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Any team can be beat some more easily than others.  Pack need to bring an A game tomorrow.


ON these kneel downs what the hell is taking he refs so long to blow whistle and why the hell get right back up Wilson?  I can see how it would confuse the D there as you're so dam small they would have a tough time seeing that you gave yourself up

Originally Posted by bubbleboy789:

the thing that pisses me off most is that Seattle thinks they're really good. 


They are really good.  One of the better teams in the NFC. And they'll get better once they get one or both of their starting WRs back.  But they're also beatable by any of the other top teams in the NFC like GB, SF and NO.

They are good but not head and shoulders above everybody else in the NFC.  And while confidence is a good thing to have, the 'hags borderline on a narccisistic arrogance that is found by many to be offensive.


Pack, 'hags, 9ners, cheifs, broncos, pats, saints are all about the same, there is no clear cut favorite.

Originally Posted by PackerBackerDPM:

They are good but not head and shoulders above everybody else in the NFC.  And while confidence is a good thing to have, the 'hags borderline on a narccisistic arrogance that is found by many to be offensive.


Pack, 'hags, 9ners, cheifs, broncos, pats, saints are all about the same, there is no clear cut favorite.

I agree with you to a point.  If you look at these guys, they are not as equal when they are on the road.  'hags, chiefs, and saints can be had on the road.

Originally Posted by PackLandVA:
Originally Posted by bubbleboy789:

the thing that pisses me off most is that Seattle thinks they're really good. 


They are really good.  One of the better teams in the NFC. And they'll get better once they get one or both of their starting WRs back.  But they're also beatable by any of the other top teams in the NFC like GB, SF and NO.

I don't think they're as good as you think they are. Offense is terrible. And getting Harvin back isn't going to help that pathetic run defense. 

I don't think we will know the effect of Harvin until we actually see him.  He had major surgery and I doubt he will be anywhere near 100%.  His game is not stride, it is cut and juke, so a hip injury is more serious for him. 

Last edited by titmfatied
Originally Posted by CAPackfan:

Seattle is good, just not these world beaters that the media is trying to pump them up as


nothing really separates the top 4 teams in the NFC IMO.


I'm getting real tired of hearing how Seattle hasn't lost at home since 2011 & Wilson is "undefeated" at home from the media. 


FYI, Seattle LOST the game vs. Green Bay last season. I don't give a **** if the league chooses to recognize it or not.

Originally Posted by Boris:

Pure speculation on my part but I was thinking Martin might be gay & Incognito was bullying him for his sexual orientation.


Boris, I was thinking the same thing. What else would a mature athlete be so sensitive about?


If true, and that's a big if, what does it say about gays being accepted in an NFL locker room?

Originally Posted by pduck:
Originally Posted by Boris:

Pure speculation on my part but I was thinking Martin might be gay & Incognito was bullying him for his sexual orientation.


Boris, I was thinking the same thing. What else would a mature athlete be so sensitive about?


If true, and that's a big if, what does it say about gays being accepted in an NFL locker room?


It says get the **** over it and grow the **** up.  Martin comes from Stanford and is a highly educated guy who has talked about going onto Harvard.  His parents are both lawyers as well.


Whatever could happen when some slackjawed ****nut runs up against someone that makes him feel like the knuckle dragging idiot that he is?  Microcosm of idiot teabaggers.


A POS like Richie deserves one thing.





Last edited by Henry

Beyond Martin, stories also coming out that a few of the veterans on the Phin's also harassed rookie players into paying for dinners out for the vets and their wives/gfs. Some dinner tabs went as far north as 30K. Keep in mind these rookies aren't making what many vets do.


Then Martin was also allegedly bullied into paying for a Vegas trip he never wanted to go on with the OL. Ponied up 15K for that but felt he had no choice for fear of retribution from Incognito if he didn't pay. Martin never went on the trip according to the report.

Last edited by packerboi

Just heard that Incognito is a free agent after the season.  His career may be over after this, even if he's coming off a pro bowl year in 2012.  This guy is a POS and the thought of a team bringing him in after this would be shocking.  


And yes, heard about the money thing.  It's one thing when you make the first round rookie that just cashed a seven figure signing bonus pay for a big dinner.  It's another when the veterans are treating the rookies like ATM's (which is what I heard is happening).  If you're not a first rounder, you're not making that much as a rookie.  Very embarrassing for the Dolphins franchise.  


It's one thing to make the rooks carry pads and pick up a check sometime. But this is so much farther over the line than JPP tossing Prince Amukamara in an ice tub and posting the video. At least Caughlin stepped in told everyone on the team crap like that ended right now.

Hope Incognitos days in the NFL are over. The league is better off without him.

Very embarassing for Philbin. If he didn't know about this stuff going on, what does that say about him running his team? If he knew about it, that's worse. Philbin's coaching career could be on the line...

Merriweathers hit yesterday was fine. It's still tackle football and he didn't target another helmet. He's a moron for making the statement he did. Having said that. He's clearly stupid enough to intentionally blow someone's ACL up to prove his point. I honestly see him taking a ferocious beating at some point in the future.

What I hated to see last night was the Texans' safety (Martin?) doing a Meriweather: launching himself at a receiver's head area with the crown of his helmet and not even bothering to raise his arms in any sort of tackle position. No flag. Those are the types of plays that should automatically get penalized.

Regarding Merriweather, I hate how players assume if you can't hit high (ie: neck and head), then you must go low (ie: knees and below).  Do players not realize that there is a huge areas between the knees and neck that you are allowed to hit that will not cause season ending injuries?  

Originally Posted by Shoeless Joe:


Oh wow! I grabbed a screen grab of that post & I'll post it here. Funny how stuff that gets posted to the net doesn't ever die


This post sounds like Henry.... LOL





Images (1)
  • IncognitoStuff
Last edited by Boris




Schefter must have loved tweeting these out since Incognito took to twitter a few days ago and was bashing Schefter for his reporting of this story.


Incongito is done. What NFL team will want this kind of guy in the locker room?

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