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Originally posted by Herschel:
Originally posted by Fandame:
It'll never happen, but it would be nice if the same number of people would push for Rule 17...

People need to get over this. It was never going to happen. That's a can of worms the league will not open even under these circumstances.

While I agree that this won't happen, one very remote tin-foil hat scenario that someone mentioned to me yesterday is this: The Commish couldn't/wouldn't invoke Rule 17 because it would have admitted full failure with the replacements and given the regular refs complete power in the negotiations. But now that the lockout is over he could invoke Rule 17 and correct the wrong.

I don't believe that for a minute... the fact that 95% of those who saw it believe the call was wrong gave the regular refs all the power they needed, which is why we have a deal today.
Overwhelming impression on new NFL-Refs deal is that it could have been in place for months.

Yes, there was -- wait for it -- compromise from both sides, spurred by the mountain of evidence of replacement gaffes.
Originally posted by Hungry5:
From an NFLRA source: "They could have never taken scabs to Green Bay this weekend. Last night was THE deadline."

Someone must have sent them the Tom Monfils story
While the regular refs are going to blow calls, the major difference is in the flow of the game. The delays with the scabs, both in making calls or even as simple as marking the ball correctly, set back the flow of the game. This should benefit offenses like ours, which play best when we get in a rythmn or semi-hurry-up.
Anyone else get the feeling that the real refs are going to cause certain teams to pull back on their ultra aggressive play in the secondary? The 49ers and Seahawks really pushed the envelope on aggressive play in the secondary, manhandling our WR's on some plays (ie: the Browners cheap shot). Now that the real refs are back, i have to assume that they'll be correctly officiating in the secondary, opening up the Packers offense and limiting the effectiveness of physical secondaries. That, or maybe I'm just hoping this is what gets the Packers offense back on track.
While the regular refs are going to blow calls, the major difference is in the flow of the game.

That will be the most obvious improvement by far.

Yep. Expect a lot of DB penalties this weekend if the players don't readjust back to normal. The reg refs have been watching these last three weekends, taking notes and discussing.
Originally posted by Hungry5:
From an NFLRA source: "They could have never taken scabs to Green Bay this weekend. Last night was THE deadline."

This is a very interesting and important quote. Why is it they couldn't take scabs to Green Bay on Sunday? Could it be they were worried the crowd would intimidate the refs? Or were they concerned with ref safety?

In either case, if the NFL position is that they couldn't send scab refs to Green Bay on Sunday because a hostile crowd would impact either the performance or safety of the refs, then doesn't that essentially confirm our worst fears about Monday night? That's basically admitting that the final call and replay review on Monday night were influenced by a hostile crowd and ref can it be an issue for an upcoming game, but not an issue in the heat of the moment?

Does anyone know if they record the replay review conversations between the officials and the booth? I'd be surprised if those converations weren't recorded by the league. If they are recorded, it would be very interesting to hear what's on that tape from Monday night. If the discussion included references to the fans and/or powder keg environment, that's a smoking gun.
Originally posted by Herschel:
Originally posted by Fandame:
It'll never happen, but it would be nice if the same number of people would push for Rule 17...

People need to get over this.

People can do what they want. Personally, I don't believe backing down when you're right is a good stategy. At some point it will be pointless to keep trying, but I don't believe we've reached that point yet, and in the meantime, I'm not interested in pretending the Packers didn't get royally screwed. There's playoff implications here.

Just because it will never happen doesn't mean it shouldn't. Asking people to get over it is like telling the Goodell, "You can do whatever you want, always." Count me out of that.
Goodell about to speak to the media, Jeff Pash too

Goodell conceded Monday Night game may have pushed the parties toward the agreement

"Sorry we had to put our fans through that," Goodell says, but says was necessary for long term good of the game
Originally posted by Herschel:
Originally posted by Fandame:
It'll never happen, but it would be nice if the same number of people would push for Rule 17...

People need to get over this.

You can get over it. MM & the Packers are looking forward to the Saints. All that is fine.

I will never forget & I'm not "getting over it" anytime soon. It's too hard to win in this league to have it taken away on this kind of

"Always have costs for the short term, but sometimes you have to experience that to get to the right place for the long term," Goodell says

"Life isn't perfect and so unfortunately is officiating," Goodell says in response to AP ? about whether MNF officiating was acceptable

"I do not believe this put any greater risk to player health and safety, there is no data to back that up," Goodell says
Goodell says did not hear from sponsors or networks about replacement refs

"Folks on the field the past 3 weeks were under unprecedented scrutiny. and they kept the game going," Goodell says. Thanks them
Originally posted by Boris:
Originally posted by Herschel:
Originally posted by Fandame:
It'll never happen, but it would be nice if the same number of people would push for Rule 17...

People need to get over this.

You can get over it. MM & the Packers are looking forward to the Saints. All that is fine.

I will never forget & I'm not "getting over it" anytime soon. It's too hard to win in this league to have it taken away on this kind of

I'm not saying don't be mad, but expecting "Rule 17" to be invoked is a exercise in futility. There's no way they want to use the loophole and open than can of worms.
While that may be true, it doesn't take much to announce "This is an extreme situation in which we feel rule #17 would apply. Don't expect this rule to be invoked very often."

Pretty much handles all the can or worms opening.

Here's what I think....

If it comes down to it and this ONE "win" for Seattle changes playoff berths or seeding, we may see something down the road. MAYBE... but most likely doubtful.

I'm not expecting it to happen or waiting for it to happen.

See my location? I'm serious about it. The NFL can go **** themselves. I just may go to the draft next year to have some well placed signs & banners directed at Goodell.

I'm still pissed & it's Thursday. As a fan I have the luxury of holding that grudge while the players & coaches do not.

I like NFLFU. We're using that here at x4
Originally posted by Hungry5:
"Always have costs for the short term, but sometimes you have to experience that to get to the right place for the long term," Goodell says

"Life isn't perfect and so unfortunately is officiating," Goodell says in response to AP ? about whether MNF officiating was acceptable

"I do not believe this put any greater risk to player health and safety, there is no data to back that up," Goodell says

Could someone strap a helmet on this dumarse and do a frickin Terry Tate Office Linebacker hit on that #!!/#!...

If he is still quivering, We'll then check the data to see if he is concussed.

If he only concussed, we'll back the Terry Tate truck up and hit him again until the data comes up to OUR liking !!! mEffer.
Owner admits MNF debacle was catalyst


"That game reshaped everything," said the owner, who asked not to be identified. "I can't remember the last time our league was a laughingstock nationally. It shook me. I think it shook a lot of people."

"We were prepared to go longer," the owner said. "We couldn't after that."

The owner said one of the main concerns became the replacement officials inability to control the game. There were fears that there would be an all-out brawl between teams. The owner said the NFL didn't want a fight similar to what happened between the Pacers and Pistons in Michigan in 2004. That's the example the owner gave.

But Goodell says there was no data to support concerns for player safety?
Originally posted by cuqui:
From Goodell's presser (still ongoing):


Q. ... What do you say to Packers' fans?

A. ... That's {controversial calls} part of sports ...


That's part of the NBA and WWE .

Up until Monday, it was never part of the NFL.
IMO, having replacement refs in place which lead to what happened Monday night is another instance in a growing list where money took precedence over the game. Business decision over football decisions.

Goodell needs to go. He's not a football man. If he doesn't then what happened Monday night is going to happen again.

The NFL is a better place when the owners are at odds with the commissioner. The majority of them are too stupid to see an arrangement like this makes the game better and drives the league forward. They should realize a "yes" man ends up with replacement refs, talks of boycotts, fan revolt, watered down product on the field, labor unrest, the league viewed as a punchline, and the inability to get anything done with the NFLPA (though that's partially on DeMo as well).

Joe Gibbs, Tony Dungy, Mark Murphy, Steve Young, Steve Largent. Yeah, I'm reaching and throwing out names. But the NFL needs a football man that's got interests of the game along side business decisions and isn't afraid to back the owners down when it's needed for their own good.

Goodell clearly isn't that guy.
Originally posted by Boris:
While that may be true, it doesn't take much to announce "This is an extreme situation in which we feel rule #17 would apply. Don't expect this rule to be invoked very often."

Pretty much handles all the can or worms opening.

Here's what I think....

If it comes down to it and this ONE "win" for Seattle changes playoff berths or seeding, we may see something down the road. MAYBE... but most likely doubtful.

I'm not expecting it to happen or waiting for it to happen.

See my location? I'm serious about it. The NFL can go **** themselves. I just may go to the draft next year to have some well placed signs & banners directed at Goodell.

I'm still pissed & it's Thursday. As a fan I have the luxury of holding that grudge while the players & coaches do not.

I like NFLFU. We're using that here at x4

Boris, I understand your emotions but I think for so many reasons rule #17 never would be even seriously considered.

1) Gambling, how are bookies going to pay out both sides.

2) Arrogance, their statement that they thought the call was correct says it all.

3) I don't think there are many if any precedents in professional sports to reverse a final outcome. Rule #17 is there for the unforeseen, this was definitely foreseeable. The only examples of a final score being changed that I can think of are the 72 Olympic BB finals and the George Brett pine tar incidents and one was a totally corrupt and the other was unique to basball where you can actually reset a game and even then it was a pretty bad decision to change it.

Life sucks sometimes, time to go 13-0 to finish the season. I am stoked the defense seems to be back and have faith the offense will end up even better than last year since they actually ran the ball in the second half.
Uh huh....

That's it.

Good luck facing the Packers this year. Game on now! When MM & crew starts blowing teams out & people turn the channel to golf or baseball because the Packers have the game wrapped with a full quarter to play, then you'll see how pissed the Packers are.

The Packers will get their chance to have the final say in this.

I'll go out on a limb & say you just woke up the sleeping Giant
How much longer is Goodell's contract? Who votes him in as commissioner? I don't really follow that stuff, but I'm wondering how soon he can be "let go". I really think his job might be in jeopardy after this fiasco, but don't know how soon it can happen.
Originally posted by Boris:
Uh huh....

That's it.

Good luck facing the Packers this year. Game on now! When MM & crew starts blowing teams out & people turn the channel to golf or baseball because the Packers have the game wrapped with a full quarter to play, then you'll see how pissed the Packers are.

The Packers will get their chance to have the final say in this.

I'll go out on a limb & say you just woke up the sleeping Giant

I totally agree that this team is going to dominate. As mentioned before, this might push the team in desperation mode which they haven't been in since the 2010 season. We all know how that turned out. I think every play is going to mean something to them. Not that they didn't try hard, but I think this will make them try even harder on every play. This team will not take anything for granted. I look forward to it.
Roger just re-upped his deal recently, so he's not going anywhere

We the fans are the source of all income in the NFL and we have no say in anything whatsoever

Our country fought a revolution for freedom based on taxation without representation and this isn't a whole lot different.

A King sitting on his throne in England is a pretty good analogy to how Goodell and the NFL operates. Complete and total contempt for his subjects. So long as the money is rolling in, tough schit.

This is much bigger than the stupid Seattle game, its part and parcel of how our game was taken away from us and given to the networks and advertisers to do as they please. Unless and until the fans unite, this is just the next chapter in the ruination of the NFL.

NFLFU is the only way they'll ever listen and they are betting billions we won't do it

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