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michiganjoe posted:

Mahomes acquitted himself well after the poor start. Really glad for Andy Reid.

He sure did. The deep ball gave him a clean slate and they went and got it done. Still very surprising that SF unraveled the way they did. They finished both GB routs strong. They were 7 minutes away and couldn't close this one. Couldn't happen to a bigger weasel than Shanahan and bunch of whiny bandwagon fans. In the end, KC did what GB couldn't do- stay within striking distance and give yourself a shot.  Happy for Andy, happy for Mahomie and his other 52 guys. They earned it.

Fun game to watch.  The biggest surprise for me was how well the Chiefs defense and special teams played.  I knew their offense was going to do well because well.... they are just so loaded and talented.  That said, I expected the 49ers to overwhelm them with their run game, special teams, etc. and none of that happened.  The Chiefs are a great team and frankly, I underestimated them.  

Mahomes is like Aaron Rodgers of 8 or 9 years ago only he's even stronger, quicker, and faster than that version of Rodgers.  He's got a fantastic career in front of him if he stays healthy.  

Congrats to Andy Reid, congrats to Chiefs fans if there's any that read this board.

ammo posted:

So you just overlook the 20 years of failure Reid had prior to tonight?     Jesus fuk.q

Failure is all in the eye of the beholder.  Bill Belichick began his career as a "failure" in Cleveland.  Vince Lombardi made Tom Landry look like a "failure" in his first 10 years of coaching.  I never thought Reid was a failure despite what talking heads might say, he and his team proved today that he is a very good coach and frankly, he always was.

Blair Kiel posted:

Am I a bad person or are the ads these days just bad?

I counted two commercials that may have been entertaining.  The golden retriever commercial and the Doritos ad with Sam Elliot.  Otherwise, all the rest were a huge disappointment and massive waste of money IMO.

They cannot make funny commercials anymore because PC mania is an epidemic.

Last edited by GBP1
Packdog posted:

KC’s defense was a surprise. 

Nice to see Garapollo prove he’s not a top QB. 

Tyreek Hill changed the game for the 49er secondary. 

I also was very surprised by the KC defense I thought going in they could be the weak spot and might get pushed around.  One thing I did think was that the key to beating SF is to make Garapollo have to throw the ball to win.  One thing I think about SF is that they are really good at playing keep away when they get out front on another team.  

I truly was great to see Reid get his ring!

fightphoe93 posted:
ammo posted:

So you just overlook the 20 years of failure Reid had prior to tonight?     Jesus fuk.q

Failure is all in the eye of the beholder.  Bill Belichick began his career as a "failure" in Cleveland.  Vince Lombardi made Tom Landry look like a "failure" in his first 10 years of coaching.  I never thought Reid was a failure despite what talking heads might say, he and his team proved today that he is a very good coach and frankly, he always was.

Failure may have been a bit strong. But to imply the Packers would have won more Super Bowls with Andy Reid as coach, based on one game yesterday was ludicrous. 

I am not saying the Packers would have won more super bowls but I am saying the coaching would have been significantly better than with Ray Rhodes and Mike Sherman. No doubt Favre would have played better under Reid than the other two. Reid went to teh Super Bowl with Donavan Mcnabb. I have all the confidence he would have done at least that with Favre. Do I know that for certain? No! But I do know Wolf still screwd up by not given him the job. And taht was the point. Jesus F. Q to you too 

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