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I love love love beer. I have drank enough beer over my life so far for a couple of lives and a couple of people at least (depending on whom we are talking about). I am not on the wagon because I drink wine and I drink single malt scotch(my newest love). I have not had a beer since last September when I ran the Brewers Mini Marathon. I have been on a ketogenic diet for training purposes and beer would disrupt that something fierce. I do not drink much though especially compared to what I used to. My last drunk was at my Christmas party last December. Before then,I cannot remember and not because of too much alcohol.


Maybe I love alcohol but do not love drinking? I think I technically did my own intervention.

Love beer, especially porters and stouts, but also really appreciate a good dunkle or wheat (or farmhouse ale).  I think IPA's are one note and I don't like that note.  I have come to appreciate a hard cider for one drink, but only the locally made stuff so far, the mass produced bottled stuff tastes like **** to me.  


Almost never drink the hard stuff anymore (except for brandy slush in the winter).  


Haven't been hammered in a long, long time.  Seldom drink in a bar and ordering a good beer in a restaurant costs as much as a six pack at the gas station.  Drink at home, on the deck, crawl into bed.  Maybe walk over to the neighbors to drink in the garage.  

A good summer beer is Full Sail and crisp and unlike a lot of pilsners and lagers it has a alcohol % of 6.   A couple will do you.  Actually Full Sail out of Hood River Oregon has a pretty good lineup, bock, amber ale and pale/IPA are all tasty to me. A sixer at my store comes in at 6.99 which gives me a good bang for my buck.  Try 'em.

Spotted cow, Totally Naked, and Road Slush are all fine beers, but that Coffee Stout really is the standard for combining two of my favorite things.  Locally, Kalona makes a Coffee Stout that is outstanding.  Peace Tree makes a Belgian Blonde (Blonde Fatale) that is excellent.  Not really a fat tire fan,  but they make an Belgian Dubble Abby Ale that is nice.  Boulevard Brewing in KC makes the best unfiltered Wheat I have ever had.  Flying Dog makes a super Oyster Stout.  Hacker-Pschorr simply makes the best Marzen.  Leinies is generally crap, but I do like the Creamy Dark and Big Butt.  

Is it football yet?
If I chose to drink, which I don't because peoples' health care premiums go up, this.  Quads are of the stuff that monks would make their pilgrimages on (low grade acid trips).
Plus, I get a buzz off a fart now.
I do miss the artistry, history and lore of wine, beer and spirits.  I would brew beer just for the task and mastery of it.  The drinking I'll leave to you sots.
Last edited by Henry

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