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I have to be honest. If that was my GF there would come a day when I take off the watch and we'd move the cars out of the garage, close the door and break bread. It wouldn't take much to escalate things. Maybe she "leaves" an X-Men pay stub laying around. Thats an unanswered question along the lines of Riggs and Mr Joshua. And if things spilled onto the front lawn I hope a neighbor kept everyone back. 


She looks positively badass. Aaron isn't just passing time in the background. He's training. 

Rob made it personal, she did the exact same thing back to him.  


As the lady companion of a pro athlete, it is a fight she will lose, so she'd be better off not engaging, but I completely get the desire to fire back when a columnist states the MVP might be slipping because of his girlfriend.  


Not a bad TMZ article though

Last edited by El-Ka-Bong

Wow, it sure has gotten nasty in here.......picking on his girl friend??       I really thought we were and are Packer fans.         Hope the Packers win on Sunday, not sure who's going to be the scapegoat if they don't.  Mrs. MM, Mrs. Dom Capers, oh that's right it's to easy to bad mouth Olivia.  Very disappointed in some fans.  Ugh.......

When you have a franchise that has been stable and winning its amazing to me how the media and the fans react when they face some adversity.   Yes, the Packers have struggled and at times it's been painful to watch.  However, this ain't Detroit man.

Maybe it's just rope a dope and the Packers will come out Sunday and pound the crap out of the Queens.  These players still have a lot of pride and you know it's bugging the **** out of them how everyone is throwing dirt on them. 

Would not surprise me to see them come out and play their best game of the year. 

On the other hand, bet the ranch that the Loins get worked over in their next game.
It wasn't necessary for Rob to cite his personal life as one of the reasons Rodgers is struggling. It's like he came up with 4 legit reasons, but didn't think 4 sounded like enough. He cites "a long time NFL agent" who says when a player is struggling it there MIGHT be something going on in his personal life and finish the paragraph with "you never know what might be going in a players personal life." Is the article about what IS the cause of Rodgers struggles or what MIGHT be causing his struggles? Rob throws out 4 plausible causes and then 1 message board style cause that didn't belong in the article. Rob is usually pretty solid, but that wreaks of manufactured controversy. Munn has every right to call him out.
Originally Posted by michiganjoe:
He made a legitimate point as part of a piece on his struggles; she took a gratuitous and unnecessary shot. Perhaps her skin needs to toughen up a bit.

Bull****.  She did the exact same thing as him.  He wrote a gossip column speculating that Rodgers love life was the cause of his struggles, she speculated his ****ty writing must have the exact same cause.  


Things Rob potentially missed?  Rodgers goldfish died.  Ha Ha called him a fag in the lockerroom.  Piggly Wiggly stopped carrying his favorite pickle.  A favorite aunt has cancer.  His best friend is getting a divorce.  His best runningback ate all his french fries.


Rob wrote a gossip column going to the lowest common denominator to get clicks.  She should have not responded because "don't feed the trolls."  Instead, she gave a smart ass response back (seems to be her nature) and Rob's dumbass column will get a few more clicks.  

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