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so what?  I have a fine relationship with my brother and we probably get together and/or have a conversation all of 3 or 4 days out of any given year.  people grow up and do different things.   and this from a guy who's on the f***ing bachelorette cuz he's so desperate for attention...  whore.

Meanwhile, Aaron has another problem.  He "needs" more money. 


Keep piles those chips on ARs shoulder.  Disrespected by brother, someone makes more money, didn't play well last year, people saying he had his hay day, etc. 

Should be a great year!   

Off season for sports journalists, too.   They have to stir the pot.  You know, the ol' "Look at Me, Look at Me" for Florio, et al.   These "journalists" know they need a salary, too, and don't want football fans to forget that they are still alive in the off-season.  

Can't wait for the season to start!

I for one take it with a grain of salt what someone says on a show like the bachelorette.  I cant prove it of course but that stuff is so scripted and fake it is unreal.

All that being said I would let JoJo get lucky


I did as a matter of fact. Went and worked at a summer camp for kids with challenges and was mostly off the grid during that time. The Chiefs game was the first Packer action I'd seen since family night.

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