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Originally posted by Music City:
I sure hope no one else was as stupid as I was last night trying to drive in that sh*t. I hope everyone is safe and doesn't try today with an additional 8-12 inches coming. Be SAFE!!!

No work today - work was closed. So I drove to the hospital this morning (appt., nothing wrong). It was obvious there were plenty of IDOTS out there last night. They ended up in the ditch...facing the wrong way. I'm glad we bought my brother-in-law's Explorer. Our town road hadn't been plowed out so I had to drive through a few drifts. Kinda fun...reminded me of my younger days driving in snow storms in my '66 Mustang convertible...except the results today were much more successful. Wink

A woman at the hospital said there was a bad accident on 33 (car went under a semi) and traffic was backed up. I used a county road and had only one spot where there was only one lane dug out through a 10+ foot high snow drift. Eeker

Iowacheese - your neighbor's tractor has the correct color. Wink

And to think, last Saturday I was dipping my toes into the Atlantic while on a beach in Florida. Frowner
Originally posted by flippie:
Originally posted by catts:
It is not even close to being that bad here but it is bad enough that it could affect, as to whether or not we will host another SB here.

Atlanta had snow durning a SB and it's not been held there since. Frowner

just wait until NY gets their SB. Arizona and Florida will be on a 2 year rotation after that.

Goodell will use this as a reason to expand to 18 games. Pushes the Super Bowl back 2 weeks or so and gets it closer to Spring.
Too bad we had ice here instead of snow.

Last winter we had 1 large snow event. 7" at my house. More or less snow around the area.

It was a wet heavy snow and for those of us who have/had live oak trees and other evergreens it was just awful. limbs all over the streets. wood fences destroyed by falling limbs.

I had giant limbs/branches all over my house and yard....but the streets were drivable because it was only snow.
I remember a few storms with similar accumulations as a kid in Green Bay. But never this dry, packed powder. There are some very strange snow dune formations around my neighborhood (O'Hare officially lists an 18" total)

A couple of homeowners in my ex's sub-division cleared the walks by tunneling through the piles pushed up by the plow. I bet I shoveled 3 tons today.

PS I love my Jeep.
Pretty amazing picture of Lakeshore Drive.

Didn't get hammered with the snow like some but we did get the wind. Had a work function in the Stevens Point area and had to drive back late Tuesday evening on Hwy 10- that was a treat. 40-50MPH winds and greasy roads aren't much fun. Don't know how truck drivers do it.

Stay safe everyone make sure you have supplies in your vehicle in the case of a breakdown!
The official total for Madison from Mon. thru Wed. morning was 18.7" I believe.

On Tuesday about 5:00 p.m. my 13 yr. old son and I geared up and struck out on foot for the Kohl Center for the men's basketball game (about 20 blocks from my house). My wife wasn't home from work yet with the car and I really didn't want to take the car. Rightly so as it turned out.

The walk there wasn't too bad. We stopped at the square and took some pictures of the Green and Gold Capitol Dome.

Saw a great game. A little under 10,000 showed up for the game. lots of empty seats. The student section was full, though, and the kids were jazzed because of the weather. Halfway through the 2nd half it was announced that UW had cancelled all classes for Wed. Roars from the students. They never quieted down the rest of the game.

The walk back was slower going. Sidewalks with 6+" of snow the entire way. Wind like crazy. Sideways snow. We called home as we were leaving the Kohl Center to say we'd be there in 30 minutes or so. By the time we got to the Square there was my wife waiting for us in the car. I reprimanded her for taking the car out. I felt safer walking than in the car. Near total white out in the car in downtown Madison at that time. I think she got a little wrapped up in the pre-storm hype and figured she had to come and rescue us. The main reason we were glad to see her is we were getting tired from slogging through the snow.

Anyway we survived our adventure and now have a good story. "Remember when we walked to the Badger game in the Blizzard of "11?"
Originally posted by grignon:
I remember a few storms with similar accumulations as a kid in Green Bay. But never this dry, packed powder. There are some very strange snow dune formations around my neighborhood (O'Hare officially lists an 18" total),0,4717683.story

The snowstorm that battered the area looks to be the 3rd biggest on record in Chicago.

As of noon 20.2 inches of snow was recorded at O'Hare International Airport,

Following are the five top winter storms to hit Chicago:

1. 23.0 inches on Jan. 26-27, 1967

2. 21.6 inches on Jan .1-3, 1999

3. 20.2 inches on Feb. 1-2, 2011

4. 19.2 inches on March 25-26, 1930

5. 18.8 inches on Jan. 13-14, 1979
-2 degrees currently in ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO!!! Similar temperatures Tuesday night and Wednesday morning with 30-40 mph winds to boot. Yeah, this is the high desert, but this is nearly unprecedented. New Mexico hasn't had these kinds of temps in nearly 50+ years.

Some locales in northern New Mexico and Colorado had temps of -30 degrees overnight. Factor in that it is usually 20-30 degrees colder in the high mountains, too. These are not wind chill factors, but actual temps.

Schools have been cancelled for three days straight. First, because of blizzard conditions, then because of "extreme cold," and now because we are experiencing rolling blackouts, and bus fleets that "won't start" because of drained batteries and the like.

People don't know how to deal with this kind of stuff here. Sometimes it's pretty ridiculous, but this system has really thrown everyone for a loop.

I grew up in Tomah, Wisconsin and remember walking to school in sub-zero temperatures with snow on the ground measured in feet. Here in Albuquerque, they cancel school when an inch accumulates!

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