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Just a quick spin around the league from the last week...

While it's true that more teams are seeing more injuries late in the season (no suprise), I will bet you anything that those teams on your list don't show a significant injury as many weeks as the Packers have this year.

I don't see the strength and conditioning having anything to do with it either but wow would it be great to figure out how to avoid this from happening 2 out of 3 years.
Originally posted by DH13:
I don't see the strength and conditioning having anything to do with it either but wow would it be great to figure out how to avoid this from happening 2 out of 3 years.

Agree completely. We always want a specific person/thing to blame when things go wrong, but dislocating a hip (Bulaga), breaking your leg (Sherrod), breaking your collar bone (Woodson), tearing ligaments in your knee (Starks and Smith) and foot injury (Benson) are all contact injuries. I don't see how strength ad conditioning prevent these.

You may be able to blame hamstring injuries on strength and conditioning, but CMIII has always had this issue (from day 1 of training camp his rookie year) and Bishop's hamstring injury was so significant that its almost impossible to believe it was about strength and conditioning.

Really that leaves Jennings' and Nelson's injuries as possible strength and conditioning issues. But that would be nearly impossible to prove.
When guys in heaps go down with sprains and strains, MM has even said that is a red flag to whether or not guys are practicing right, working out too much, pracitices are going too long, etc.

For the vast majority of what's happened in GB, that's just not the case.

It's been sh** luck and injuries that are not related to the Packers conditioning.

One day in the future someone is going to get awfully rich if they can ever design a uniform that would greatly reduce something like blown acl's, high ankle sprains, and various other injuries. Almost like a super suit out of a comic book.

If you look at Charles Woodson for example, he was playing with such small shoulder pads one of the guys calling the game actually questioned whether Woodson even had pads on. A ton of players are playing with either no thigh pads or ones so small they barely cover the thigh area. Nothing covers the knee or lower legs.

Why? It all comes down to speed. The more crap you have on, the more it weighs, the more it slows you down.

If the NFL can ever design something that greatly reduces contact injuries and maintains player will change the game forever.

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