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Originally Posted by Iowacheese:

He cannot beat buckcherry in practice....powns $herrod though.


Woooooooooooo !

Keep milking it, my main man Vern !

You're going to need some new material by the start of the regular season, everybody has to step up their game.  And not that it matters in your world, but Thornton's job is learn how to beat centers & guards more than OTs


DL results in TC pass rush:


Khyri Thornton, 5-5-1, .500; Mike Daniels, 4-7-5, .406; Datone Jones, 6-11-2, .368;


OL results in pass rush:


Lang, 8-1, .889; Derek Sherrod, 13-2-2, .824; Bryan Bulaga, 11-2-1, .821; Corey Linsley, 7-0-4, .818; JC Tretter, 11-3-2, .750; Garth Gerhart, 9-0-4, .733; Jeremy Vujnovich, 7-3-1, .682; John Fullington, 7-2-6, .667; Lane Taylor, 9-5-2, .625; Andrew Tiller, 8-5-3, .594;

David Bakhtiari, 7-4-2, .594;


Last edited by Satori

Think it was the second KC drive just before the JayRown show started when Khyri found himself 3 yards deep in the backfield unblocked and looked like he just got tased. He froze up and made a half assed effort to grab the RB. 


That was his knock in the draft. He'd get in the backfield then look totally lost. 


Theres something there with him. Coaches need to see if he can fit the last piece of the 3 piece puzzle together. It's 50/50 right now. 

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