthrough runs he has

Originally Posted by Iowacheese:

If Eddie Lacy had that Ahman Green extra gear he would already be the best back in the NFL.


As long as it's not those slippery-ass black forearm sleeves!

Originally Posted by El-Ka-Bong:


Williams and Shields for coming up big (I really thought Tramon's other one was an INT also). 


In 1960's - 1990's that was an INT. Now it's too "iffy" to be an INT

Last edited by Boris

I am 100% ok with GB having a 230LB freight train that can rip off 60 yards on a bad wheel. Maybe he lacks a break away gear but I'll take all the other things he does exceptionally well. 


If anyone told me GB would have a 1,000 yard back with AR missing 6 weeks I would have dismissed it as complete lunacy. 

Originally Posted by CUPackFan:


-Quarless: If he can do this consistently, I do't think TE is a need in 2014. 

-Nelson and Boykin: Stepped up big time in the second half

-Daniels: Great pick by TT.  This guy looks like a potential blue chip player within a year or two.  

-Flynn: Gotta give the guy credit, he came to play in the second half.  

-OL: Again, these guys played lights out in the second half.  

-Lacy: He may be the team MVP of 2013.  Still can't believe this guy fell the last pick of the second round

-Shields and Williams: Both with huge picks.  Shields' make up speed is ridiculous.  



-Pass rush:  Yeah, we had 3 sacks.  But other than the Daniels one, they were coverage sacks.  Just not a lot of pressure on Romo.  

-Jennings: Looked awful on that Bryant TD.  You cannot play safety in this league if you cannot get your head turned.  Look like a young Jarrett Bush out there.....

-Jones and Hawk: Lucky that Garrett is an awful coach b/c the Packers could not stop the run and that is on Jones and Hawk.  I had hope for Jones based on solid play last year but now I'm hoping both are replaced in the offseason.  

-CMIII: Tough putting him here but I don't think he played that well.  Lucky for him that missed sack on Romo turned into a pick b/c he blew it.  

-Capers: Say what you want about the second half, this defense still gave up 36 points and 466 yards.  That's just not going to cut it.  


Great game to watch though.  So much fun seeing this offense put up 5 consecutive TD drives in the second half.  

Best post so far!!

Originally Posted by Iowacheese:

If Eddie Lacy had that Ahman Green extra gear he would already be the best back in the NFL.


Remember that Eddie Lacy was playing with a gimpy ankle.  While he does not possess Ahman Green's breakaway speed, Lacy may have gone the distance if he had healthy wheels.

Originally Posted by Grave Digger:

+ Bahktiari struggled in the first half only to come out in the 2nd half and absolutely shut down Demarcus Ware. Loved it.


- Not giving the ball to Lacy for the 2 point conversion. When Rodgers is in I understand wanting the ball to be in his hands, but Lacy is the guy I want to have the ball in that situation. He had played his butt off, was running really well and Dallas had shown no signs they could stop him. We spend a 2nd round pick on a power runner, but when power running situations come up we seem to not use him. Very odd. 


Completely agree.  Dallas wasn't stopping Lacy.. no way, no how.  I'd have seriously lined up in the same formation and ran the same play.  

Originally Posted by Iowacheese:

If Eddie Lacy had that Ahman Green extra gear he would already be the best back in the NFL.


Someone needs to tell him a supersize order of fries is waiting in the end zone for him on those breakthrough runs he has

Hell, I'm just happy he didn't blow his hammy right off the bone on that long run.  

Originally Posted by Pikes Peak:

Last week was the first time I noticed Josh Boyd (93),  he also seemed to be in some plays yesterday, any chance he is a player for us?

Yesterday was the first time I noticed him, wondering whoTF is that ...

Crosby, Boyd, Boykin, Quarless comin alive, #28 in the secondary, maybe Lattimore, IMO #44 in the RB backfield ... Don't tell me we've been holding back and now are gonna go on another Superbowl run?


It was good to see Boyd out there. I think they're trying to find out what they have with him because Raji, Pickett, Neal, and Wilson are all free agents. From what I could tell Boyd didn't do anything necessarily good or bad. I thought he looked stout against the run. He also looked like he has leaned out a lot since training camp. He looked like just a wide body in camp, but he looked a little leaner and more like a DE when I saw him vs. Dallas. 



+ MM clock mgt and good use of TO.. For once.
+ Sam Shields is the real deal. Ball skills and speed.

+ Daniels.. Finally got a replacment for Jenkins.
+Jordy.. Couple of amazing catches.
+ AQ making big catches all day.
+ Lacy, of cours.
+ Tramon with the fingertip pick to seal it.




- Raji and Picket are getting handled by single blocks. The ILB's are also to blame, but those guys are not eating up the interior linemen like the should.
- Burnett, weak tackling and missed chances. Looked bad covering Witten at times.
- Why is Doc Jennings still getting PT on defense?
- Pass rush in 1rst half was non existent.
- Zebras, not just the obvious.. The Cowbowys were holding Daniels all day long and he didn't get the calls.
- I still don't think MM fully trusts the run game.. The drive at the end of 1rst half, we had 2nd and 1. Two pass plays and two incompletions leads to us punting with 2:00 left and the Boys go down to score with just a few seconds left.



Fun game.. I had no confidence in the D when Dallas got the ball with 1:30 to go. I was hoping MM would take a knee on 1rst and goal from the 1 so Dallas would have to burn thier last TimeOut. You would still have 3 chances to pound Lacy for 1 yard.

Originally Posted by FLPACKER:

Amazing what playing with some emotion can do! Both sides of the ball looked totally different in the second half

You are 100% correct,why in the hell didnt this team play with the same emotion since AR got hurt? they are getting paid millions of bucks to display emotion and go out every game to win with it.coaches cant do anything about it if the players dont care to show the effort it takes to win but the GM can certainly cut the asses of players that just dont seem to care about emotion and winning.

Last edited by BILL H

Some of it could be chalked up to "Putting the Icing on the Saturday Night Cherry pies" for some of these young bucks ... miscalculating the amount of energy they'd need to play more minutes effectively.


Just a premise.

+ The win.


- The win. ?????????? What you say!


Well, that defense is not championship quality, far from it in fact.  So while it was, and always be a fabulous comeback, Garrett meltdown making it all possible, a day after I have to think about the draft position for 2014 and how these back-to-back 2nd half comebacks are enticing but in the long run may hurt the team. Had Garrett kept running, forcing the Packers to stop it or eat the clock up they had no shot at this game.


I will always remember that comeback, but in the end, did it hurt looking towards the 2014 draft? Yes, yes it did. Unless you can conjure up a 2010 for 2013, but that team had a much better defense. And a healthy Rodgers.

Last edited by excalibur

I will always remember that comeback, but in the end, did it hurt looking towards the 2014 draft? Yes, yes it did.

 cmoun, really?  I'll take beating the cowgirls today over any future draft position 8 days a week.

Originally Posted by El-Ka-Bong:


Super Negative-

 Packer fans on this board asking for catts to come and post may be the dummest thing to ever happen on this board.  Can icon come back to? 

She was on the chat yesterday. Every time the Cowboys make a big play she posts Meow…The Cowboys score she posts purrr. It was very annoying. At the end of the game every dog had his day and ate her lunch.




"Had to help ice cookies"----Stevie


Possibly the greatest sentence ever written at X4. For those who missed the game thread, that was Stevie's response to me when I asked where he disappeared to after the Packers mounted their comeback and he mysteriously stopped posting after wetting his pants for most of the thread.


I shall cherish those words for the rest of my days.



Last edited by Blair Kiel
Originally Posted by excalibur:

+ The win.


- The win. ?????????? What you say!


Well, that defense is not championship quality, far from it in fact.  So while it was, and always be a fabulous comeback, Garrett meltdown making it all possible, a day after I have to think about the draft position for 2014 and how these back-to-back 2nd half comebacks are enticing but in the long run may hurt the team. Had Garrett kept running, forcing the Packers to stop it or eat the clock up they had no shot at this game.


I will always remember that comeback, but in the end, did it hurt looking towards the 2014 draft? Yes, yes it did. Unless you can conjure up a 2010 for 2013, but that team had a much better defense. And a healthy Rodgers.

If you ever wonder why you are generally considered to be a first class dipschit, just refer back to this post. 



Great comeback win, shows what true character and professionalism is.




None of it matters as according to every article, radio/tv talking head Seattle has already won the Superbowl after beating San Fran in the NFC championship.  Heck, Russell Wilson was actually talking about how comfortable SEattle will be in New York later just for playing the game yesterday.

Hey excaliber,


I am one of the guys who posts complaints when some post complaints about complainers.


But, your last post...


Yeah, got it.  A worse record means a better draft position.


But, for crying out loud, this is a team that has a realistic chance to make the playoffs and maybe have Rodgers back.


I mean...yer gonna prioritize draft position over a potential run to get in the playoffs?


Anyway, your prioritization is, shall I say, extraordinarily unique.  As in maybe you're pretty much all alone on this one.

Originally Posted by El-Ka-Bong:
I simply cannot comprehend the game management of the cowboys.  Play calling, lets be clear, was excellent.  They scored pretty damn easily.  Just choosing the pass over running the ball, when running the ball was working, and all you had to do was burn clock, simply amazing.  Their X4 must be awesome right now.


This still puzzles me. I'll take it but DeMarco Murray was absolutely shredding the Packers at about 8 yards/carry. Why the Cowboys inexplicably went away from him in the second half makes no sense.

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