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Packdog posted:
Chongo posted:


Can’t wait to run into all the Whiner fans who gave me shit twice this season.

Not only that but the 49er players were doing an awful lot of chirping when they were up 20-10. F them.

this.  i was real happy for 25 moping on the sidelines, he was a real big mouth this playoff season, felt pretty happy about that.  also thought the coach was being a dick for blaming the ref's - it was OPI, get over it, you screwed up, didn't rtfb at the end, too bad, better team won.

Floridarob posted:

I am not saying the Packers would have won more super bowls but I am saying the coaching would have been significantly better than with Ray Rhodes and Mike Sherman. No doubt Favre would have played better under Reid than the other two. Reid went to teh Super Bowl with Donavan Mcnabb. I have all the confidence he would have done at least that with Favre. Do I know that for certain? No! But I do know Wolf still screwd up by not given him the job. And taht was the point. Jesus F. Q to you too 

You dismiss the fact that the NFL was really pushing teams to hire minority coaches at this point in time. Wolf would have been chastised by the league if he had hired a white coach. I think a team should be able to hire who they want but not giving minority coaches a chance is the perception now as it was then.  Andy Reid's 1st year in Philly was worse, 5-11 than Ray Rhodes was is Green Bay, 8-8. 

ammo posted:
Floridarob posted:

I am not saying the Packers would have won more super bowls but I am saying the coaching would have been significantly better than with Ray Rhodes and Mike Sherman. No doubt Favre would have played better under Reid than the other two. Reid went to teh Super Bowl with Donavan Mcnabb. I have all the confidence he would have done at least that with Favre. Do I know that for certain? No! But I do know Wolf still screwd up by not given him the job. And taht was the point. Jesus F. Q to you too 

You dismiss the fact that the NFL was really pushing teams to hire minority coaches at this point in time. Wolf would have been chastised by the league if he had hired a white coach. I think a team should be able to hire who they want but not giving minority coaches a chance is the perception now as it was then.  Andy Reid's 1st year in Philly was worse, 5-11 than Ray Rhodes was is Green Bay, 8-8. 

Wolf would have been excoriated had he passed over Sherm Lewis to hire Andy Reid since, on paper, Reid reported up through Lewis. Lewis had been the OC at Green Bay the entire time Holmgren was there and had been on Walsh's staff in SF from 1983-1991. That was 15 years coaching for teams that had won 4 Super Bowls. He was such an obvious guy to promote to head coach. It came out later that Lewis had other issues, but Wolf couldn't say that publicly. Ray Rhodes was probably the only guy he could hire over Sherm Lewis. 

I agree with the Reid/Favre pairing probably winning at least one more, if not multiple, Super Bowls. I've always thought that that was one of the key reasons Wolf quit. He didn't make the hire everyone knew he wanted to make because of political correctness. 

The problem now for the NFL is Jim Caldwell. Caldwell has a legitimate case. A guy who was fired from Detroit because 9 wins a year wasn't good enough (36-28 overall), while immediately after that they keep Matt Patricia for another year after he goes 9-22-1 over 2 years. The excuse is that Stafford got hurt. However, Patricia took Caldwell's 9-7 team to 6-10 the following year with Stafford healthy. The problem for the NFL is that Caldwell got fired after his Colts teamed tanked to get Andrew Luck the year Manning missed the entire season. 

Here's Caldwell's record as a head coach. 14-2, 10-6, 2-14, 11-5, 7-9, 9-7, 9-7. The 2-14 year he had Curtis Painter and Dan Orlovsky as his starting QBs. 

michiganjoe posted:


Against the Patriots, he got criticized because he kept passing when he was up big. Against the Chiefs, he got criticized because he kept passing when he was up by 10. The only team he seemed to keep running over and over against was the Packers. 

GBP1 posted:
Blair Kiel posted:

Am I a bad person or are the ads these days just bad?

I counted two commercials that may have been entertaining.  The golden retriever commercial and the Doritos ad with Sam Elliot.  Otherwise, all the rest were a huge disappointment and massive waste of money IMO.

They cannot make funny commercials anymore because PC mania is an epidemic.

Loved Alexa ad and Groundhog Day

DH13 posted:

Just because Andy Reid looked like Holmgren didn't mean he was going to coach like him.

Unfair or not (and with 20/20 hindsight), the 1999-2005 Packers never reached their potential because Favre did not respect the coaching staff.  Reid was probably their best shot to keep Favre under control. Of course, they could have gone after a guy like Parcells (which they were rumored to have considered). Favre threw 137 interceptions in those 7 regular seasons and another 14 in 6 playoff games. 

Rhodes' year at the helm was described as one of the most disorganized ever and Favre was still good enough to get them to 9-7. Mike Sherman never stood a chance with Favre, but he still won a lot of games because he had a great OL, the best RB in Green Bay since Lombardi, and a superstar QB that could make enough positive plays to partially balance out the negative.

michiganjoe posted:

A lot of chatter about Shanahan's clock management at the end of the first half. Guy basically just gave up a possession in the biggest game of the year. 

I think he was concerned about going 3 and out and giving the ball back to KC with too much time left. In other words, he didn't trust Jimmy G. to make plays. 

Was glad to see Reid get over and finally win a title.  He’s been much maligned over his coaching career for not being able to win the big game in the playoffs so that was good. 

Last edited by Tschmack
MichiganPacker2 posted:
DH13 posted:

Just because Andy Reid looked like Holmgren didn't mean he was going to coach like him.

Unfair or not (and with 20/20 hindsight), the 1999-2005 Packers never reached their potential because Favre did not respect the coaching staff.  Reid was probably their best shot to keep Favre under control. Of course, they could have gone after a guy like Parcells (which they were rumored to have considered). Favre threw 137 interceptions in those 7 regular seasons and another 14 in 6 playoff games. 

Rhodes' year at the helm was described as one of the most disorganized ever and Favre was still good enough to get them to 9-7. Mike Sherman never stood a chance with Favre, but he still won a lot of games because he had a great OL, the best RB in Green Bay since Lombardi, and a superstar QB that could make enough positive plays to partially balance out the negative.

I agree with everything you said but just wanted to point out they were 8-8 under Rhodes.  8-8 and finished 5-7 as they started 3-1.  They looked awful during that 5-7 finish and that was what really doomed him.

Very good article about Reid.

"Reid may be an offensive genius, but, more than that, he is open-minded and malleable. That is harder to accomplish than it sounds considering how many coaches get fired every year by clinging too tightly to a dogma they don’t realize is a sinking ship until much too late. In a profession where even if a coach doesn’t screw up the Xs and Os, they tend to fall afoul of personality disputes with players and upper management, Reid has only ever had long tenures."

Reid has now also shaken the "Schottenheimer" label and will probably never be compared to him again.  Not that Schottenheimer wasn't a very successful coach but the "yeah, but he never..." is forever gone.

On the flippity flip, where would this all be without drafting Mahomes?

Last edited by DH13
MichiganPacker2 posted:
DH13 posted:

Just because Andy Reid looked like Holmgren didn't mean he was going to coach like him.

Unfair or not (and with 20/20 hindsight), the 1999-2005 Packers never reached their potential because Favre did not respect the coaching staff.  Reid was probably their best shot to keep Favre under control.

Take it for what it's worth, but I sat right behind the Packers bench in Holmgren's final game - the playoff loss in SF to the 49ers in the Rice fumble/T.O. dramatic catch game.

During the entire game, Favre never once communicated or even looked in Holmgren's direction. It was obvious Mike was mentally already in Seattle.

Instead, Favre huddled with, spoke to, etc. one guy throughout the game and that was Andy Reid.

Not saying Reid would have been the answer in GB after Holmgren, but there is no question in my mind that there was a strong bond/relationship between Favre and Reid when Andy left for Philly.

michiganjoe posted:


We'll see how this plays out in 2020, but the 49ers have the 2017 Falcons and the  2019 Rams written all over them next season.

Yes, I agree sometimes the "Super Bowl hangover" is something writers like to post to create clicks in newspapers, but this is the kind of loss for Shanahan and Co that can really be hard to get over and can definitely stagger into the upcoming season.

Not saying they will suck in 2020, but I could easily see the Seahags re-take that division and the Whiners are a one and done WC team.        

packerboi posted:
michiganjoe posted:


We'll see how this plays out in 2020, but the 49ers have the 2017 Falcons and the  2019 Rams written all over them next season.

Yes, I agree sometimes the "Super Bowl hangover" is something writers like to post to create clicks in newspapers, but this is the kind of loss for Shanahan and Co that can really be hard to get over and can definitely stagger into the upcoming season.

Not saying they will suck in 2020, but I could easily see the Seahags re-take that division and the Whiners are a one and done WC team.        

I could very easily see San Fran having the Super Bowl losers hangover and take a step back.  Couple of reasons for that and the first is their division is pretty tough and AZ is making strides so it could get even tougher. 

Second is that I still don't think they are an offensive juggernaut (unless they are playing GB) if you make them throw the ball they can be beaten. 

I have no idea how tough their schedule was in 2019 but this year their schedule next year could be really tough.  Philly, Buffalo, GB come to SF

And they go on the road to the Saints, Cowboys, and Patriots 

packerboi posted:
michiganjoe posted:


We'll see how this plays out in 2020, but the 49ers have the 2017 Falcons and the  2019 Rams written all over them next season.

Yes, I agree sometimes the "Super Bowl hangover" is something writers like to post to create clicks in newspapers, but this is the kind of loss for Shanahan and Co that can really be hard to get over and can definitely stagger into the upcoming season.

Not saying they will suck in 2020, but I could easily see the Seahags re-take that division and the Whiners are a one and done WC team.        

What will linger is questions about Shanahan's Big Game coaching decisions in the same way that they lingered about Reid's. There were many you could second guess, especially not trying to close the first half with a score and go for a two-fer with the kickoff in the second half. Not jamming the ball down the Chiefs throat the way he did to the Vikes and Packers when the game was on the line. Those lingering questions could affect his team seriously into 2020 season. 

Shanahan not sticking with the run was like Atlanta not sticking to the pass. Even if they go three-and-out, the clock keeps running. Putting the game in the hands of Jimmy G. to close was KC's opening.

And looking back, have you ever seen a team seemingly have a game easily in hand like SF did, and after what felt like one minute later, they are losing by 11? KC didn't use a quick-strike offense either. It was more like one team efficiently and completely imposing its will on the other and that's all there was to it. End of game. End of story.

Fandame posted:

 Putting the game in the hands of Jimmy G. to close was KC's opening.

That's exactly what I thought the Packers would do. Maybe they couldn't. 

Shannhan knew putting it in Jimmy Cousins hands was ultra dangerous. The results are right there from yesterday. 

It will eventually come out that the Packers DC's were given shares in a Pre IPO Startup of some tech bro that's also a 49ers fan, and that's why come playoff time we've seen Capers just completely ignoring to practice against the pistol or Pettine just keep bashing the round peg into the square hole by playing nickel and dime against a team running it at will. 

fightphoe93 posted:
MichiganPacker2 posted:
DH13 posted:

Just because Andy Reid looked like Holmgren didn't mean he was going to coach like him.

Unfair or not (and with 20/20 hindsight), the 1999-2005 Packers never reached their potential because Favre did not respect the coaching staff.  Reid was probably their best shot to keep Favre under control. Of course, they could have gone after a guy like Parcells (which they were rumored to have considered). Favre threw 137 interceptions in those 7 regular seasons and another 14 in 6 playoff games. 

Rhodes' year at the helm was described as one of the most disorganized ever and Favre was still good enough to get them to 9-7. Mike Sherman never stood a chance with Favre, but he still won a lot of games because he had a great OL, the best RB in Green Bay since Lombardi, and a superstar QB that could make enough positive plays to partially balance out the negative.

I agree with everything you said but just wanted to point out they were 8-8 under Rhodes.  8-8 and finished 5-7 as they started 3-1.  They looked awful during that 5-7 finish and that was what really doomed him.

Bert also injured his thumb that season and probably shouldn’t have been playing....but there was no way a first year head coach was going to sit Bert and break his consecutive games streak. 

That was a difficult spot for Rhodes to find himself in....still glad (and surprised) that Wolf cut the cord after one season though. 

Sammy Watkins credits Ankles Adams for burning Sherman.

“I just knew it was 1-on-1 from watching film. I just thank Davante Adams because I saw him kill (Sherman) on the inside release,’’ Watkins said in the story.

That. is. fucking. priceless.

My guess is KC was just as sick of the 9ers shit talking over the past couple of weeks and Watkins gave them a nice prod.  Fuck you Sherman.

Last edited by Henry
Henry posted:

Sammy Watkins credits Ankles Adams for burning Sherman.

“I just knew it was 1-on-1 from watching film. I just thank Davante Adams because I saw him kill (Sherman) on the inside release,’’ Watkins said in the story.

That. is. fucking. priceless.

My guess is KC was just as sick of the 9ers shit talking over the past couple of weeks and Watkins gave them a nice prod.  Fuck you Sherman.

I know I was pretty dam sick of it.  all this disrespecting us crap, nobody was...  but whatever, enjoy the offseason there 25.

Fandame posted:

Shanahan not sticking with the run was like Atlanta not sticking to the pass. Even if they go three-and-out, the clock keeps running. Putting the game in the hands of Jimmy G. to close was KC's opening.

And looking back, have you ever seen a team seemingly have a game easily in hand like SF did, and after what felt like one minute later, they are losing by 11? KC didn't use a quick-strike offense either. It was more like one team efficiently and completely imposing its will on the other and that's all there was to it. End of game. End of story.

#Chiefs safety Tyrann Mathieu on ESPN: “We were grateful they got out of the run and started to throw the ball.”

Henry posted:

This is probably the first time I was happy for a team other than the Packers to win the Super Bowl.  Great franchise, great fans, great owners. 

Supreme assholes are KC fans.  Check out a game at Arrowhead sometime.  Not one of those pricks offered me a beer.  

On the other hand, congratulations to the team I was sure would win.  The whole state should be holding their heads high today


Blair Kiel posted:
Blair Kiel posted:

KC could still win 30-20

I just broke my arm.

 what a call by the swami, BK.  during the game I laughed at that bold prediction,  as hot as you are right now maybe you should take a drive up to        Las Vegas, Kansas.  

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