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Originally posted by Boris:
Since that Tampa game, in the regular season, we are 15-5.

One of the greatest "turn arounds" I have ever witnessed. That Tampa loss had a LOT of people scratching their heads and wondering. While the 2nd half of last season was impressive, this year is every bit, if not more. For both of them. The playoffs may not be in the cards this season, and while preseason expectations were much higher than playoffs, anything short of a complete implosion, both deserve another couple of seasons.
TT and MM both got 5-year contract extensions in early 2008 after Green Bay came within one dumb pass of a trip to the Super Bowl.

No matter how the Packers finish this season, we need look no further than their mash unit (otherwise known as the IR list) for a rationale as to why they fell short of Super Bowl glory this season. And there appears to be a good chance that next season will either be abbreviated, or non-existent, thanks to the CBA squabbles. I expect TT and MM to be with the team at least through 2012.
with all the injuries the team has suffered, I figured it was just a matter of time before the team started sputtering down the toilet. As it is, they are oen of the top teams in the league. The next four weeks will tell just how much those injuries affected them. If they win four of five, I think the GM and coach need another five year contract extension. As well as the team has played, I am already looking forward to next year when getting another draft class and all the injured back will make the depth on this team just ridiculously good. Hopefully there is a season....
Originally posted by Boris:
We need to bump this thread too. What a difference a year makes but we're not done yet. We're "only" 8-4 right now
Certainly nobody would have given the team a chance of being 8-4 at this point with the personnel that are on the roster, but don't forget that the PAck's 8-4, at this point, wouldn't even get them into the playoffs, much less the SB. Enjoy the ride, but there's work still to be done. Despite being in the think of it this year, though, I can't help peeking ahead to 2011 and what the team will look like with what it's got now, plus a draft class, plus the IR returnees.
* With a win Sunday at Detroit, the Packers would become the first team in the NFL to register at least four wins in their division each of the past five seasons. New England (3-1 in 2010) is the only other team in the league to post four-plus wins in its division each year from 2006-09 and still has an opportunity to do so this season.

* The Packers have won five of their last six NFC North games and will be looking to finish with a 2-1 road record in the division for the second consecutive season.
One of only two coaches, along with New Orleans’ Sean Payton, to have his offense ranked in the top 10 in total yardage each of the last four years.

Honored as the 2007 Motorola NFL Coach of the Year and NFL Alumni Coach of the Year.

Became the first Packers coach since Vince Lombardi to lead the team to a championship game in his second season.
I think that GB can definetly go 3-1 for the remaining of this season and make the playoffs. I dont know how deep into the playoffs they can go but...
Looking at the players coming from the IR you cant be but really optimistic about the 2011 team.
Guys have really stepped up after all the injuries, Bishop, Quarless, Shields, Zombo, etc, imagine when the Finleys, tha Chillars, Jolly, Neal and all those guys show up.
TT will have picks to adress the RB and return specialist positions and then we definetly have a SB contender.
Originally posted by Half Empty:
Almost to the end now and, you're right, this game brings me no joy. Hopefully, they'll do something with the last 5 minutes and you can rub my nose in it, but...

Originally posted by Half Empty:

OK, done with posting or reading for the day. You guys and the rest of the posse enjoy yourselves, and again, remember the 'ignore' button for later

Jesus, now you're crying over here. Seriously, put a dress on, and shut....the.....****....up.
Originally posted by FreeSafety:
Funny this thread was bumped up because today was a perfect example of MM doing squat with a great deal of talent, even after all the injuries.

Yeah the injury excuse holds no water. The Lions, while improved over 0-16, are still pretty terrible. Even with Rodgers in there they were making no adjustments to their defensive plan.
Sure, but there was also a lot of stupidity and 'gripes' that were anything but legitimate.


MM can't leave soon enough for my liking. Time for TT to get the head coaching position "fixed."


If MM doesn't find a woman, are we still having this chat? It has gone downhill since he got married ... He's comfortable.

Dum, although the 1998 SF Giants would say otherwise.

I started getting that same thought last season. The guy was working day and night the first year he got the job and you know when he got married, had a kid, plus scored a lifetime contract that those days were over.

That's just from page one.
Originally posted by JJSD:
Sure, but there was also a lot of stupidity and 'gripes' that were anything but legitimate.


MM can't leave soon enough for my liking. Time for TT to get the head coaching position "fixed."


If MM doesn't find a woman, are we still having this chat? It has gone downhill since he got married ... He's comfortable.

Dum, although the 1998 SF Giants would say otherwise.

I started getting that same thought last season. The guy was working day and night the first year he got the job and you know when he got married, had a kid, plus scored a lifetime contract that those days were over.

That's just from page one.

I guess it was just magic, Just like the progression of Favre from that X-Mas Eve game vs. the Bears to his end. Smiler
Originally posted by trump:
Originally posted by JJSD:
Sure, but there was also a lot of stupidity and 'gripes' that were anything but legitimate.


MM can't leave soon enough for my liking. Time for TT to get the head coaching position "fixed."


If MM doesn't find a woman, are we still having this chat? It has gone downhill since he got married ... He's comfortable.

Dum, although the 1998 SF Giants would say otherwise.

I started getting that same thought last season. The guy was working day and night the first year he got the job and you know when he got married, had a kid, plus scored a lifetime contract that those days were over.

That's just from page one.

I guess it was just magic.

Or a coach who's really well grounded and understands what's important. “Sleep is for the weak, that used to be my motto,” McCarthy said. “What a (dummy) I was. I learned a lot of football, but that’s not the way to go in big-picture thinking.” McCarthy Sticks to Game Plan
Originally posted by trump:
I guess it was just magic, Just like the progression of Favre from that X-Mas Eve game vs. the Bears to his end. Smiler

The difference this time being that you don't seem to be completely hammered and you're not spamming every thread on the board with illegible nonsense. That really IS magic.

Family is important to him, #1.

I don't think it is a stretch to say dealing with his new personal life, his girl from the first marriage and the problems trying to get the Packers on track during that time period were no coincidence they happened at the same time.
The way I said it could of been better ... but hey, I was pissed that we were giving away games that looked very winnable.

JMO, thats All.

I'd like to say I'm passed that in my Packer fan career ... Smiler
The difference this time being that you don't seem to be completely hammered and you're not spamming every thread on the board with illegible nonsense. That really IS magic.

I'll tell you what ... you have Bear fans as relatives and try to sit there and take every shot in the book that X-Mas eve day (Not to mention the cash that left my pocket).

Since then, I've learned to deal with it a little better ... thru self-help, tapes, Bear shutdown games, Cutler bashings, SuperBowl win, Cash being putback in the pocket, etc.

I'm healed. Smiler
Originally posted by trump:
Dan Compers & Co has helped "mature" the team IMO.

Could you imagine if the Pack hadn't hired a high quality coach like Compers to replace Bob Sanders?

It is entirely possible that we'd be looking at McCarthy/Thompson completely differently than we do now if there was another crummy D-Coordinator at the helm of the D. I doubt the 2010 Pack even makes the playoffs if they had anything less than an exceptional D-Coordinator that could help the team overcome 15 guys on IR plus tons of other minor injuries causing games to be missed.
LOl, still the same number of losses today as it was a year ago when this thread was reviewed. That game really pissed some people off. Shows how much we knew then. TT and MM can get lifetime contracts as far as I am concerned. This team has dynasty written all over it and in a salary cap era that shows just how ridiculously awesome those two have been in putting this thing together.

If Favre is waiting for the managment to move on before he comes back to Green Bay then they may have to do his induction post-mortem.

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