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Record 10-6

Most Improved - Arron Jones (will actually touch the ball this year) / M. Adams

Best  Surprise  -  Tony Brown / Robert Tonyan

Biggest Disappointment - Graham / Gary

Crazy Prediction - Dan Vitale scores 8 TD’s.   


"The last time the Cubs won the World Series was 1908. The last time they were in one was 1945.  Hey, any team can have a bad century."- Tom Trebelhorn

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Can see the team going anywhere from 11-5 to 7-9. Most probable: 9-7

Disappointing player: Kevin King with his continued inability to stay healthy.

Surprise/Most Improved: Raven Greene and Tonyan

Think we'll finally see an actual commitment to the running game.


6-10, sorry.  I don't think this team is as good as we want them to be.  watching pre-season, other teams are clicking as the fist week approaches, we have crickets, from what I saw of the starting defense, sure, we can bring pressure, but teams will run on us all day, esp with no ilb.

New coach, lots o' new players.  You bet they are going to look shitty in preseason.  It's my hopes that Mayo LaFrog isn't tipping his hand because one advantage we have seen from time to time is a young coach coming out with a completely unknown playset and style and running roughshod.  Add Rodgers to that surprise box and a respectable defense that's getting to the ball and not expecting DBs to cover for ever helps to flip issues of depth and King being in the morgue. 

On the other hand, Mayo's surprise party could suck if everyone is trying to get on the same page for the first half of the season.  I agree with MJ, 10-6 is very realistic but so is shitting the bed with a 7-9 record.

Way too many unknowns.

Last edited by Henry

Only because Aaron Rodgers is QB has me thinking this team could get to 9-7/10-6, and alot would have to right to get to either of those records.  If he was out for the year, it's probably a 3-5 win team.

Reading the comments on here I have the old Hee Haw song Gloom Dispair and Agony on me in my head.  

As for the season I am going with  will go with 10-6 and I think they will lose a couple of close games and could easily be 12-4.  I think they will be way better than many fans seem to think and are reading too much in to preseason.

Why will they stake a step?

The angry bald man actually has some talent to work with and if they stay healthy this defense is going to make a big jump.  So my biggest surprise is how much the defense will improve.

The other big improvement is going to be the running game.  MLF is one to actually run the ball and won't be trying to be cute like MM used to be and abandon the run.

Biggest disappointment?  to me the biggest disappointment will be if this team is ravaged by injuries again.

The Heckler posted:

Reading the comments on here I have the old Hee Haw song Gloom Dispair and Agony on me in my head.  

As for the season I am going with  will go with 10-6 and I think they will lose a couple of close games and could easily be 12-4.  I think they will be way better than many fans seem to think and are reading too much in to preseason.

Why will they stake a step?

The angry bald man actually has some talent to work with and if they stay healthy this defense is going to make a big jump.  So my biggest surprise is how much the defense will improve.

The other big improvement is going to be the running game.  MLF is one to actually run the ball and won't be trying to be cute like MM used to be and abandon the run.

Biggest disappointment?  to me the biggest disappointment will be if this team is ravaged by injuries again.

You mean this? :-)

Slow(ish) start with a starters preseason happening for the first 4 games. Offense really starts clicking in October and the team finishes strong. 

11-5 with a loss in Nawlins in the playoffs. 

I agree with those who predict a slowish start. Too bad that it includes two division games. The offense doesn’t look NFL ready and have some key injuries. Right now it looks like 9-7 with a possible wild card start.

ya, I watched the saints, patriots, chiefs all 3 teams and their games to date, they are ramping up for a quick out of the gate start, you can see they are ready to play week 1-  we, I believe are not.  there will be a lot of 'figuring out' and that kind of nonsense...not a hater, just being real.

We won't really know much about this Packer team until about 3-4 games into the season and we see how Rodgers functions in this offense against a first-team defense in real games and other defensive coordinators have a chance to game plan against what the regular season Packers' schemes will be.  The exhibition games would have helped a little bit, but it's not like a real game against the other team's best schemes. 

We (including me) will all over-react to the first 2-3 games. 


PackerPatrick posted:

I agree with those who predict a slowish start. Too bad that it includes two division games. The offense doesn’t look NFL ready and have some key injuries. Right now it looks like 9-7 with a possible wild card start.

You haven't seen the offense.. none of us have.  No Arod, no Aaron Jones, very little of Graham, starting OL, Adams, etc.  

I'm not usually overly optimistic, but I think that while this  team may struggle in the early going, they will be a force by the end of the season.  Wouldn't surprise me to see them go 10-6.  I've seen the turnaround Sean McVay managed in one year with a young, maligned QB, and last year we saw Matt Nagy turn the Bears into winners with Trubisky at QB.  Granted, GB does not have a game changer on defense like Khalil Mack, but we do have a QB who is light years ahead of Trubisky, a defense that I believe will be much improved, and a more innovative offense that divisional opponents won't know like the back of their hands. 

BrainDed posted:

I can extrapolate that Gary isn't going to be a difference maker.   Playing against backup tackles he hasn't even caught a whiff of a QB yet. 

Disagree.  I think he will develop into a big time player.  

Pakrz posted:
BrainDed posted:

I can extrapolate that Gary isn't going to be a difference maker.   Playing against backup tackles he hasn't even caught a whiff of a QB yet. 

Disagree.  I think he will develop into a big time player.  

Keyword being develop.   He may develop, but as of right now he isn't going to provide much.   That's disappointing from the #12 overall pick. 

how can Graham be any bigger of a  disappointment at this point? 

hed have to improve slightly to be in the disappointment category


9-7 seems like the safe bet


pulling off a victory somehow in the opener would be huge coming out of the gate on the road and could really open things up for a special year

BrainDed posted:

Keyword being develop.   He may develop, but as of right now he isn't going to provide much.   That's disappointing from the #12 overall pick. 

 All indications are the Packers view him as a developmental project and aren't really expecting that much initially from him. Perhaps your expectations are too high.

RochNyFan posted:

 and a more innovative offense that divisional opponents won't know like the back of their hands. 

Good point on the offensive scheme. Division opponents had so many live game reps (and probably thousands of plays on film) against it that they didn't have to spend much time in practice preparing for it. That gave them the added advantage of being able to spend time to incorporate new wrinkles on defense. 

PackerHawk posted:

Slow(ish) start with a starters preseason happening for the first 4 games. Offense really starts clicking in October and the team finishes strong. 

11-5 with a loss in Nawlins in the playoffs. 

This one if they stay healthy.  A damn big if.  All about injuries as always. It's about withstanding them or not (depth).

Position wise, because of the depth, I predict we will be fine at WR, TE, OL and Safety.

We are already at a critical point at ILB thanks to the ever-wonderful pre-season. Next to that group, my biggest worry is RB, followed by CB.  QB goes without saying.

11-5 with fingers crossed. 


Looking into my crystal ball, I see 9-7. Our D is improved, but until we see our O in real action it's a conservative guess. I want to see if MLF follows through on running the ball, how often Rodgers audibles out of a playcall and how MLF reacts, who actually will start at WR beyond Adams and TE, and if the line can keep Rodgers upright. On D, tackle, tackle, tackle. If the D cannot do that, I see 7-9...

I think most of all, I want to see what MLF does wearing the HC headset...

Obviously, this whole thing tilts on health.  

However, there are some areas that have me optimistic:

- I think Rodgers feels he's been slighted.  All the talk is Brady, Mahomes, Brees, Jackson, etc.  Rodgers should have the proverbial chip on his shoulder and we all know what that can mean.

- Pettine's defense is in the 2nd year where guys should start taking that jump. The additions of the Smiths, Amos and some young draft picks will only help.  I think Z Smith is going to be a beast.  If Gary can get it together, that's a huge bonus.

- I don't know what the offense will look like, but I can assure you it won't be the same stale, predictable BS that we've seen for the past several years.  I think the days of "We have Rodgers and you don't" are behind us.  


If Rodgers plays more than 12 games, I'll say around 9 or 10 wins and in competition for a playoff spot until the final week of the season. On paper, they'll play at least 3 games against teams that are likely to be terrible (Giants, Redskins, and Raiders) and only 1 game against a team that they shouldn't ever beat (Chiefs on the road). If they go 3-1 in those games, you would think a 7-5 record in the other games is in play. 

If Rodgers isn't healthy, this is a 5-6 win team if Kizer is the backup, but that's true for most teams if they lose a 30 million dollar QB. 


Last edited by MichiganPacker2

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