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I also was so sick and tired of Phil Simms slobbering all over how good Kaepernick is "top 5 QB blah blah" is he good sure he is but damn enough is enough.

That was just nauseating. Almost lost a good tv there. Flacco made just as many great throws, probably more, and all you heard out of Simms was CK ballwashing. And then, on the deep ball down the sideline to Davis, he could have mentioned that if he put a little more air under that ball he would have hit him in stride. Instead Simms says "beautiful throw".
Agreed, Hungry. My first thought was the ball was out of bounds. Uncatchable, unless Crabtree was going to run up an invisible ladder with his Fred Flinstone twinkle toes, catch the ball, and then get his feet down in bounds.

Both the receiver and the cornerback were pawing at each other, and Whiner fans have nothing to complain about. They had plenty of other opportunities to play better, and they sucked before the power went off. The Ravens won fair and square.

I didn't care who won it until the outage. It was clear the Ravens were in control, and as the delay got longer, I knew that the Niners would get their second wind.
“It is what it is, man,” Crabtree said, via “It was the last play, and I’m not going to blame the refs. It is what it is. It came down to the last play and it didn’t happen. (If) somebody grabs me, you always expect the call, but you can’t whine to the referee.”
...I'll leave that up to my coach, Captain Crybaby
Today I am a bigger fan of MM than even before yesterday's performance by Jim Har-har. His constant whining during the game, his complaining about the refs over and over again and how they lost the game for his team, yada, yada, yada. I'll take MM's reaction to poor refereeing any day. We get screwed out of a win and MM takes the high road then and today; Jim Har-har swims in the sewer.

I'd love to see the day the Whiners get blown out in a playoff game. If the power hadn't gone out yesterday to give them a breather and help settle down CK and the Whiners, the Ravens take that game over and win going away.
The Niners were getting their asses handed to them. And ya, Harbaugh was complaining about the refs in the post game presser.

How about you point that criticism at yourself, Jimbo? Your offense was inept, and Joe Flacco had all day to throw. Michael Oher kept his blind side in check the whole damned game. God, I could only imagine what Aaron Rodgers would do with that kind of time.
Totally agree on MM's integrity/character and Jim Harbaugh's lack thereof. Can you imagine if the Niners were screwed like the Packers were vs. Seattle. We may have witnessed the first on-field coaching death in the history of the NFL. Not sure if his heart or head would have exploded first.

It's strange. I really dislike the Ravens, especially Ray Lewis, but I found myself pulling for them so hard....or maybe is was just pulling against Jim Harbaugh so hard. His brother, though, is a class act.
I wonder why the type of hissy fits Jimbo throws aren't a 15-yard unsportsmanlike penalty. He's on the field farther than many of his players, he throws his headset, and mindlessly berates the refs. If a player pulled that, he'd be tossed from the game. Why should the coach be allowed to disrespectfully carry on like he does when a player would be tossed?
He's on the field farther than many of his players

Jimmy Harhar (I like that, stealing it) is under the delusion that he still could be playing. I agree with others - I was leaning Ravens before the game (less things to dislike) but by halftime I was fully on board. There's a reason 9ers rhymes with whiners. Suck it Harhar and Co.
I would like to join Harbaugh and say the officials were crap but I can't, every post season game I've seen this year this is the way the games were called. The calls were different then the regular season but for me closer to what I'm use to seeing in football, let them battle a little, I like it!!

Any truth to the rumor that Jim is still on the field pulling a Randle Duke?

F my brother

Get those Refs back in

we have first and ten at the one

Originally posted by ChilliJon:
Originally posted by titmfatied:

It's only a matter of time until someone photoshops in a middle finger.

This picture is spectacular.

This is classic. Hey Jim - how about those two turnovers, or maybe your team's 22% 3rd down efficiency, or your kickoff coverage's inability to get more than a hand on Jacoby Jones? Lots of ways the 49ers could've avoided being in that position late in the 4th quarter.
If GB got to the 5yd line with 1:20 remaining and failed 3 times running 3 bad plays AND burning a crippling TO instead of taking the 5 yard penalty.

Very good chance this site would implode.

Here's the question I struggled with last night after the game. If it had been GB, I had a tough time coming up with a play that I felt GB could run with a high degree of success other than a back shoulder to Jordy or Jennings. I had to go through a couple options before I got to Finley. That's a concern.

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