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I'm not ready to write off Tramon just yet. Let's see how he does the first half of this season. Maybe after seeing Hyde tackle every RB in sight this preseason he'll get back to a more physical style of play himself.

Micah Hyde Could Move to Safety

by Bob McGinn on 12-20-13

Count Joe Whitt among those who think cornerback Micah Hyde could make a successful transition to safety for the Green Bay Packers.


"He can play safety," Whitt, the team's cornerbacks coach, said Friday. "Because he can tackle. He's really smart. He has range."


"He doesn't play corner," said Whitt. "He plays nickel. What he does at nickel, there's no difference. He takes the same amount of hits (as a safety)."


If Hyde, 5 feet 11½ inches and 196 pounds, were to make the move, he'd be one of many NFL safeties that are former cornerbacks.


"Look at the weight of the safeties in this league," said Whitt. "You have a few (big) guys like Kam Chancellor but most of them are between 205 and 210 pounds. There's no more of those Steve Atwaters and Dennis Smiths, those big guys, because they can't cover." continue


Last edited by titmfatied
Is it as cut and dry that the GB coaching staff has already made the decision to move Hyde to safety? I know we still have the draft to help us determine this, but the more I think about it, the more I think this is what we'll see.....which would be fine with me.
Originally Posted by Tavis Smiley:
Is it as cut and dry that the GB coaching staff has already made the decision to move Hyde to safety?

I've been thinking that this has to be the case, but we all saw what Ted did with the Safety spot last year. 

They will go BPA at #21...don't assume safety will be the pick given the Packers have not gotten one yet via FA. I believe they would be OK rolling the dice with Hyde at S, and perhaps drafting a developmental S in round 3-7.

Not sure if Ted is going to love the safetys this year anyway. Neither Ha-ha or Pryor were very fast. Nick Collins ran a sub 4.5 but wasn't he a corner but moved to safety. Leroy was a corner that moved to safety.  OF course that was in the old days. Look for Hyde who looks to be as fast as Ha-ha or Pryor to be anointed safety next year with Ted drafting another CB in rounds 3-4.

Originally Posted by Floridarob:

........ Nick Collins ran a sub 4.5 but wasn't he a corner but moved to safety. .......

Collins was a safety only in the NFL.  Not sure about his BC career.  Hyde played some corner and safety in college.  So none of this will be a big deal for him. 

Originally Posted by Tavis Smiley:
The 49'ers beg to differ.

Haha. I'm not sure how much Hyde was to blame for the coverage breakdowns. I haven't watched that game since it was played, but I remember the safeties blowing assignments on big plays. 

Don't know if it's a sign or not but if you read "Ask Vic" lately, he has been hammering home the point that GB has another safety on the roster: Hyde. For example: "It’s a no-brainer. Hyde has ball skills that translate naturally to the safety position."




"Now that you know who’s available in free agency, are there any safeties that look like a good fit for the Packers and might not come at too high of a cost for your liking?

Yes, Micah Hyde."



As I said, don't know if Capers is listening or if Vic is hearing things, but I wonder if a move hasn't already been decided.

I would agree that Hyde seems like a more natural safety than cornerback.


But what bothers me is if he's the no-brainer improvement to the safety position, then why didn't he play there last year when the safeties were brutal? Isn't that on the coaches?


And that goes back to the larger point on the defensive failings of the past few years...Is it "Talent"? Is it "Coaching"? Or is it "Both"?...lots of debate on that among Packer fans.


But apparently, based on what we've seen so far the off-season, the Packers think "Neither" they seem content to bring back similar talent with a similar coaching staff.

Micah Hyde was like a magnet throughout OTAs and TC in making picks. Guy was always around the ball. I think he is going to have an incredible year. And, if he thinks of his lost friend, I'm sure those picks will come, maybe easier.

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