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Finding out recently that there never had been in history that UW went to the Rose Bowl the same season the Packers went to the Super Bowl got me to thinking....

I recall seeing big pictures of Bart Starr and Ron VanderKellen on the front page of the Milwaukee Journal's Sunday December 30th 1962 sports section. That was the first year that I saw/watched both UW and Packers after I had just turned 10.

My first game in person was either '77 or '78 at County Stadium with my now wife. Sitting in the lower left field bleachers was a bitch a both teams were on the near sidelilnes! We have been to a handful of Labor Day opening weekends when the LA Rams would be in GB as we got tickets thru the Rams' head trainer, Jim Anderson, who is a half brother in law of my wife's.

What is your first recollection and/or age at the time??
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As a rule, my dad NEVER swore in front of us when we were kids but I remember watching the Pack with him (on the old balck and white Zenith TV ) and he was cussing up a storm because Nitscke for whatever reason was out for a series and they didn't put him in. It got so bad my mom made me go outside and play.LOL My dad is a great guy and all but MAN did he get wound up watching the Pack back in the day. Guess the apple didn't fall too far from the tree as I have been known to act the same way (or so I have been told) on occasion! LOL
I started watching the Packers in 1960. However, the only game I remember from that season was the team's 17-13 loss to Philadelphia in the NFL Championship Game, Lombardi's only playoff loss.

My family and I watched the game on our black & white RCA console television, yelling ourselves hoarse. When it ended, everyone harrumped that the Pack had been gypped by the referees and how could this travesty be allowed.

I sometimes think back to day when I'm p/o'd at the refs while watching the Pack now, and consider that in some regards neither I or the NFL have changed that much over 50 years.
Last edited by Oldtimer
Watched the Ice Bowl with my Dad. I was six and I remember how thrilled he got when the Pack scored on the sneak.

I know it was slightly before this game, but the ice-bowl was the first memorable impression. I remember my mom was vacuuming and making lots of noise, and I missed Ray Scott's call

"Starr pause.......... Hornung pause.........Touchdown"

It was a black and white set similar to this - notice how to fine-tune the set

I started watching in 1961 oe 1962. I had a neighbor about my age who was trying to explain the game to me. By 1963 I knew what was going on.

My first Packer game was in Lombardi's last season when they played the Falcons at Milwaukee. Pack won 23-0. An uncle who knew I liked football got some tickets and wanted my dad & myself to join him. I have been to two other Packer games since, one in 2004, and one in 2009 - both at Lambeau.
I remember the 1978 season as the first season I watched the Pack.

I remember being out in the yard and listening to them talk about the opening day win vs. the Lions, but I don't recall if I actually saw the game. Remember the Pack getting destroyed by Dallas (I think it was '78 could have been '79), and I sort of remember the game against the Vikings that I think ended in a tie as the Packers ended up 8-7-1 that year.

I start remembering alot more Packer stuff after 1983. Before that time period it's a little hazy.

The first football game that I have genuine true memories of is Super Bowl XII, Dallas over Denver. I knew even then at age 8 that I wasn't supposed to like the Cowboys. Smiler
Originally posted by fightphoe93:

The first football game that I have genuine true memories of is Super Bowl XII, Dallas over Denver. I knew even then at age 8 that I wasn't supposed to like the Cowboys. Smiler

1978 was a big year for you and I! I remember watching that Super Bowl eating lasagna (my favorite at the time) at the card table in front of the TV. The first time I was ever able to eat in front of the TV! Now I can't remember the last time I DIDN'T eat in front of the TV!
My first definitive memory was my dad taking me to a Packers game for my 5th birthday. Apparently we didn't have tickets, my dad just drove us down to MCS and hoped he could pick some up. We got a couple $10 tickets from a guy for $10 total, and he bought me a Packers stocking cap with the pompom on the top as a present.

It was the season opener in '75, where we got trounced by the Lions, and things didn't get a whole lot better as a fan for another 20 years - particularly when we moved down to Illinois a couple years later. It's not awesome to be the only kid wearing a Packers hat all winter surrounded by Bears fans, but i always wore it. I guess these last 20 years have made up for the previous 20 years. Smiler
First time I remember is Ice Bowl on TV. Shed tears thinking we were going to lose; euphoria when we won! In person, not until three years ago when we went to see Carolina game at Lambeau. Heaven. Two years ago took my son to Lambeau for the first time. He'll never forget his first visit to Lambeau in the snow -- he still knows we lost to Carolina. This fall took him for the Colts preseason game. Next year hope to take my daughter.

Watching on Sunday my son reminded me several times, "It's only a game, Mama! It's only a game! You don't have to get mad about it!"

He'll soon get over that attitude and share in the life-or-death situation a Packers game really is! Big Grin
Probably around '65 when I was 8 years old. Mainly watching my myself because my dad wasn't a big pro football fan, more college. I grew up in central Ohio and still live here so I think probably because the Packers were good back then their games were shown on tv more maybe. I just remember watching them a lot in the mid-60's and becoming a fan for life.
My first recollection of watching my first Packer game on TV was a game in Minneapolis where the Packers had John Brockington and MacArthur Lane as running backs, and I remember MacArthur Lane running in for a touchdown and falling head over heals over the field tarp. I also remember the playoff game against the Redskins when Scott Hunter was the QB and they lost to the 'Skins at RFK stadium. I think that was back in '72.

My first game in person was in the early 90's at County Stadium. It was against the Vikings. Sat in the left field bleachers. Green Bay won that game, but man, County Stadium was the WORST place to watch a game. I have been to about 50 games since then.
First recollection 5 years old, 1975, beating the Bears. My dad was thrilled. Looked it up. Willard Harrell with a HB pass TD.

First in person game was 1979 Shriners pre season game in Milwaukee vs Atlanta. Packers won 45-35. The seminal moment was arriving late because of traffic, and literally sitting in our seats, and seeing a David Beverly punt of like -2 yards as he shanked it so bad it didn't even reach the line of scrimmage. Can't remember much else of the game, but that punt is the first Packers play I saw in person, and it's etched in my brain for eternity.
Last edited by Timpranillo
Not sure of the age but prob around 7~8 years old. A business contact of dads gave me a full sized 1/2 Packer helmet framed to hang on the wall and a Packer stocking hat with tassle. Still have both items 36 years later and the hat is sooooooo worn out that I had to replace in my mid-teens.

I grew up near Dubuque, IA and looked every week to see if the Packers were going to be on the black n white Zenith (hit or miss) unless they were playing the Bears. It was a BIG deal when they were on and when to the car to find the best staton possible to listen. I do have a early memory of being dragged to a boring estate auction and just sitting in the car listening to the game. (someone would probably call DCFS these days as being abandoned - LOL)

Wonder whatever happened to that guy dad knew and how he would feel knowing that thanks to him alone...I was, is, and forever will be a fan of the greatest and most storied sports team ever.

Originally posted by CAPackFan95:
The seminal moment was arriving late because of traffic, and literally sitting in our seats, and seeing a David Beverley punt of like -2 yards as he shanked it so bad it didn't even reach the line of scrimmage. Can't remember much else of the game, but that punt is the first Packers play I saw in person, and it's etched in my brain for eternity.

Hah. That's hilarious. I wasn't at that game, but for some reason I remember sitting at my uncle's cabin helping clean fish from the trip out on the water that day listening to the game on the radio. I was 7. I remember hearing Jim Irwin call the punt and Max say something like, "Are you kidding me with this?" My uncle and dad started laughing, and I remember that moment because until then I didn't realize it was possible to punt for negative yardage. I never forgot that stiff Beverly for that very reason.
Originally posted by chickenboy:
1978 was a big year for you and I! I remember watching that Super Bowl eating lasagna

I must say that even though that Denver/Dallas Super Bowl was a laugher, since it was the first Super Bowl I ever watched, I knew I was watching something bigger than life. That Super Bowl, no matter how non-competitive it was, hooked me in to Pro Football. Then when I started watching Packer games during that '78 season, I became a Packer fan for life.

Pro football and the Green Bay Packers are the greatest form of entertainment that human beings have ever invented in the history of the earth. Nothing approaches the entertainment value that they bring. Nothing.
I've been a Packer fan since I can remember. Dad is a big Packer fan and it was in the blood. Dad was in the Air Force and we were never near Wisconsin while I was growing up. GB sucked in the 70's and 80's so they were never on TV except for the very rare Monday night game.

I used to watch any NFL game that was on TV like a hawk just waiting for them to flash the score once or twice a game. Then on Monday Night Football, if I was lucky, I'd get to catch the halftime highlights of the Packer game. Whitehurst, Dickey, Ivory, Ellis, Coffman, Lofton, Jefferson.... Good times.
My first memories were seeing some scores against Carolina and Tampa Bay. Then my dad got Madden 2000 for his birthday, and I got my basic knowledge from that. (With that high leaping cheat, Dorsey Levens was completely unbeatable). First game I saw was GB @ Buffalo in 2000, then on tv was the game @ Minnesota that they won. Haven't stopped since.
Originally posted by ShebPackFan:
My first recollection of watching my first Packer game on TV was a game in Minneapolis where the Packers had John Brockington and MacArthur Lane as running backs, and I remember MacArthur Lane running in for a touchdown and falling head over heals over the field tarp. I also remember the playoff game against the Redskins when Scott Hunter was the QB and they lost to the 'Skins at RFK stadium. I think that was back in '72.

'72 at the old Met.

I saw us beat Dallas 16-13 @ County Stadium, and also lose to Atlanta 10-9 there the same year. All the concession stands ran out of coffee and hot chocolate in the first quarter.
Great thread and great memories all.....

First Packer memory?

67? November? I was 7. Standing in the family kitchen listening on the am radio to a blacked out Miwaukee game against Cleveland (I think). Cold gray rainy raw day.

The old man was a Milwaukee cop and in those days, cops could flash their badge--even off-duty---and get in free--he was at the game and I was jealous.

Not a Goddam memory of the Ice Bowl...sadly.
I can remember the Badgers losing in the Rose Bowl. For years I kept thinking it was the Packers who lost to a college team way then. Finally one day, I realized it was the Badgers.

I remember watching Gale Sayers and Jim Brown. After Brown it was LeRoy Kelley.
YA Tittle too.

Remember the Ice Bowl and jumping up and down when Starr snuck it into the EZ.
Originally posted by GBP1:
Does anyone remember when the college all-stars would play an NFL team? Is this right? Or am I dreaming that? If so, did the all-stars play the Packers and beat them?

Yep, here goes from SI: A group of College All-Stars played against the defending NFL champions or Super Bowl champions every year except 1935 (when the Bears represented the pros). The series was cancelled in 1977, with the NFL champs holding a commanding lead (31-9-2).

Also, some more info including the All Stars beat the Pack in '63 20-17
In 1976, the last time they played, game was cancelled in 3rd qtr due to a rainstorm flooding the field.
Do you remember when they held the Draft before the college all-star game? I remember specifically the Packers drafted Barty Smith, the big RB, ripped up his knee in that game. I think he had to sit out his first pro-season. He had some good moments for the Packers. But the injury scuttled his career.

I think I can remember when they had 4 timeouts instead of three. They got rid of the 4th and implemented the 2:00 minute warning.
Originally posted by Coach:
Originally posted by ShebPackFan:
My first recollection of watching my first Packer game on TV was a game in Minneapolis where the Packers had John Brockington and MacArthur Lane as running backs, and I remember MacArthur Lane running in for a touchdown and falling head over heals over the field tarp. I also remember the playoff game against the Redskins when Scott Hunter was the QB and they lost to the 'Skins at RFK stadium. I think that was back in '72.

'72 at the old Met.

I was there in the snow and cold. Snuck in. Ended up with good seats too.

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