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Originally posted by Boris:
While that may be true, it doesn't take much to announce "This is an extreme situation in which we feel rule #17 would apply. Don't expect this rule to be invoked very often."

Pretty much handles all the can or worms opening.

Here's what I think....

If it comes down to it and this ONE "win" for Seattle changes playoff berths or seeding, we may see something down the road. MAYBE... but most likely doubtful.

I'm not expecting it to happen or waiting for it to happen.

See my location? I'm serious about it. The NFL can go **** themselves. I just may go to the draft next year to have some well placed signs & banners directed at Goodell.

I'm still pissed & it's Thursday. As a fan I have the luxury of holding that grudge while the players & coaches do not.

I like NFLFU. We're using that here at x4

He was constantly booed at this year's draft. I can only imagine what it will be like next April.
But Goodell says there was no data to support concerns for player safety?

He should talk to Schaub and a few other players about player safety not being compromised by the replacement refs incompetence and inconsistancy in calling or not calling penalties. They called roughing the passer on Walden when there was none. That call nullified an interception and a possible score for GB.

Mays was flagged, fined and suspended for his hit on Schaub. In Week 2, Mays was fined for a similar hit on Matt Ryan, but no penalty was called.

The replacement refs were in over their heads and the league knew it from day one. The above examples are the tip of the iceberg in what occured each week. Goodell knew he was blowing smoke when he said the officiating would get better. He didn't need data to support concerns for player safety. All he had to do was open his damn eyes each week and witness what he claimed passed for competent officiating. Goodell doesn't give a F@#$ about player safety. As long as fans are watching, going to games and the money is flowing in from multiple sources, player safety is not on his radar, and the players and fans can go to hell.
Goodell probably doesn't realize it. But Scott Green could have called him 2 minutes after the fail mary Monday night and said, "Rodger, take our last offer and double it" and hung up.

I'm happy this was resolved. But Rodger and 31 owners got off easier than they should have. They'll all sing the praises of the real refs returning tonight and hold hands while the great game of football moves onward!

Then hope like mad GB doesn't have a road wild card game becasue that's how the seedings shake out. Talk about taking one for the greater good.

EDIT. Just saw this from Peter KIng
Proof MNF debacle a big part of big NFL movement in ref talks--NFL had offered 2 extra pension yrs as of Mon. By Wed, it was 5. That's big.
You narcissistic prick, don't tell me how I should think/feel about this. Didn't work for croc-boy and won't for you.


"Well, anytime you have these controversies, they stay with us," Goodell said when asked what he would say to Packers fans. "The Tuck Rule. There are a lot of calls that are looked back on in history. That's part of sports. That's part of the NFL.

"You try to do everything you can to avoid those, but they are going to happen. They will happen in the future. And it's just something that I know that Packers fans, as frustrated as they are, as disappointed they are in the outcome, they also understand that's happened over decades. Unfortunately it will happen going into the future."

If you tweet... #NFLFU
Look at Rodger dust off the lore of Pro Football and talk about suspect calls adding to the mystique of the game then tell us we'll all understand this soon enough and move on.

"That's happened over decades"...

Decades ago cars were made with stainless steel dashboards and no seat belts until common sense stepped in.

If he truly feels this way then get rid of replay completely. There's nothing worse than giving a few sets of eyes 10 different angles of a play and then having the stones to say bad calls are always going to happen.
Originally posted by Hungry5:
You narcissistic prick, don't tell me how I should think/feel about this.

Goodell is not telling you how to think/feel about replacement refs or the screwjob the Packers received, he's influencing who you think/feel about:

Behind the Scenes of a Deal That Everyone Wanted Done

By JUDY BATTISTA Published: September 27, 2012

In the hours after the blown call, as the furor played out on morning news programs and even President Obama expressed disappointment, high-ranking league officials talked to owners. The owners told them to stay the course in negotiations, urging them not to overreact to one bad call and make a bad deal.

Still, while no owners wanted the negotiators to cave, there were differences among them.

A number of owners, including, according to people with knowledge of the negotiations, the Panthers’ Jerry Richardson and the Jets’ Woody Johnson, initially dug in on Tuesday, reluctant to make any deal under such public pressure. continue

Jerry Richardson and Woody Johnson (and you can bet Jerry Jones and Cincinnati Bengals owner Mike Brown) are part of the hardline faction of owners.

four owners who worked closely on the negotiations β€” Mara, Blank, the Texans’ Robert McNair and the Chiefs’ Clark Hunt β€”

John Mara is the head of the Management Council, a group of 10 owners, that is the main NFL labor committee and the NFL's most powerful committee. Mark Murphy is also on that committee.

Arthur Blank is the lead negotiator. McNair heads the finance committee along with Hunt. Those four together are the folks who represented the league's interests in this. Goodell's statement is just a diversion for the owners to shift blame for this whole mess.

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